Happy Friday everyone! Here's some news from the world of R this week:
- Polyglot Pipelines: Bruno Rodrigues has started developing a {targets}-like package for Nix pipelines. Having already developed the {rix} package for using Nix in R for increased reproducibility, {rixpress} is the new extension of that which can enable polyglot analytics pipelines - with some of your steps in R and some in Python, for example. Exciting times!
- Release the Package: Julia Silge has produced a video going through the process of submitting an R package to CRAN. The tutorial focusses on the Positron IDE and highlights aspects which might be useful, but also will be very useful to anyone thinking of developing and sharing packages on CRAN.
- Give it your best plot: there are 10 days left in the Grupo de R de Asturias' 4th Data Visualisation competition! There is a monetary prize, and anyone can send in a plot created using R - the data this time around is the school dataset from the {collegeScorecard} package. If you fancy having a go at creating an awesome visualisation, check out the competition repository here.
- Fun and games: Frank Hull has created a turn-based RPG game using some of the coolest new R tools and packages. The {crias} game package uses S7, {ellmer} and ollama to generate a game where you lead a herd of animals on an adventure. A creative application of some of the cool packages the R community has produced in recent times.
- Quiz:?what will be the output of the below and why? How could you 'fix' it to get the output that most people would expect?
# Initialise an empty list
fns <- list()
# Create simple functions to return i
for (i in 1:3) {
fns[[i]] <- function() i
# What will be the output of each function?
- {chromote} v0.5.0 - new features for setting virtual window size of headless Chrome browsers and use of different versioned binaries.
- {mirai} v2.2.0 - including the update that {mirai} is now one of the official base R parallel cluster types.
I post updates like this every week so if you're interested feel free to follow. Comment below if there's something interesting you found out this week too!