Week of August 26, 2024
Oakland HOLC map. Image in public domain, via National Archives

Week of August 26, 2024

Redlining Maps Didn’t Affect Neighborhoods the Way You Think They Did

Alan Mallach, Center for Community Progress?

Home Owners’ Loan Corporation maps have long been blamed for racial inequities in today’s Black neighborhoods, but recent research shows that’s misleading. Read Full Article

Under the Lens | Dual Crises: Housing in a Changing Climate

Frontline communities are impacted the most by climate change. CEER ambassadors demanding action for climate justice. Photo courtesy of CEER

In Houston, ‘Climate Ambassadors’ Represent Their Own Neighborhoods

Lara Heard, Shelterforce

CEER recruits residents to gauge their communities' climate needs and to act as climate educators. We asked Rita Robles and Carmen Cavezza about the program, how it works, and future plans. Read Full Article

Infographic by Lara Heard

What’s Happening with the Billions in Climate Funding for Low-Income Communities?

Lara Heard, Shelterforce

Shelterforce break down the latest information on the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. How can the affordable housing industry take advantage of the funding opportunities, and why are some folks worried about the fund's rollout? Read Full Article

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You Said It!

On “What Two Wildfires Reveal About the Cracks in Our Emergency Response

Bob Zdenek: Thank you Shelby for your informative article. I was actually in The Rogue Valley in Southern Oregon the day that the Alemeda Fire occurred and we were evacuated North on I-5 through Grants Pass and down to Crescent City, CA. It took us 30 hours to drive back to the Bay Area, normally a 5 hour drive. We had to dodge 3 fires and the sky was either crimson colored or dark gray . . . Read More

On “Hands Off the Houses: Can We Stop Speculative Land Grabs?

Anonymous Reader: My view is pretty straightforward. I think the taxation of property should be proportional for second, third, and subsequent houses. The more houses you have, the higher the tax bill. If you have more than three houses, the tax will be up to 50% of the house price. The property has to be used as a residence, not just an asset . . . Read More

On “Are Race-Based Lawsuits Affecting Community Lenders?

Omar Masry: If I could add to the “Solutions, Strategies and Hope” section of this article it would be to also: (1) Develop more mentoring programs and (2) Use this as an inflection moment of opportunity to pivot toward assisting communities using zip code (whether of where emerging developers grew up... or for those communities chosen for assistance); and corresponding socio-economic status - as a proxy... instead of just using Race (given Supreme Court rulings and lawsuit threats) . . . Via LinkedIn

On “What Do Residents Think of Community Development Organizations?

Margaret Stout: Let’s do a better job as a profession to hear and heed the guidance of directly impacted people! Via LinkedIn

On “The Fight Continues Against Criminalization of Homelessness”?

Debra Kincaid: This is great news. We need more positive approaches to this problem. Via Twitter/X


Development Director, Shelterforce, Remote Shelterforce is seeking a Development Director to unlock the untapped potential of our dedicated reader and listener base, significantly boosting our financial resources to advance our mission of housing justice. Responsibilities include . . . Read Full Listing?

Executive Director, New York Mortgage Coalition, New York, NY ● The New York Mortgage Coalition seeks an experienced housing professional as its next Executive Director. Founded in 1993, NYMC promotes sustainable homeownership and economic empowerment for BIPOC and underserved communities. The Executive Director will . . . Read Full Listing

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Associate Director, Amherst, MA ●?Equity Trust, Inc.?

Construction Project Manager, Athens, GA ●?Athens Land Trust

Director, Los Angeles, CA ● HR&A Advisors

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