WEEK 9: Welcome to Spring.
Good morning #gardeners. Welcome to spring..... yes today, meteorologically speaking, is the first day of this glorious season. Let us not be complacent though. In realistic terms this means very little. The cold still poses a threat to tender plants. Generally speaking May is the month, in this country, where we can relax about the weather. Continue to be vigilant & protecting #plants that need your help & do not be tempted to plant out young seedlings yet.
We have had a busy weekend in #Enfield with plenty of folks taking advantage of their outdoors spaces. This did cause some access issues as Forty Hall park was full & there was plenty of irresponsible parking on Forty Hill. Concerns have been raised with Enfield council by us & the police whom we helped to get things moving. Our car park, which is for customers only, coped just fine & we were not busy enough to instigate queuing for entry.
Once again covid security in #GardenCentres was called into question as we understand the Crews Hill area was also very busy. Luckily our stance on this subject was complimented on social media & our distance from this particular area of Enfield was beneficial. This said, may we once again remind you that although Garden Centres are essential retailers, we would ask everyone to consider carefully if a visit is indeed essential. Please do not use us as an 'afternoon out' for the moment & if you do need to visit, keep the people in your group to members of your household ONLY. Ideally no more than two people per household & do not arrange to meet friends here either as this is still not permitted. Thank you.
So. On the nursery this week, more potting of #shrubs, #perennials & #BeddingPlants ready for late spring & summer sales. Our saleable ranges continue to grow with the addition of the first #grasses & #herbs of the year. Our #seedpotato list will be updated this morning plus a March e-mail will be issued later today or tomorrow.
That is all for the weekly update. More posts to follow this week with more items of interest.
Happy #Gardening Everyone.
#clockhousenursery #garden #allotment #BirdCare #seeds #shrubs #hedging #trees 01/03/21