This week is important.

This week is important.

As part of the EPA’s $4.6B landmark decision to accelerate GHG reduction projects, states have the opportunity to take action on food waste reduction, along with other climate measures, as they’re gearing up to submit Priority Climate Action Plans by March 1st.?

PCAPs that include food waste are a major opportunity for cities and states to win funds to supercharge efforts to make their communities more climate resilient. Organics waste and landfill methane strategies offer some of the biggest (climate impact) bangs for their buck.?

Why? Fast action on methane is considered the single best strategy to slow near-term global warming. And strategies to reduce organic waste disposal and strengthen landfill methane controls are readily available, cost-effective, and offer economic opportunity to communities.

Does your state and/or city PCAP include organics, waste and landfill priorities??

Our friends RMI and Industrious Labs put together a comprehensive climate action guide covering the key organic diversion/food waste tactics states should consider. Take a look at some highlights:?

  1. Measurement. Categorize and quantify all major sources of methane using a 20-year global warming potential (GWP) versus the standard 100-year.?
  2. Organics focus. Phase out organic waste disposal in landfills and incinerators.?
  3. Diversion. Promote waste prevention and surplus food donations.
  4. New local industry. Develop end markets for products made from organic waste (e.g., compost).
  5. Holistic. Consider the full range of potential benefits, from addressing food insecurity to creating circular economy jobs to improving public health outcomes and quality of life.
  6. Collaboration. Pursue interagency and intergovernmental collaboration to advance big-picture strategies.

If you’re a funder, founder, executive director, policymaker who cares deeply about the trajectory of our food system, advocate alongside us to make sure food waste strategies are included in upcoming PCAPs and after!?

And if you want to dive deeper, or need an example of a state or municipal climate action plan that includes organic waste measures, check out the resources below:

RMIs Priority Climate Action Plan Guide

NRDC - Food Waste Funding Opportunity

Zero Food Waste Coalition State Policy Toolkit

EPA Waste Management Climate Action Plan Database

California Air Resources Board Scoping Plan for Achieving Carbon Neutrality

City of Chicago Climate Action Plan



