Weekend Fun Tip: Selena Forever/ Siempre Selena, Sancho’s Bar and Grill, Titans Tailgate Cook- Off, Culinaria Restaurant Week
It is the weekend before the Superbowl, so there are a lot of things for you and your family to do. The first is a new exhibit that opened last week at the McNay Museum for all the Selena fans. Selena Forever/Siempre Selena is a collection of photographs of the 90s icon, singer, designer and Texas legend. This exhibit is included with the museum entrance fee. More details can be found at https://www.mcnayart.org/exhibitions/upcoming/selena-forever-siempre-selena
For those of you who remember the historic concert the Beetles had in 1969 on the roof of the Apple Records building in London, it is being recreated here in San Antonio. Sancho’s Bar and Grill will be having a band play on the rooftop of the original set! They are having two sets tomorrow, first one starts at 12:00 P.M. Standing room is free, so you might want to get there early. For more details go to https://sanchosmx.com/sanchos-event/beatles-rooftop-concert-celebration-1-25-20
For the foodies, the annual Titans Tailgate Cook- Off will take place at the Sunken Gardens this Sunday from 1:00 – 4:00 P.M. Come out and watch lo-cal chefs compete in a grilling competition and you can also sample their com-peting dish. There will also be craft beer and wine offered in the price of ticket. General admission tickets start at $75, children are $50 and parking is free. For more information and to buy tickets go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ titans-of-tailgate-tickets-51716816390
Lastly, this Monday starts Culinaria Restaurant Week. You can take the family to a nice restaurant for an affordable price. Participating restaurants will have 3 course meals for lunch at $15 and 3 course meals for dinner at $35 per per-son. Information about this and participating restaurants can be found at https://culinariasa.org/restaurantweeksinfo
Have great weekend!