Week #7 of the EU AND USA Universal ID Tracker
Greetings and salutations, welcome to week #7 of the race to replace third-party cookies in the near future! As you can see we've expanded our scope a bit and we're now including volume numbers for universal IDs in North America too, which from now on will be referred to as "NA." (I didn't want to write "NA" in the title above, it reads a bit more "Not Applicable" than "North America," so apologies to our friends in Canada who are probably already annoyed about living above such a large, loud country. Ahem.)
So we'll start with the Europe charts and then the North America charts will follow, and then you'll see the synthetic ID/publisher-generated ID charts for NA and EU. Of course the North America charts won't be that exciting for a couple of weeks, right now they're just a dot because we just started them, but you get the picture. :)
North America charts (Canada and USA)
Synthetic IDs (publisher-generated IDs)
DM me if you have any questions about universal/extended/alternative IDs or if you need a nice probabilistic identity ligaments layer added to your identity spine.