Happy Friday everyone! Some more news from the world of R this week:
- Astronomical docs:?R-universe have been accepted as a Google Season of Docs 2024 project. This means they have secured funding to supercharge their documentation, including developing a new Quarto site to help people get started. As a fan of R-universe and ROpenSci I can’t wait to see what Ma?lle and the team come up with. See their proposal here.
- Polars bears: the {polars} R package has had a new release, which comes with a lot of refactoring and renaming to bring it more in line with its Python equivalent. If you don’t know it, {polars} is a package written in Rust with a Python-like syntax for fast, efficient data manipulation.
- Cloud goddess: ?Thomas Sandmann has written an interesting blog post about his experience of interacting with AWS S3 storage and the AWS Athena service using the {paws} and {noctua} R packages respectively.
- Tables and chairs: ?Posit have announced the start of their 2024 Table Contest. Between now and the deadline of 31st May, R and Python developers will be creating many beautiful, useful, informative tables - if you work with tables or data visualisation I’d encourage you to think about submitting too!
- More learning: ShinyConf finishes today and if you’re in the mood for more and based in London, check out SatRdays next Saturday 27th. One talk that I think looks very interesting is Charlie Gao talking about using {mirai} in Shiny and Plumber applications.
- Fun fact: every R version since 2011 has been named after a reference from the Peanuts comic strip. See here for the origin of the name for R 4.3.3 (Angel Food Cake).
- {reticulate} 1.36.0 - lots of bug fixes and updated default Python version.
- {bagyo} 0.1.1 - first CRAN release of a new data package containing tropical cyclone data, useful for demo visualisations.
I post updates like this every week so if you're interested feel free to follow. Comment below if there's something interesting you found out this week too!