This Week, In Recruiting - Issue 62

This Week, In Recruiting - Issue 62

Remember:?Recruiting Brainfood?for ever green, deep dive curated recruiting + HR content. Subscribe ??

Subscribe?Sponsored by our friends at Circular

Recruiters are facing a battle for tech talent and a process that is competitive, cutthroat and inefficient (99% of candidates interviewed are not hired). Circular believes that to change this, the fundamentals need to change. Their answer? Collaboration through recommendations. Circular leverages a network of over 6.000 recruiters to help companies hire tech talent 10x faster. How do they do this? By enabling in-house recruiters to fill open tech roles with candidates recommended by other in-house recruiters.

Circular also:

  • Rewards recruiters?that contribute to the network with recommendations
  • Integrates with your ATS?with no extra admin needed
  • Recognises and promotes your company for providing a great?candidate experience

After more than 20,000 interviews and 1,000 hires, it’s fair to say the collaborative model works.?

Start leveraging Circular’s network, create your recruiter account here


Open Kitchen: Resetting Your Boss Relationship

I haven't had a boss for years so let me start by caveating that I am uniquely unqualified to write this particular post. However, I suspect that we all have occasional challenges 'managing up' to our bosses, especially we are going up to CEO / Founder level and perhaps we could do with some additional thoughts on techniques which might help.

Most of these ideas below were shared in the first session I attended at the HV Capital HR Leaders event in Berlin last Friday, so the ideas aren't mine, I just wrote them down because I felt they were pretty good.

1. Use Triggering Language With Bosses

Forgive the provocation but I couldn't think of a more accurate way to put it. Your boss - like any other human being - will be triggered by certain words, likely based how frequently those words are used in the most important conversations they tend to have. If you want something to happen after a conversation with them, then it makes sense to use language the boss is going to react to.

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[Image credit: MOD]

Like every specialist function, we inevitably use our own language with in-group terminology when discussing HR / TA topics. To outsiders of this domain, this turns into jargon which either requires further explanation or at the very least further cognitive processing for the understanding to become clear. It's a barrier to entry into the conversation and a very bad idea if you actually want your boss involved in a decision. If Rule No1 of effectively managing up is never increase the cognitive load of the boss, then it makes sense to use the terminology which is most commonly present in the most important conversations they have, rather than the ones you habitually use in-group.

By doing this, you are connecting your request (more budget for the recruitment tech..)with the boss's universe (business growth, investor happiness), whilst increasingly the urgency for a decision to be made. As my friend Hannah Neuser says, throw in the word 'investor' and things happen"

2. Decisions Not Detail

A lot of the stuff we do in HR / TA generates detail. Talent Intelligence Reports, Remote Working Handbooks, Compensation calculators and so on. We are verifiable factory for the production of documentation. Now it is often necessary to be technically precise - especially as we default to maximal inclusion and hence care about edge cases - but the information density of these artefacts means that they are not items which CEO's have the bandwidth nor domain expertise to effectively or even competently review. We need to remember that the boss is paying us to take work away from them, not for us to go to them with more work to do; we have got to trust that they trust us to handle the detail, and therefore come to them mainly for go / no go decisions.

The cliche 'ask for forgiveness, not permission' remains sound advice. It's a subtle yet significant shift in our mindset and it changes the nature of our interaction with the C-level, moving from underling looking for upload responsibility to someone who can support the boss by taking that responsibility on.

Incidentally, this will won't reduce any likelihood of a screw up - you are just owning the responsibility for it. But by doing so, you will improve the relationship you have with your boss, which will manifest down the line into increased trust, greater agency and (if the screw ups are not frequent or egregious!), greater autonomy.

3. Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF) in Email

We have to get better at communications, especially with email. Sometimes I feel we are stuck in the Web 1.0 era of email with long multi-paragraph messages with too many, unclear and often randomly ordered requests peppered throughout.

None of us have the time to consume email this way anymore, especially not C-level who will already likely be the most time poor people in the business. We need to update how we write email, actively reject paragraphing and similar literal conventions. Your only objective in writing email is to ensure that they are readable, understandable and clear in terms of what actions are required. A few convention busting techniques to improve your email readability and the chances of something happening after you send it:

  • BLUF (Bottom Line, Up Front) - state your main point as the first thing that the recipient reads - this should be a bold two sentence long statement at the beginning of the message. Do it before the niceties and even the terms of address. Intuitively feels rude, but as you are considerate in reducing cognitive load on the recipient, the chances are the receiver will greatly appreciate this format.
  • Number your points, if you have more than one point - the research is in on this, we love it when content of any type is broken down into lists. It greatly supports consumption of text and signals to the reader that you have already decomposed the complexity for them, again helping them get to action point without undue (and unfair) cognitive processing.
  • Background shading specific 'required action' if multiple recipients - got to say, I think I made this technique up myself, but it seems to work. Almost every screen we look at these days is full colour and you can use colour formatting as a kind of bionic reading by associating those colours with specific recipients in a message. This is useful if you don't want the ball dropped because there are more than one person in the note.

