Week of April 15, 2024
Cinnamon Janzer, Shelterforce
A hub for health care, social services, and community, the Mino-Bimaadiziwin apartments meet the unique needs of urban Native Americans while enriching the surrounding community. Read Full Article
Shelterforce Staff
While we use terms like “affordable housing,” “moderate income,” “housing poverty,” and “area median income” often, we thought it’d be helpful to explain what all these housing affordability terms mean. Make sure you’re using these 19 terms correctly. Read The Answer
Alexandra Curley, Judith Gonyea, Collette Ngana, Alyssa Nickell, National Initiative on Mixed-Income Communities
A survey of Cambridge, Massachusetts, residents found that residents of affordable units in inclusionary housing properties reported frequently experiencing bias, especially from management. Here’s how we can change that. Read Full Article or Listen
In Case You Missed It
You Said It!
On “Legitimate Debate or Short-Sighted Complaints? 5 Reasons Affordable Housing Is Expensive to Build”?
Daniel N. Hoffman: Per the LIHTC is too expensive: That is only part of the problem. The LIHTC has split the nonprofit community between transactionalists and non-transactionalists. The non-transactionalists have or are open to broad advocacy agendas for their communities and innovation. The transactionalists, with their developer and banker-buddy partners just want to do deals, that are often vital to their staying in business . . . Read More
Daniel Lauber: The timing of this article couldn’t have been better! I’ve got a developer interested in doing this exact thing for a small 55+ community in the exclusionary village in which I live. Since 1984, I’ve contended that low-equity coops (and mutual housing associations) are the key to providing “forever affordable housing” (FAH). Coupled with a community land trust, the concept is even better . . . Read More
Jimmy Manser: Thanks to SquareOne Villages for their leadership to build affordable housing for the low income population. With continued advocacy of the village model, let’s anticipate that people and entities with deep pockets and civic minded hearts will contribute funds to perpetuate this alternative housing vision.?Read More
Nzingha M. Masani-Manuel: I thank you for this truthful/ real article on our unhoused people (homelessness) in U.S. I’m housing advocate and a member of the Detroit Affordable Housing and Homelessness Task Force . . . Read More
Ann Marie: The problem for me with LIHTC rent is that you get rent you maybe can afford but the property is sold to a new company who says you can’t stay at that rate forcing you to move again, and again, and again . . . Via Facebook
Director, Fair and Equitable Opportunity, National Community Reinvestment Coalition, Washington, DC ● The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) is seeking a director of fair and equitable opportunity who will ensure equitable access to housing, lending, and other financial products through fair housing and fair lending testing and enforcement activities. The Director will oversee civil rights litigation matters . . . Read Full Listing
Sr. Administrator, Fair Housing, Metropolitan Milwaukee Fair Housing Council, Milwaukee, WI ● MMFHC is seeking a savvy, determined champion for fair housing who can advance MMFHC’s mission of combating illegal housing discrimination. This position oversees MMFHC’s Inclusive Communities Program and reports to the President & CEO of MMFHC . . . Read Full Listing
Executive Director, Community Land Trust Association of West Marin, Point Reyes Station, CA ● Community Land Trust Association of West Marin (CLAM) seeks an executive director who will provide leadership toward the development and achievement of CLAM’s mission, strategy, annual goals, and objectives. Reporting to the board, the ED will lead and manage all functional . . . Read Full Listing
Deputy Director, Roxbury Tenants of Harvard Association, Boston, MA ● Roxbury Tenants of Harvard (RTH), a Boston-based community development organization, seeks a dynamic and innovative deputy director with expertise in designing, and evaluating programs and managing program and administrative staff to join its leadership team . . . Read Full Listing
Project Manager - Real Estate Development, SquareOne Villages, Eugene, OR ● SquareOne Villages is seeking to expand their capacity to take on more affordable housing developments.?Working closely with the Deputy Director, this position will serve in the Project Manager role to advance all aspects of SquareOne’s housing developments from concept through stabilization . . . Read Full Listing
Vice President of Finance, Rocky Mountain Communities, Denver, CO ● Rocky Mountain Communities seeks a Vice President of Finance who will report directly to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and serves in a key organizational leadership role by managing the organization’s finance, accounting, and operations responsibilities . . .?Read Full Listing
Community Organizer, Fenway Community Development Corporation, Boston, MA ● Fenway Community Development Corporation seeks a community organizer to join their planning and organizing team. The team collaborates with non-profit organizations, issue-specific coalitions, local institutions, elected officials, and resident activists with the goal of securing . . . Read Full Listing
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