This Week On The Tower
412th Test Wing, Edwards Air Force Base
"The center of the aerospace testing universe"
WEEK OF 17 July
Find out what's happening this week and discover the newest content on Edwards AFB!
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A group of 412th?Test Wing engineers became the first group to take part in the Wing’s Glider Orientation Program after their inaugural flight from Mountain Valley Airport, Tehachapi, June 22. #flight
Team Edwards sent a crew from the 412th Operations Group to conduct a special flyover for the?National Women's Soccer League (NWSL) ?at PayPal Park, July 9 in San Jose, California. The flyover for Team USA's send off to the?FIFA ?Women's World Cup was a special opportunity for training and to practice mission accuracy for the team.?#GoUSA
In line with a recent?United States Department of Defense ?announcement, Edwards Air Force Base is set to transition from traditional physical ID cards for civilian retirees to a new, secure digital identification system. This move aims to enhance both security and ease of access to base facilities and services.?#retirees
Lt. Col. Michael Coleman formally assumed command of the 411th Flight Test Squadron from Lt. Col. David Schmitt, during a change of command ceremony on Edwards AFB, June 9. The transition showcased another milestone for Edwards AFB.?#flighttest
Maj. Bryce Turner, a test pilot from the 416th Flight Test Squadron at Edwards AFB, California, has achieved a historic feat by becoming the first Air Force pilot to fly the T-7A Red Hawk.?#t7
In-person military Veteran Service Office support is now available at Edwards AFB.?This innovative program aims to provide comprehensive support to military veterans now working as DOD civilians or contractors at Edwards with assistance filing claims for benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs.?#veterans
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July 17th, 1982
The F-16XL arrived at Edwards AFB on 17 Jul 1982 to begin testing.?The aircraft (one of an eventual 2) was submitted by General Dynamics as its answer to an Air Force need for a longer-range fighter that could handle interdiction missions without additional fighter support.?The XL, as part of the Enhanced Tactical Fighter program, engaged in a derivative fighter comparison with the F-15E?Strike Eagle?(which won the contract in 1984).??
The two F-16XLs were stored at Edwards until 1988 when NASA used them in laminar flow experiments for several years.?After briefly considering re-activating the aircraft in 1999, the two XLs were retired officially in 2009 and stored at Edwards.?The XLs, with their continued contribution to aerospace research after losing the ETF comparison, mark a proud moment in Edwards’ history of resourceful innovation to push the boundaries of aerospace knowledge with the tools at hand.
Congratulations to the 412th Test Wing Operating Location Plant 42 1st Quarter Award Winners!
1st Quarter NCO of the Quarter: SSgt Grant Whitney
1st Quarter Specialist/Analyst of the Quarter: Matt Halls
1st Quarter Team of the Quarter: Fire B Shift
1st?Quarter Trades and Labor: Christian Sandoval
1st Quarter Supervisor/Management: Tony Vaughan
Job well done Teammates!
Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall visits Edwards AFB
Edwards AFB had the honor of hosting Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall. Kendall visited with Airmen and handed out challenge coins to top performers and then held a Q&A session at the base theater.
24/7 Door Access at Rosburg Fitness Center
The Fitness Center’s 24/7 Access Has Been Restored.
Please visit the Fitness Center reception desk to regain 24/7 access.
Previous permissions are no longer valid.
We ask that those requesting 24/7 Fitness Center Access come in as soon as?possible as it is our plan to return to 24/7 access starting the weekend of July 22 & 23.
?Please contact the Fitness Center at 275-GYM1 with any additional questions or concerns.
Prescribed Burn?
Team Edwards,
?The Air Force Wildland Fire Branch in coordination with Environmental Management and the Fire and Emergency Services Flight will be conducting a prescribed burn at Edwards AFB, weather permitting, beginning Saturday (22 Jul 23) thru Sunday (23 Jul 23).
?The burn will be at the Waste Water Treatment Plant Retention Ponds adjacent to Rogers Lakebed at the southern end of Missile Road.?Ignitions may begin as early as 0700 local time daily with operations continuing throughout the day.?
?The vegetation to be burned will be annual grass, cattails and slash piles.?Smoke will be visible in the area.?
?If you have any further questions, please contact Environmental Management at (661) 277-1401.
Express Fuel Shutdown, July 25th
Load Crew of the Quarter Competition?
The 412th?MXG is proud to announce the Edwards AFB Load Crew of the Quarter Competition on 21 July.?
You are invited to witness our display of superior loading prowess and watch as these weapons loading juggernauts compete for bragging rights to be named the best of the best here at Edwards AFB.?
