Week of July 15, 2024
Members of United Tenants of Albany and volunteers go door-knocking for NYs New York State Emergency Tenant Protection Act. Photo by Allie Dentinger

Week of July 15, 2024

In Upstate New York, the Fight for Good Cause Continues

Frances Nguyen, Shelterforce

Ithaca became the latest city to opt into New York’s new good cause law. What are tenant organizers doing to make the law work better for their communities? Read Full Article

Photo courtesy of Cincinnati Action for Housing Now

Strength in Diversity: Crafting an Affordable Housing Coalition in Cincinnati

Sandra Strieby, Shelterforce

A women’s club. A choir. A bus coalition. Those aren’t the types of groups you’d immediately think of as housing advocates, but in Cincinnati, they’re part of a diverse movement that’s fighting to make genuinely affordable housing widely available for the city’s lowest-income households. Read Full Article?

Barcelona’s Sindicat de Llogateres i Llogaters (Tenants Union) formed in 2017. Photo by Ariel Catalán Rodríguez

This Part of Spain Has Won Rent Regulations U.S. Tenant Activists Can Only Dream Of?

Olivia Haber Greenwood, Shelterforce

In Spain, a new law makes rent control possible—and one region has implemented it. In Catalunya, a rent freeze and rental price index promise to help struggling tenants. Read Full Article or Listen?

In Case You Missed It

Industry News

Photo of Amir Kirkwood. Provided by the Justice Climate Fund.

The Justice Climate Fund announced Amir Kirkwood as the organization’s new CEO. Bringing more than two decades of experience in local economic development investment, Kirkwood will lead the nonprofit as it implements its Clean Communities Investment Accelerator program, part of the EPA's Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund program.


Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) (LISC): Institute for Community Power Launches New Creative Placemaking Resource Hub | Explore the newly launched Creative Placemaking Technical Assistance website, which celebrates the transformative power of arts and culture in community development. This site offers a wealth of resources for anyone involved in or curious about creative placemaking. Discover tools and insights originally developed by LISC and partners, and updated by the National Endowment for the Arts ’ Creative Placemaking Technical Assistance team.

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Shelterforce is coming to Detroit! | July 16 | Detroit, MI | We are excited to announce that Shelterforce is coming to Detroit for our annual staff retreat and we’ll be hosting an exclusive meet and greet! This is your chance to network with our editors and connect with leaders in affordable housing and community development, share insights on what’s happening in your city, build valuable connections, and let your stories be heard. There's still time to register! RSVP by emailing us at [email protected] or tell a friend!

Cultivating Community Development Professionals | Community Opportunity Alliance | Friday, July 26, 12—1 p.m.ET | Join Shelterforce’s editor-in-chief and CEO, Miriam Axel-Lute, as she moderates the “Cultivating Community Development Professionals” webinar hosted by the Community Opportunity Alliance (formerly NACEDA). Part of the Grounded Values series, this session will focus on developing leaders who are proficient in technical skills, community engagement, and advocacy. Register today to join fellow advocates and practitioners as they explore holistic professional development approaches.

You Said It!

On “Mixed Results: How an Eviction Prevention Program Is Going

Jose A. Flores: Great research and of course valuable for the foreseeable future within HUD 202 program which i believe has some units available for those who can pay 60 dlls a month minimum. Read More

On “Which Way Community Development?

Mark Karlin: One must always remember that is just not an issue of structural racism, it is an issue of who unregulated capitalism has left behind, which includes destitute whites. There is no question that Blacks and Browns are disproportionately homeless, but homelessness today must recognize that the crisis is due to relegating the underclass — white, Black or Brown — to lives that don’t matter. They are the detritus of surplus labor that is built into our economic system. Read More

On “Why Don’t California’s Nonprofit Housers Embrace Social Housing?”?

Max B.: Maybe the challenge is math. Middle income housing typically requires subsidy to work in coastal markets, which is why most market rate housing isn’t for the median income, it is primarily for a luxury market. In order to make a mixed-income project work in our construction cost, interest rate and land cost environment, we need some combination of subsidy and/or luxury housing to subsidize the folks whose rent cannot support the cost of new construction . . . Read More

On “Community Development: Between A Rock And A Hard Place”?

Margaret Stout: The most important takeaway for me: “That’s what community members want from their community-based organizations, at least according to the Storied Communities, Community Stories research. One of the threads of agreement across all the residents, and all of the sites in the study is that residents appreciated . . . Via LinkedIn

On “Rising Property Insurance Costs: The Threat to Affordable Housing”?

Simon Andrew: Incredibly important and under 3 minutes to watch. This will affect your home, too. We will have to address this sooner or later. Now's the time. Via LinkedIn

On “This Part of Spain Has Won Rent Regulations U.S. Tenant Activists Can Only Dream Of

Jean Dahlquist: These types of initiatives make me nervous. This law is great in that small landlords are not subject, but in reality this is a neighborhood preservation measure. If housing becomes too expensive, multifamily development will freeze and pressure to build in single family zones will vanish . . . Via LinkedIn


Fair Housing Managing Staff Attorney, Community Legal Services, Orlando, FL ● CLS is seeking a managing staff attorney who will report?to and receive general direction from the?Chief?Program?Officer, Director of Litigation, Director of Advocacy, or designee.?The?managing attorney for the Fair Housing Program provides leadership and direction of the Fair Housing substantive law unit . . . Read Full Listing

President/CEO, New York State Association for Affordable Housing, New York, NY ● NYSAFAH is seeking a highly seasoned professional with superior organizational and leadership skills as well as fluency in the world of affordable housing to lead the organization as President/CEO. This is an exceptional opportunity for someone with superior intergovernmental relations experience . . . Read Full Listing

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Program Associate, Impact Purchasing & Place-based Investing, Remote ● Healthcare Anchor Network

Executive Director, Seattle, WA ● Nehemiah Initiative Seattle

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CEO/Publisher, Schlonn Hawkins

CEO/Editor-in-Chief, Miriam Axel-Lute

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Investigative Reporter, Shelby R. King

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Marketing and Communications Associate, Gelina Dames

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