The end result won't look much like an email anymore, but it will be more readable, and therefore more likely to be actioned. Busy people will appreciate it. Busy bodies won't.

4. Cost / Opportunity / Risk Framework

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[Image credit: MOD]

Sometimes we need to ask for things before you can initiate. Effectively this means that you have to pitch idea to the boss. The requirement is the connect the abstract value with concrete investment - the what-is-required-to-make-this-happen. Framing every request in Cost Opportunity Risk Framework is one of the most efficient (you will get an early no if it is a no) and most effective (you will increase chances of getting a yes) of doing this. CORF will automatically tap into the C-Level trigger words (see point No1) and also layout the mental model for decision making, further reducing the cognitive load required to make a decision.

The worst case in any pitch scenario is ambiguity - the limbo state where no decision has been made and where there is even ambiguity as to when that decision will happen. CORF or any similar framework is designed for quick resolutions for Yes / No outcome and the elimination of the 'leave-it-with-me' non-outcome. You can get on with your day, either way.

These are four of the ideas which emerged from one of the sessions we did on Friday. It was a great workshop and I'm sure there are many more ideas out there which we can use to improve relationships with our bosses. If you have any more ideas to contribute, please do comment below and add to the thread - might be useful to further collect these thoughts together.

Anyways, time to exit the kitchen, onto the lounge ??


What's in the News?

Fetcher raise $27 Million Series B Round

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Congrats to Andres Blank and team on the fundraise. Sourcing has been back at the top of the recruiter priority list in the last 12 months and Fetcher might have just caught the last of the summer wine. It's a pretty awesome product, so looking forward to seeing how the investment will support it's development. PR here

CrossHQ Acquires Pipeline Visualisation Tool TalentWall

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Delighted to see this deal, especially as it involves one of my old team mates Jo Avent! TalentWall have been a product which recruiters have been raving about for years and it was only a matter of time before they got snapped up. Credit to CrossHQ doing the deal and for an excellent press release explaining the reasoning for the deal and also the vision for how to two products will integrate. Take a look here

If you are a recruitment service provider or technology business and have any news to share,?comment below,?this is your application to get into next week's addition of This Week, In Recruiting. Make sure to @ mention me so that I see it


What's On Offer?

Henna Pryor is an award winning Recruitment Coach, specialising in copy writing for recruiting emails that convert!

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The Recruiters CopyClinic is now available online and if you use the code: RECRUITINGBRAINFOOD you can get $100 off the course. Thank you Henna for your generous offer to the community. If you need to upgrade your copy writing, get involved in this!

If you are a recruitment service provider or recruitment technology vendor have any exclusive offer for the community, comment below with your offer in order to be included in next week's edition of This Week, In Recruiting. Make sure to @ mention me so that I see it.


What's Going On?

Brainfood Live On Air - Ep156 - Mega Scale Hiring 10,000+, Fri 27 May, 2pm BST

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We are not messing around with this one folks - what's it like when you have to hire tens of thousands of people? The normal recruitment practices that most of us are used to - 30 hires per year - no longer apply when you are talking about Mega Scale Hiring. Often contingent workforce, often required at urgent time frames, what are the solutions that recruiters need to put into place to make this happen? We've never had a conversation like this one folks so join Thomas Waldman, Director of Workforce Growth (Getir) and Kirsten Tolfree-Dart, Contingent Worker Programme Manager (Kantar) with the quality chat. Register here

Greenhouse Open Day, 24-25 May, Javits Center in NYC

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2 day event with the great and the good. I'm not sure I've ever seen a vendor organised event, so well organised - credit to the superb events team at Greenhouse for putting all this together. I'm going to be there moderating a panel on What the Best Recruiters Do to Win with Bryan Sherwood, VP of Talent Acquisition (Blockfi), Diane Dagher, Associate VP of Talent (ModMed), Anessa Fike, Interim Head of TA (NPR) and Frank Cebek, Director of Recruiting (SeatGeek). Just one of a number of amazing sessions in what could be the HR / TA event of the year - register here folks - and see you tomorrow!

