A Week In Review...Aug 12 - 18, 2024
Monday 12 - Welcoming Summer
Tuesday 13 - A Happy Bride
Wednesday 14 - Take Flight Earrings
Thursday 15 - Irish Eyes Are Smiling
Friday 16 - A Celtic Knot Necklace
Saturday 17 - Ghost Hearts Earrings - Price Drop
Sunday 18 - A Week In Review
All prices are subject to pst.
Local delivery is $5.00, curbside pick-up and shipping available.
All of these and many other pieces are my website at RoxanneBrownJewellery.com.
The perfect item may already be there just waiting for you.
All Roxanne Brown Jewellery items come gift wrapped and ready for gifting.
Roxanne Brown Jewellery, hand crafted, one of a kind.
Photography by Roxanne Brown
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