Week 9, June 10

Week 9, June 10

PLayboy, Tigerpaw, More Vinyl than Downloads, Buying Less Crap, & Shrinkage

Walt's Spin

This week there's, even more, #WorkFromAnywhere content, the first DOTPE Leadership Influencer, #Tigerpaw, is revealed, we're all buying less crap, and TikTok is full of back-to-office mockery.

"Walmart, Amazon, Home Depot, Best Buy and most every other retailer are having their own mismatch of supply and demand..."

Speaking of selling, we all hate cold calls. Don't lie, you do. The worst thing about cold calls isn't the dialing, it's WASTEFUL dialing. There is a better way, it 'costs' more, shrinks lists from 10,000 to 500, and increases pick-up rates to as high as 90%+. Nobody is saying 'Cold calling is Dead...' there are just better ways.

Believe it or not, print can be wasteful and Keypoint explains how. The UK won't be squandering as much paper as they start testing a four-day work week, and you might be saying 'goodbye' to taco Tuesdays and blue jean Fridays - the death of mandatory fun in the office is upon us. While you're not in the cube, spin up Bruce's Darkness on the Edge of Town, album, and by album, I mean vinyl.

Sales grew 51% and vinyl outsold CDs for the first time since the 1980s, according to Luminate. 

Playboy(yes THAT Playboy) is back - and it ain't your Dad's Playboy.

Enjoy the read, and have a great weekend.



"Honey, I shrunk...everything." You're not imagining it.

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#WFH New Survey Shows the Next Generation Embraces Remote Work for College to Career Transition

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  • Seven out of ten U.S. college-aged adults are likely to consider an entirely remote job
  • One out of four never expect to hold a traditional 9-to-5 office job, and 85% see themselves holding a side gig
  • Nine out of ten express anxiety about entering the workforce

Read the rest.

"The Demand For Random Crap Suddenly Vanished, Taking Everyone By Surprise"

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More and more spooky recession signs are cropping up seemingly every day, ranging from cooling housing starts to meek GDP growth, all amid the Fed tightening rates. Record-setting inflation – particularly for gas – is only adding to the premonitions, as Vox’s Emily Stewart wrote Wednesday in a piece aptly titled “The bad vibes economy.” But even as things feel bad, many still cast doubt that we’re headed for a recession this year, pointing out persistently low unemployment and the fact that certain indicators, while not as strong as the beginning of this year, are still unusually healthy. 

No one is shocked that what goes up must go down. What’s shocking us all is how quickly the situation changed.

Read here.

Print Can Be Wasteful

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We have all heard that offices would be going paperless at some point. It was even mentioned in a Business Week article in 1975! While digital processes increase and print volumes have continued to decline (at a faster rate during the COVID-19 pandemic than before), print certainly hasn’t completely gone away.

 Transparency and clarity are key. Any inconsistency between message and action will be seen—and “greenwashing” will not be tolerated.

With vendors’ sustainability goals including carbon-neutral targets, product recycling rates, use of recycled materials in products and packaging, remanufactured offerings, as well as print management software offerings, there are many ways to make sure that waste is kept to a minimum as well as offset.

Read the rest, here.

#Tigerpaw is the first Leading Influencer for Infrastructure.

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Oconomowoc, Wi. June 2022 – Greg Walters, Inc. announces Tigerpaw as the Leading Influencer in the Infrastructure Influence designation of the DOTC Office Technology Partnership Ecosystem (DOTPE). 

We are very happy to announce Tigerpaw as the Leading Influencer in the Infrastructure niche of the Death of the Copier Office Technology Partnership Ecosystem.

The DOTPE diagrams and ranks organizations within and outside the industry that represent the best customer-centric philosophy, highest dealer engagement, and most innovation. The resulting guideline helps dealers identify the best ecosystem players when building or enhancing existing go-to-market programs.  

The DOTC Office Technology Partnership Ecosystem (DOTPE) is a tool representing 12 primary categories, plus one for Clients of Influences:

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#worktok: The surge of venting about the worst of work

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"A couple of years ago, happy hour at the pub was workers' go-to destination for whinging about work. But after two years of social distancing during the pandemic, that's changed. Now, workers across the world have instead picked up their smartphones to vent about the 9-to-5 on TikTok, the social media app with a billion monthly users.

The app, in which users dive down an infinite scroll of short videos filmed by other users, attracts thousands of workers complaining about and making fun of work and their day jobs, mostly in the form of short comedy sketches filmed on their phones, often set to music and sometimes peppered with explicit language.

The videos are filed under the popular hashtag of #worktok (as well as #careertok and simply #work) and are watched by millions."

Get the rest, here.

Check out our first sponsor. They've got you covered!

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Can You Cold Call in Front of 300 people? Live? #Salescast

The guys cold calling live.  Salescast, Cloudlead, Monster Connect.

I've been following these guys for a few months. The live stream cold calling sessions and it is both hilarious and comforting.

Do you think you're great a cold calling? Watch these guys. Do you think you suck on the phone? Watch these guys. I've seen them get 10 appointments in an hour - real appointments.

Check them out, here.

The death of 'mandatory fun' in the office

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For more than two years, a complete shake-up of office culture has effectively banished the forced fun of the pre-pandemic era. Many people have attended some kind of virtual team-building activity or Zoom happy hour, of course. But workers have by and large been spared the mandatory monthly birthday celebrations, after-hours drinks, and outings to obstacle courses. 

The pandemic has made us a little angrier, a little more cynical overall, and people just aren’t putting up with things they consider annoying as much anymore – Adrian Gostick

And now, even as some companies call employees back to the office, ‘fun’ at work isn’t what it used to be. In a hybrid environment, it’s tough to get everyone together. Plus, a pandemic-driven priority realignment means many people want to be home with their families as quickly as possible after work – morale-boosting laser tag be damned.


Harry Styles is Bringing Back Vinyl Records? Oh, Go On...

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Vinyl has been resurgent for years, but 2021 marked the format’s biggest year in decades: Sales grew 51% and vinyl outsold CDs for the first time since the 1980s, according to Luminate. CD sales are also on the rise, but sales of digital music—once synonymous with the $.99 iTunes single—are in freefall.

In 2021, digital sales brought in only 4% of US music industry revenues, according to the Recording Industry Association of America. Luminate says only 7% of Harry’s House sales so far have been digital.

Read it here.

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Quick Links

Playboy is Back

Why the return to the office isn’t working

Should commute time be counted as part of the workday?

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