Global HR & Recruitment Forum, 30 May - 3 June, Online

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We all know there are far more serious issues going on in the world today than Recruitment and HR. But we can only do as much as we can. Lets get together and support this massive 4 day event with some of the biggest names in our sector here today - Irina Shamaeva, Johnny Campbell, Balazs Paroczay and many many others are coming together to talk business and support the defence of Ukraine - register here

Founder's Focus - EP28 - Ilya Brotzky, CEO of VanHack, Tue 31 May, 8am PDT / 4pm BST

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No doubt one of the funnest shows I've done was the 'From a Developers POV' series with Ilya Brotzky, where we turned the tables and invited software engineers to take the stage and tell us recruiters what behaviours work / don't work went interacting with this candidate population. It stands the test of time, so feel free to browse those episodes or find them on audio on Spotify. It's been long since time to get the main man himself to be the topic of discussion, so delighted to invite Ilya to be the latest recruitment technology CEO to appear on Founders Focus. This will be a good one folks - register here

Founders Focus - Ep29 - Viktor Nord & Adrian MacDonald, Co-founders, Adway, Wed 1st June, 12pm BST

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Finally managed to get these two to come on the show - super excited to be chatting with Viktor Nord and Adrian MacDonald from Adway. You might have seen a Adway around these last 12 months, and you can be sure to see a lot more as they bring their message of recruitment marketing automation to the UK and US. Lets have it folks - register here

Hired!BCN - The Talent Acquisition Conference, Thu 16 June, Barcelona, Spain

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Excited to be in Barcelona for a couple of weeks. In the main, this is the reason - to return to the best community organised event for recruiters in Europe. Amazing line up of speakers, including a recurring theme on how the economic conditions is impacting the job market for recruiters. Going to need to update my slide deck on this. Tickets?here?if you fancy paying full price, though you should used my discount code (HUNGHIRED) and get15% discount off.

REC 2022, The Recruitment & Employment Conference, 30 June, Online

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REC 2022, the essential virtual conference for recruiters and recruitment leaders.?

This one is essential for recruitment agency business owners to attend. Expert speakers from around the world and your fellow recruitment pioneers, REC 2022 will cover ways to help?you stay ahead of the game - in your business, and for the wider economy. MC'ed by the superb Neil Carberry, MD, (REC) this event will get you inspired, help you gather new insights and practical knowledge to navigate the future. Book your spot today and join?from wherever you are.

DisruptHR London, 6 July, The Royal Institution, London, UK

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DisruptHR is one of the most innovative event formats in our industry - fixed time slots, multiple speakers - and I think....even open Mic! The incredible Tim Sackett is hosting this, a rare opportunity to see a great speaker IRL, in London. Grab your extremely reasonably priced tickets here folks!

If you have an event, webinar or podcast going on next week and want it featured on next week's newsletter,?comment below?with the link and event details. Don't forget to @ mention me so that I see it


Who's Hiring?

Technical Talent Sourcer - Remote, ThoughtSpot, Remote USA

Sales Recruiter - EMEA - Remote, ThoughtSpot, Remote UK

Talent Acquisition Lead - US, GSK, San Francisco, CA, USA

Technology Acquisition Partner (Go To Market EMEA), Join Talent, Remote Global

International Talent Acquisition Specialist, iDeals, Berlin, Germany

Talent Acquisition Manager (German Market), Choco, Berlin, Germany

Talent Acquisition Manager, Choco, New York, NY/NJ, USA

Business Recruiter, Choco, Berlin, Germany

Technology Talent Search Partner(Zurich or Prague), Join Talent, Remote Global

Talent Search Partner (Fully Remote InHouse), Join Talent, Remote Global

Technology Talent Partner (Zurich Focus), Join Talent, Remote Global

Talent Search Partner(Fully Remote, Zurich Focus), Join Talent, Remote Global

GTM Talent Partner(German Market), Join Talent, Remote Global

GTM Talent Partner(Turkey), Join Talent, Remote Global

Senior Executive Recruiter, JLL, Chicago, IL, USA

Recruiter, JLL, Miami, FL, USA

Human Resources Generalist, JLL, Chicago, IL, USA

Director, Compensation, JLL, Miami, FL, USA

Human Resources Business Partner, JLL, Atlanta, GA, USA

Global Talent Sourcing Leader, Vaia Talent, Remote EU

Technology Solutions Consultant, Cielo Talent, Remote EU

Senior Recruiter, Cielo Talent, Berlin, Germany

Recruiter, Cielo Talent, Plymouth, UK

Lithuanian Tech Talent Partner, Join Talent, Remote Global

Talent Sourcer EMEA, Microsoft, Remote EU / UK

EMEA Recruiter, Microsoft, Remote EU / UK

Recruitment Coordinator, Join Talent, Remote Global

US Tech Talent Partner, Join Talent, Alamo, TX, USA

Tech Talent Search Partner, Join Talent, Remote Global

Global Lead of Employer Brand and Loyalty, Getir, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Sales Recruiter, JLL, Atlanta, GA, USA

Talent Acquisition Sourcer - Technology, JLL, Miami, FL, USA

GTM / Sales Recruiter, Stream, Remote USA

Talent Partner - Germany, KANDIDATE, Remote Global

Client Engagement Manager, Allegis Global Solutions, London, UK

Talent Acquisition Manager (Pharma) - 12 month FTC, Allegis Global Solutions, London, UK

Talent Manager, Hubble, London, UK

If you want to get your job featured, post jobs on the Brainfood Jobs Job Board?here


Who's Moving?

