week45 - How Do Developers Structure Unit Test Cases and The role of slicing in test-driven development
by Natalia Gusakova https://unsplash.com/photos/a-bunch-of-oranges-and-lemons-cut-in-half-JAzwsrmQqIQ

week45 - How Do Developers Structure Unit Test Cases and The role of slicing in test-driven development

Preprint edition!

How Do Developers Structure Unit Test Cases? An Empirical Study from the “AAA” Perspective

The AAA pattern, i.e. arrange, act, and assert, provides a unified structure for unit test cases, which benefits comprehension and maintenance. However, there is little understanding regarding whether and how common real-life developers structure unit test cases following AAA in practice. In particular, are there recurring anti-patterns that deviate from the AAA structure and merit refactoring? And, if test cases follow the AAA structure, could they contain design flaws in the A blocks? If we propose refactoring to fix the design of test cases following the AAA, how do developers receive the proposals? Do they favor refactoring? If not, what are their considerations? This study presents an empirical study on 435 real life unit test cases randomly selected from four open source projects. Overall, the majority (71.5%) of test cases follow the AAA structure. And, we observed three recurring anti-patterns that deviate from the AAA structure, as well as four design flaws that may reside inside of the A blocks. Each issue type has its drawbacks and merits corresponding refactoring resolutions. We sent a total of 18 refactoring proposals as issue tickets for fixing these problems. We received 78% positive feedback favouring the refactoring. From the rejections, we learned that return-on-investment is a key consideration for developers. The findings provide insights for practitioners to structure unit test cases with AAA in mind, and for researchers to develop related techniques for enforcing AAA in test cases.

See full paper at Arxiv.org

The role of slicing in test-driven development

Test-driven development (TDD) is a widely used agile practice. However, very little is known with certainty about TDD's underlying foundations, i.e., the way TDD works. In this paper, we propose a theoretical framework for TDD, with the following characteristics: 1) Each TDD cycle represents a vertical slice of a (probably also small) user story, 2) vertical slices are captured using contracts, implicit in the developers' minds, and 3) the code created during a TDD cycle is a sliced-based specification of a code oracle, using the contracts as slicing pre/post-conditions. We have checked the connections among TDD, contracts, and slices using a controlled experiment conducted in the industry.

See full paper at Arxiv.org


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