This week at NATO
Secretary General outlines key lessons for NATO’s continued success after a decisive decade at the helm
Speaking at an event hosted by the German Marshall Fund on 19 September 2024, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg shared five key lessons for NATO’s continued success following a decisive decade at the helm of NATO.
Ukraine joins NATO counter-drone exercise for first time
From 10 to 20 September 2024, over 450 participants from 19 NATO Allies and three partner countries gathered in the Netherlands to test the ability of commercially available counter-drone systems to operate seamlessly together. Ukraine participated for the first time, alongside members of the private sector and research community.
NATO’s fighter pilots go head-to-head
NATO’s fighter pilots met up for a “dogfighting” competition to sharpen their skills in a series of aerial duels high above Ramstein, Germany.
In this video, NATO asks two pilots who duelled each other – First Lieutenant Alexander “Stitch” Grandt of the German Air Force, and Captain Patrick “HObIT” Pearce of the US Air Force – to break down their aerial engagement and tell us what they have learnt from going head-to-head.
NATO reiterates its full support to EU efforts in Kosovo
NATO’s Assistant Secretary General for Operations, Tom Goffus, joined Stefano Tomat, Civilian Operations Commander at the European Union External Action Service, in separate meetings with the chief negotiators of Belgrade and Pristina. The meetings took place in the margins of the EU-facilitated Dialogue hosted by Miroslav Lajcak, the EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and other Western Balkans issues.
NATO’s Digital Ocean Initiative gets a boost in Portugal
NATO Allies gathered for the REPMUS 24 exercise in Portugal to test the ability of autonomous systems to operate together and to increase Alliance understanding of new threats in the maritime environment. They were joined by representatives of partner countries and organisations, NATO commands, research institutions and industry.
Job of the week
Our Operations Division is looking for 3 experts in defence planning to follow and advise on the implementation of NATO’s programmes with partner countries.
??At least 5 years of professional experience in defence planning
???Knowledge of NATO’s partnership programmes
??Experience of preparing military force plans ?
More stories from this week ↓
Emekli y?netici ve e?itimci
6 个月Wonderfull and amazing publications and stories for NATO. Congretulations to dear L?NKED?N. And a turk?sh poeme from G?nül P?nar Atac? for NATO : NATO : 75'?NC? DO?UM GüNü NATO'ya kar?? olmak ve dü?manl?k yapmak, Tüm üye ülkeleri yaln?zla?t?rarak?riske atmak Ve eski ve yeni s?mürgeci i?gal ve istila gü?lerine koz vermektir, Bunlar?n b?lge ve dünya üzerindeki?emellerine gel gel demektir. NATO,gericilik,yobazl?k,b?lücülük yapmaz, Bask?ya, ezgiye ?ve ?s?mürgecili?e tapmaz. O, tüm üyelerine ve dünyaya beka,bar??,güvenlik sa?layan Ve her türlü sava?, sald?r?, istila, i?gal emellerine kar?? olan, Yerel,b?lgesel, küresel ve evrensel bir üstün ve ?zgün?kurulu?tur. Ve bu en ya?amsal nedenle tüm halklar?n kalbine taht kurmu?tur. HATO, bu y?l 75'inci do?um gününü kutlayarak Bütün dünyaya bar?? ?ve ?huzur mesaj? sunacak. En uzun ve en ba?ar?l? bir ?mür boyu sa?olsun varolsun 32 üyesi ba?ta tüm dünya ülkelerini hep b?yle korusun. G?nül P?nar Atac?, 18.8.2024 - 26.9.2024
6 个月Greatful for your leadership!
Policy Researcher and Institutional Consultant
6 个月Thanks for your informative insights on NATO SG's farewell address.
International Affairs Professional
6 个月Thank you for your service NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, 2014-2024! It’s important to remember your leadership in uniting the NATO’s Alliance 3-23 Allies, to defend Ukraine, after the invasion from Russia to Ukraine, New countries joined NATO including the annexation of Montenegro, North Macedonia, Finland and Sweden means the unification of Europe. The current commitment of paying the price for peace -the NATO’s Alliance countries contribute 2% of their GPD, in order to strengthen and keeping Ukraine’s military defenses. The NATO’s Alliance-U.S, Canada, U. K. and trans-Atlantic collaborations also has talked us lessons: Freedom is more important than free trade. Open economic competition Preserve Economic Security amongst Alliance countries, unity and innovative and encourage relationships and collaborations with other countries as well in the Endo-Pacific. Despite the many challenges that have faced the NATO’s Alliance for Security as the Ukraine’s defenses continued cooperation; the COVID Pandemic; Cyber Attacks; Climate Change and other security challenges, your leadership Jens Stoltenberg has been outstanding in keeping the NATO’s Alliance strong, today counts with one-half million formation troops for defense.
6 个月Appreciate your support and ability to keep us generating peace. Jen, I will miss your activity with NATO. My love, peace and joy always.