Weekday Music for Doing Weekday Things
Over the years, I've latched onto a handful of instrumental albums that I honestly couldn't imagine living without. Some of these I've probably listened to (cover-to-cover) hundreds of times. They help me focus in the afternoons during email time... or in the morning over coffee, or evening whilst cooking dinner. It's just dang nice to have some jingle-jangles going softly in the background as you go through the daily motions.
In no particular order, here are some of my all-time favorites. I hope they help drive a bit of peace and focus during your week, as much as they have over the years for mine.
Ray Barbee Meets the Mattson 2 (2009) - listen via Spotify
Back in 2011, I watched Thomas Campbell's excellent surf/lifestyle film The Present. I was obsessed with the soundtrack... which led me to obsess over The Mattson 2.
I've lost count of the amount of times I've seen M2 perform around Southern California since then... always such a fun time. With any luck I'll convince their management to perform at my wedding (so long as Jodi is game).
This album is perfect, in my opinion. It's not surf rock. It's not exactly jazz. It's just a vibe... and they must have been so young when it was released! Dive into it.
ólafur Arnalds - re:member (2018) - listen via Spotify
Without fail, I listen to this album every morning. I know that sounds boring. But it just works for me.
I also spend about 20 minutes stretching on my yoga mat before coffee (which has been the case for at least the past ten years now), so I'm a bit of a creature of habit to some degree.
This album is super atmospheric (almost like a film score... which I'd have to imagine Arnalds has done at least some of), and it's just unmatched in beauty and depth. Cannot recommend this one highly enough.
Paul Desmond - Bossa Antigua (1996) - listen via Spotify
A semi-recent addition (of the past couple of years), I dig this album to the extreme. Fits more of my afternoons when I need a brief injection of upbeat groove. Again, entirely instrumental as to not break your chain of thought.
If I could speak more intelligently about jazzy musical styles (particularly those of South America), I'd have more to say here. Truth is, I don't really know how to talk about samba... or bossa nova... or any of that. But this album makes me feel damn good. So there ya go.
Hint - Portakabin Fever (2003) - listen via Spotify
Right out the gates, this album is... pretty weird. And I love it so much.
To be honest, I don't really know what to say. Aside from encouraging you to go have a listen. You'll either love it or hate it. Hopefully the former. The end.
Gaussian Curve - "Impossible Island" (2015) - listen on Spotify
To be fair, the only song I listen to on this album is Impossible Island. I aspire to someday live on one such impossible island (whatever that might actually be).
On countless nights (usually when cleaning up a giant pile of dishes), I've started a Spotify Radio channel based on this song. It's very, very.... very mellow. Great way to calm the brain and prepare for dreamland.
And that's it.
Have an album that you swear by for doing Weekday Things? Throw it in the comments!