Week 8 ??♀?????
Helena Zilmer Levison
?? Queen of UX ?? actively working on raising the industry standard of UX in Denmark
Olivia was in daycare until 11:15 and then we met up with Lars's mom at our house. She went for a walk with her so she could nap, and then she let me sleep 25 mins until Victor missed me too much. She stayed till around 14 and then I put the kids in our Christiania bike and went to Cecilie from my mother's group's house to play. Olivia and Lea had a blast and the time just flew by so quickly.? Lars picked us up and we decided dinner would be pizzas from the local burger joint because they just started having pizza on the menu. The pizzas were great and we're definitely doing that again.?
Olivia wouldn’t sleep until 23-24 ish and Victor would wake up every 1-2 hours. So a rough night.?
Today Olivia took her first nap at the new daycare and it was a success of 1,5 hours ??
In the meantime, Victor and I went to his baby swimming class. My good friend Janus Nielsen came and helped me juggle the kids.
I had a chat with Joana Neves who will be doing a networking workshop with us at UX Unite . It’s all about creating genuine connections with new people. Love that. Shout out to Jessica Le Roux who got Joana on the radar ????
Janus left around 16 and Somehow I managed to cook dinner without too much crying. So when Lars came home dinner was on the table. He did say he thought I was pretty badass to pull that off.?
Dropped Olivia off at daycare, went grocery shopping, and then Victor woke up when I got home.?
We chilled a bit, and both of us had a bite/sip to eat. Then we went to meet up with my co-mums. One of them shared a good way to ask questions:
“I have a curious question…”
?I love it because it’s so simple, downplayed, and a respectful way to ask questions that can be perceived negatively.?
I’ve been using the mental health app Ahead and I must say that I’ve already learned?a lot about myself. It helped me put words and understand my anger, anxiety, procrastination patterns, and confidence better. I tend to assume other people are thinking negatively about me and judging me, so I’ll often over-apologize if I have critical questions. So this phrase was one for my memory bank ???
While hanging out with these lovely ladies, a message ticked in from Claus Venlov from Preely that we have a green light for me to organize and host the next 4 Preely events. I’m super excited about this and now I’m considering who could be great speakers and what topics are most relevant.?
While going to Pick up Olivia, I got on the phone with Sabrine Gadeh?j Andersen from IDA to talk about them potentially hosting the networking workshop with Joana. She was very positive so YAY ???
We returned and it was great seeing Jasmin’s oldest boy show Olivia his toys and see them interacting. Jasmin is a pedagog and informed me that children under two play together in parallel. After the age of two they “find each other” and start playing together. Super interesting fact.?
At home, I hacked our meal box and we had a lovely dinner. Olivia actually fell asleep quite early. Victor gave up at around 22.
After dropping off Olivia at daycare, Victor and I chilled at home. While he napped I got to do some more work in the garden ????
I just love being outside, I feel so productive and connected to the earth.?
I went to mummy therapy and honestly, I didn’t feel like it did anything for me this time around. Almost a bit like I was wasting my time and just hearing how hard the other mothers were feeling. Totally legit but not exactly what I wanna fill my days with.?
On my way to pick up Olivia, I jumped on a call with I?igo Lara . He is living at Nest Copenhagen , the co-living space I lived in for almost 3 years before meeting Lars. He is part of organizing a mini-conference to celebrate Nest's 10-year anniversary. I’ve been selected to be one of six speakers and do an eighteen-minute TED talk-style presentation in April. I wanted to ask him some questions and it was very inspiring. I said yes to being a speaker and I think it will be called “genuine connections” and be about relations, community, and mindsets. I can feel I’m really excited about this. It’s been a while since I had to do a talk and I do really love to share my two cents with an engaged audience.?
At home, Lars's mom was waiting for us. Olivia and she played with bricks and read some books while I tried to get Victor to nap. I prepped Olivia’s swimming bag and we went off by car. Lars met us there on the Christiania bike and took Victor back home. Olivia and I had a blast yet again at swimming class. She dived after balls, and placed them in the correct colored buckets ?? ?? she happily jumped off the edge into my arms and I threw her into the air during the singing part of the class.?
Christina Bruun and her daughter Kaia were also there and it’s great having a friend in that setting. They joined us for dinner and it was fun to see the kids interact and have a good time.?
Lars tugged Olivia in and I got on a Zoom call with Zdeněk Pa?ek about the website. He is making some great progress and we came up with a way to combat “dead jobs” on the UX Unite job board. He’s been working on rewriting all the messy code that is our website (quite an undertaking) and both of us are excited for it to be done so we can start doing other things, more fun things on the website ??
Thursday night I had a fallback on a medical issue I had after giving birth. I won’t go into details but it’s been VERY painful. That morning I got a doctor's appointment at 11 and asked Lars to work from home. He took Olivia to the daycare where they informed him that she was fully onboarded ????YAY
I slept until Victor needed me too much but that hour made a huge difference to how I was feeling.?
Victor joined me at the doctor and my assumption about my health was correct.?
I mostly rested that day and tried to recover. We received good news. Next week should be so dry that our carpenter can open up our roof and install two new windows. Then he can finally finish and we can start using our 1st floor. We’ve only lived there for 7 months now…?
We decided to go for a kids show in Drag?r church. We biked there and it was fun to see Olivia not understanding the show but having a great time running around in the church, and walking back and forth on the wooden benches. After the show, we went on a stroll through the town and ended up at a fish truck where we bought some fish for dinner. We went to a supermarket and bought some more things for dinner alongside some lunch snacks from the bake-off. Biking back Olivia and Victor fell asleep.?
Back home Victor attacked my ice cream and it was simply the funniest thing. He has started to show small signs of being interested in food but this was a clear takeover. Ice cream for sure isn’t where I would have started ???
Later on, he cracked the code on how to roll from back to tummy. Olivia was practicing putting on and taking off her boots. While I was cooking dinner she also practiced peeling a carrot with her kid peeler.? I’m so proud of our kids. It’s such a joy to watch them explore life and see them develop into humans. I pity parents who don’t see this type of magic in life because they’re never truly mentally present with their kids.?
The fallback I mentioned on Friday blew up on Sunday, and I spent most of the day in bed trying to recover, while Lars juggled the two kids at his best ability. The only thing I feel like I did that day was to sew in a new zipper in Lars's and my jackets. I hope things are better tomorrow ??