Weekend at Bernie's

Weekend at Bernie's

Senator Bernie Sanders (Ind.,Vermont) is running for President. He announced back in May and to be honest... I don’t remember that (To be even more honest, I don’t care. I did ski once in Stowe, but I digress.) He’s running as a Democrat because we all know an Independent will never win (I don’t know why, I just know). His campaign slogan is “Feel the Bern” and while I find this slightly amusing, it is his Workplace Democracy Act that is not so amusing.

BERNIE FOR PRES: The Workplace Democracy Act

Established card checkoff recognition.
Translation: Companies no longer have input. Get enough cards signed and you’re screwed.

Guarantees the right to first contract.
Translation: So much for the line “Sit down and bargain in good faith." Now you have 45 days and then on to binding arbitration.

Strengthens and expands the enforcement authority of the NLRB
Translation: Violations of labor law are violations of the law. In other words, give the NLRB injunctive power, make wronged employees whole (3x back pay), debarment from Federal Government contracts for willful ULPs and civil penalties of not less than $10,000 against employers for each willful violation of the Act.

Repeals the prohibitions against strikes, boycotts and hot cargo agreements.
Translation: monkey with provisions in Taft-Hartley that prohibit one group of workers from engaging in actions in concert with other groups. Prohibit “Hot Cargo” pants or agreements (when an employer and a union agree to refrain from handling any products of any other employer). And finally, restoring the right to “common situs picketing." (Wait, what? “Common situs picketing?” Trying to use big words on me, Bernie?)

Prohibits state preemption of federal labor laws.
Translation: get rid of Right to Work laws and States

Provides workers the right to act as guarantors of their financial future.
Translation: allow workers to serve as trustees on pension plans. I’m not sure the Unions even want this one…


“If an employee is engaged in a union organizing campaign, that employee has a one in five chance of getting fired.”

“Half of all employers threaten to close or relocate their business if workers elect to form a union.”

“When workers become interested in forming a union, they will almost always be forced to attend closed-door meeting to hear anti-union propaganda.”

“Supervisors will almost always be forced to attend training sessions.”

“What kind of a host invites you to his house for the weekend and dies on you?" Okay, that was from Weekend at Bernie’s, just making sure you're paying attention.


To quote the Washington Post, “The Workplace Democracy Act is essentially a rebranded Employee Free Choice Act…” In other words, “Weekend at Bernie’s 2," not nearly as funny as the first movie. However, funnier things and not so funnier things are happening everyday with the Board and unions, so don’t be surprised if some part of this makes it out into the real world sometime soon. Sequels are big business these days, and who knows when someone might campaign to make Weekend at Bernie’s 3?


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