The event will take place at building 1830 and will begin promptly at 1200 with Falcon, JSF and Raptor crews squaring off simultaneously.?
?See attached flyer for more details.
?Please bring hearing protection if you have been issued if not, hearing protection will be provided.?
?If you have any questions please contact Weapons Standardization at 7-7152
July Food Truck Calendar
Heroes to Education/California Coalition Outreach
Back to School Brigade
When:?1 August 2023 / 0900-1200
Who:?E-1 through E-6 Families and civilians that meet criteria (retirees)
What:?Drive-thru Back-to-School Brigade?
Where:?Military & Family Readiness Center (Bldg. 5620) 90 Farrell Drive Edwards AFB, CA 93523
Pre- Registration is REQUIRED:?
Click Log In
Create a profile
Be sure to complete the full profile add all information asked, check all boxes, be sure to add all family members, be sure address added matches the event location. 50 miles radius of the venue
Confirm the email address and account. If they made an account previously and did not confirm the email expires. They should click forgot password to complete this step.
Then they will see the event in their profile dashboard
Contacts: MSgt Maria Gomez - Work: 661-810-8837 or MSgt Julia Tallieu – Work: 661-810-8914.
Thank you for your help and attention on this. Please post these fliers in your area to help me spread the word about this event.
Please let us know if you have any questions/concerns.
Scorpion Days
Volunteers Needed for Tehachapi High School Career and College Fair
What:?Tehachapi High School Career & College Fair
When:?20 September 2023 from 0730 to 1430
Where:?801 South Dennison Road, Tehachapi, CA 93561
?AF STEM needs volunteers to attend the Tehachapi high school career & college fair.?The volunteers will be sitting at the AF STEM booth and will have an opportunity to share information about their careers with 9-12 grade students.?We would like to have as many careers represented as possible.?You can choose a half hour or an hour block of time so you will not need to be there the entire day.??If you are interested in volunteering for this event, please let me know as soon as possible.?
?Thank you for all you do for our K-12 grade students!
Helida Haro Vanhoy
412th Test Wing STEM
195 E. Popson Avenue, Building 2750
Edwards AFB, CA 93524
International Soccer Camp
Save the Date! Back to School Summer Rockfest Concert!
Save the Date: 18AUG23, 412th Test Wing Change of Command
Please save the date for an upcoming event at the Center of the Aerospace Testing Universe.
WHAT: 412th Test Wing Change of Command Ceremony
WHEN: Friday, 18 August 2023, 9 a.m.
WHERE: Hangar 1600, Edwards Air Force Base
Presiding Official: Maj. Gen. Evan C. Dertien, Commander, Air Force Test Center
Outbound 412th Test Wing Commander: Brig. Gen. Matthew W. Higer
Inbound 412th Test Wing Commander: Col. Douglas P. Wicker
Tuition Assistance Briefings
Attention Airmen and Guardians!
Want to go to college? Need a TA brief? Edwards AFB is now offering TA briefs on Tuesdays at 0900 and Thursdays at 1300 via Zoom!?
The Zoom link for TUESDAYS at 0900 is?
The Zoom link for THURSDAYS at 1300 is?
HARD TALKS - Each Thursday at 1500, Chapel 1 Annex
412 TW Leadership holds small group talks weekly, open to all base personnel.?The form is a safe place to discuss hard issues members are facing, to include dealing with current local/world events or personal issues.?Assisting leadership, members from the Chapel, EO, IG and other helping agencies are in attendance.
Townhall Q & A's
I don't know if you've covered this topic before, but
the roads here on base are in pretty sad shape especially
Especially Fitz-Gerald Boulevard.
Thank you for inquiry regarding Fitz-Gerald Boulevard. A
project to repair a portion of the road from Rickenbacker Blvd
to right before the Burger King area was awarded this past
Fiscal Year (FY) and the project is slated to begin on
Wednesday (5 Jul 23). Be on the lookout for PA
announcements ahead of the project starting.
Why wasn’t 412 CEG occupations and job
series considered for the FWS Special
Wage rates the aircraft maintenance and
support positions just received?
The Special Salary Rate (SSR) that was published effective 23 Apr 23
covers a variety of aircraft mechanic and support positions located
throughout the installation, to include CEG. DoD approved this SSR for
positions that directly support aircraft mechanic options.
Was consideration for the time of year the
library renovations were scheduled for
considered? Libraries are frequently used
during the summer for kids who are out of
The library will not be closed during the summer. Currently there is a
plan for a library refresh. FSS and CEG are working closely to schedule a
time that is less impactful. The projected timeline for the refresh isn’t
until Fall/Winter 2023. During this closure we will have a pop-up library
at a different location.
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