The small batch hard-seltzer drinks company I started a few years back has gone well enough that the batches are no longer that small and I’m beginning to export internationally.?I’m incredibly excited about this but when testing the product in certain new markets the panel didn’t seem to share the same enthusiasm.?Their responses in general were a little meh, and certainly not comparable to the love our consumers feel in our home country.?What can I do?
Lakshmi, Mumbai
First and foremost, applause is needed for doing the right thing and conducting some research before you enter the region.?Many a company drunk on success in their home market would have just replicated what has worked so far, with no regard for cultural differences, so hats off for that.
This demonstrates you’ve got an open mind and you put your customers and their opinions first, which stands you in great stead.?In your longer letter you said that the groups felt the product was, in general, a bit too sweet for their taste buds.?For the author at least the answer is glaringly obvious – tweak the product slightly so that it appeals to the market you are selling it in.?Don’t feel bad about it either – tons of companies do this.?Success is your goal, not product purity, so go with the flow and do whatever it takes, including flexing other parts of your approach too (for example, the marketing mix).?It’ll be much, much easier than trying to force-fit your current business onto an unreceptive public.
The famed Spanish chef José Pizarro joked recently that the key to his success in the UK is adding chorizo to many of his dishes, as he knows how well it goes down with the locals (though it’s a step too far in a Paella!).?The moral of the story? Give the people what they want.
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