Charlotte Marshall joins Intuitive as Director, Global Employer Brand & Recruitment Marketing after 3 years leading EB at the Danaher Corporation. Big move for a Big Deal in the EB space - need to get Charlotte on Brainfood Live somehow, maybe need to a virtual tour of the Pacific coast.

Robert Nunn joins Instant Impact as Talent Director after spending 3 years building up Elements Talent Consultancy as Director of Internal Recruiting. Few people are going to have a better contact book of wannabe in-house recruiters than Robert, significant coup for Instant Impact!

Dani Barrett joins Kraken Digital Asset Exchange as Global Recruitment Lead, after nearly 3 years a Big job this - despite the recent chaos in the crypto markets, Kraken have huge opportunity in bringing a new investment class to the wider market. Good luck Dani!

Louise Wrench joins our good mates at Join Talent as Director of Consultancy Solutions & Network Engagement. Smart hiring again from one of the smartest RPO newcomers on the market. Lots of operational roles at JT on the Brainfood Jobs Job Board incidentally.

Rachel Grewal joins Forward Partners as Head of Talent, having previously led TA at such employers as MarketFinance, Financial Times and AND Digital.

Joel Trickett joins Microsoft as Global Talent Acquisition Digital Sales, after spending the past 2 years working with the awesome Martin Dangerfield at Immersive.

Some promotions to celebrate: Darren Ellicott moves to Head of New Markets at hackajob, after a year leading Customer Success at the business, Aileen Brown moves up to Senior Manager, Medium Enterprise UK & I at Workday, Laura Peakall who moves up to Head of People and Workplace Operations at Kaluza and finally last but not least, my old colleague Alastair Ball moves up to Head of Candidate Generation - Talent Acquisition EMEA. Been a long and successful innings Bally, long may it continue ??. Congratulations all

If you have made a senior exec appointment to your business,?and feel the wider community needs to know about it,?comment below?with the details and see it featured in next weeks issue.?Don't forget to @ mention me in it so that I see it


What Are You Doing?

Ragda Albattal is asking the community to contribute to this Employee Referral Survey, Firstbird do one of the best reports on this segment, so take 5 minutes of your time and contribute to this!

Vahan Melkonyan launches Cauldron, a prescreening tool which enables you to assess candidates with quick tasks at the top of the funnel. Launched on Product Hunt last week - check out here

Sam Fletcher joins The Executive Research Association as co-chair, with the remit to promote executive search & talent acquisition research, sourcing, and talent intelligence.

If you are doing something new,?comment below?with what it is and share a link to where you want people to go. Don't forget to @ mention me in it so that I see it


End Notes

I am sending this from Heathrow Airport, about to board an 8 hour flight to New York. I wanted to send it early rather than late, so hope it hasn't got too many of you off guard. I'll be at Greenhouse Open of course, so if you are at the event next few days, please do come up and say hello.

Back in London on Thursday


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Hung Lee is the curator of?Recruiting Brainfood, and now This Week In Recruiting. Subscribe to both if you are into recruiting or HR or just interested in world of work.

Christy Spilka, CSSGB

Vice President, Head of Talent Acquisition @ Smile Brands | Lean Six Sigma Green Belt | ATAP Board Member | TA Speaker

2 年

Great content, thank you! Hung Lee registration for Global TA day is open! Speaker registration is also open. We have an exciting line up so far, going to be a great session.

Bianca Patterson-Odojukan

B2B & B2C Marketing Manager l Campaigns and Project Management Lead l Senior Events Marketing Manager

2 年

REC 2022 will?help you navigate future challenges?and stay on the front foot. This full day conference for recruiters and recruitment leaders will be delivered online - so join us from?wherever you are, and feel free to invite your colleagues and wider network. #RECLive22

  • 该图片无替代文字
Melissa Roer

VP of Marketing & Operations | SaaS & Startup Growth Strategist | Demand Generation & Pipeline Architect | Brand Builder | Data-Driven Storyteller | Revenue Accelerator

2 年

Thanks for the Fetcher shout out! We'll be at Greenhouse OPEN too. Looking forward to chatting with you there.

Charlotte Marshall

Repel the Many and Compel the Few | Give & Get Author

2 年

Man I love the thought of a virtual west coast tour with you Hung Lee, sign me up ??♀?

Jo Avent

Interested in people and building teams

2 年

Thanks for the shout out! Another packed edition of RBF, hats off to that AND I’m at the Greenhouse conf this week too! Hope to catch you :)


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