Week: March 25 - 29, 2024

Week: March 25 - 29, 2024

In this edition of the BAL Newsletter Weekly, a federal judge denies a request to halt immigration filing fee increases from taking effect. The fee rule also affects premium processing time frames and form requirements. USCIS began sending H-1B cap selection notices last week and petition filing begins Monday.

A federal judge denied a motion to halt the implementation of USCIS fee increases Friday. Fee increases will take effect as scheduled, tomorrow.

A regulation that will increase USCIS filing fees, change premium processing time frames and require petitioners to use new versions of commonly used forms will take effect tomorrow.

USCIS began sending H-1B cap selection notices to myUSCIS accounts last week.

H-1B petition filing begins next week. An H-2B cap for returning workers is open and we look at how employers have prepared for major USCIS filing fee increases.

In global news:

BAL in the press:



