Week 5: Supervised Machine Learning: A Simplified In-Depth Explanation
Alaaeddin Alweish
Solutions Architect & Lead Developer | Semantic AI | Graph Data Engineering & Analysis
In our previous article, we introduced supervised learning briefly. Today, we will dive deeper into this major branch of machine learning. We'll explore the definition and types of supervised learning, its key algorithms, and real-world applications.
This article provides a clear overview and practical insights. It starts with the basics for non-technical readers and gradually moves into the logic and implementation of key algorithms, using simplified pseudo-code to explain how they work.
1. What is Supervised Learning?
Supervised learning is a type of machine learning where the model is trained on a labeled dataset to learn the relationship between inputs and outputs.
Think of it as finding a pattern or rule that links your information (input features) to the answers you want (target labels). The model can make accurate guesses about new data that we haven't seen before. This is like using what humans know from past experiences to make predictions about the future.
As we will explore in this article, supervised learning is popular across many industries due to its ability to support informed decision-making.
1.1. Types of Supervised Learning: Regression vs. Classification
1.2. Key Concepts in Supervised Learning
2. Applications in Real-World Scenarios
The best way to understand when and how to use supervised learning is by looking at practical examples. Supervised learning has numerous real-world applications across various domains. Here are some examples, emphasizing the use of features and labels:
1. Healthcare
2. Finance
3. Marketing
4. Transportation
5. Retail
6. Education
7. Agriculture
8. Manufacturing
9. Telecommunications
10. Human Resources
3. Let's Get More Technical
If you're curious about the technical details and interested in a deeper understanding, this section is for you. We'll uncover more about supervised learning concepts, metrics, and key algorithms:
3.1. Feature Engineering and Data Preprocessing
Feature Engineering
Feature Scaling
Data Cleaning
3.2. Evaluation Metrics:
Classification Metrics
Regression Metrics
3.3. Key Algorithms in Supervised Learning
In this section, we explore the top 5 algorithms in detail, explaining their concepts, providing practical examples, and presenting how they work with pseudo-code for developers who prefer a structured implementation guide.
3.3.1. Linear Regression
Linear regression models the relationship between a dependent variable (what you want to predict) and one or more independent variables (features) using a linear equation.
It helps us predict a target value (like house prices) based on other related features (like square footage, number of bedrooms, and location). It does this by finding the best-fitting straight line through the data points.
Suppose you want to predict the price of a house. You have data on other houses, including their prices and features like size, number of bedrooms, and location. By finding the best-fitting line through this data, you can predict the price of a new house based on its features.
How It Works:
I. Initialize Weights and Bias: We start with an initial guess for the line's slope (weights) and where it crosses the y-axis (bias).
II. Training Process: For each example in our data (each house's features and price):
III. Final Model: After many adjustments, we get a line that predicts prices well based on the given features.
1. Initialize weights (w) and bias (b)
2. For each iteration (epoch):
a. For each training example (x, y):
i. Predict the output: y_pred = w * x + b
ii. Calculate the error: error = y_pred - y
iii. Update weights: w = w - learning_rate * error * x
iv. Update bias: b = b - learning_rate * error
3. Return the weights and bias
3.3.2. Logistic Regression
Logistic regression is used for binary classification, meaning it helps us decide between two classes (like yes or no, spam or not spam). It predicts the probability that a given input belongs to a certain class. Unlike linear regression, which predicts a continuous value, logistic regression predicts a probability between 0 and 1.
Logistic regression can help determine if an email is spam or not based on features like the presence of certain keywords, frequency of specific terms, and other characteristics. By analyzing these features, the model predicts the probability that an email is spam and classifies it accordingly.
How It Works:
I. Initialize Weights and Bias: We start with an initial guess for the weights (slopes) and bias (intercept).
II. Training Process: For each example in our data (e.g., each email and its spam or not spam label):
III. Repeat this process for many iterations (epochs) to improve the model's accuracy.
1. Initialize weights (w) and bias (b)
2. For each epoch:
a. For each training example (x, y):
i. Calculate the linear combination: z = w * x + b
ii. Apply the sigmoid function: y_pred = 1 / (1 + exp(-z))
iii. Calculate the error: error = y_pred - y
iv. Update weights: w = w - learning_rate * error * x
v. Update bias: b = b - learning_rate * error
3. Return the weights and bias
3.3.3. Decision Trees
Decision trees are used to make predictions by recursively splitting the training data into subsets based on the feature that provides the best split. The goal is to achieve the highest information gain or the lowest Gini impurity at each split. Think of it like a flowchart where each decision leads to further branching until a final decision is made.
Gini impurity measures how mixed the classes are in a subset of data. A Gini impurity of 0 means all elements are of the same class, while a higher value means a more mixed set.
Use Case:
Decision trees can help predict whether a customer will leave a service (churn) based on various features such as usage patterns, customer demographics, and service history. By analyzing these features, the model creates a series of decision rules to classify customers as likely to churn or not.
How It Works:
1. If all data points in a subset belong to the same class (all customers churn or don't churn) or the maximum depth is reached:
- Return a leaf node with the majority class (e.g., "churn" or "not churn").
2. Find the feature (e.g., usage pattern) and threshold (e.g., hours > 5) that best split the data.
3. Split the data into two subsets:
- Subset 1: Customers who use the service more than 5 hours.
- Subset 2: Customers who use the service 5 hours or less.
4. Create a decision node with the chosen feature and threshold:
- For example, "If usage pattern > 5 hours, go to Subset 1; else go to Subset 2."
5. Recursively repeat steps 1-4 for the left (Subset 1) and right (Subset 2) subsets:
- For Subset 1: Check if further splits based on other features like demographics or service history improve the classification.
- For Subset 2: Similarly, check for further splits.
6. Return the decision node (tree).
3.3.4. Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Support Vector Machines (SVM) are used for classification tasks. They work by finding the hyperplane (a line in 2D, a plane in 3D, or a higher-dimensional surface) that best separates the data into different classes. The goal is to maximize the margin, which is the distance between the hyperplane and the nearest data points of each class (these points are called support vectors).
SVMs can classify images as cats or dogs based on pixel values. By finding the best hyperplane that separates images of cats from images of dogs, the model can accurately classify new images.
How It Works
I. Initialize Weights and Bias: Start with initial guesses for the weights (slopes) and bias (intercept).
II. Training Process:
For each example in our data (e.g., each image and its label, cat or dog):
III. Final Model: After many adjustments, the model finds the optimal hyperplane that best separates the classes.
1. Initialize weights (w) and bias (b)
2. For each epoch:
a. For each training example (x, y):
i. Calculate the decision function: z = w * x + b
ii. If y * z < 1:
- Update weights: w = w + learning_rate * (y * x - 2 * regularization_strength * w)
- Update bias: b = b + learning_rate * y
iii. Else:
- Update weights: w = w - learning_rate * 2 * regularization_strength * w
3. Return the weights and bias
3.3.5. k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN)
k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) is a simple and intuitive algorithm used for classification and regression tasks. It predicts the target value for a new example based on the majority class (for classification) or average value (for regression) of the k-nearest neighbors in the feature space.
k-NN can recommend products to customers based on the preferences of similar customers. By finding the k most similar customers (neighbors) and looking at their preferences, the algorithm can suggest products that are likely to be of interest to the new customer.
How it Works:
I. Calculate Distances: For each new example (e.g., a customer looking for product recommendations), calculate the distance between the new example and all the training examples (e.g., other customers with known preferences).
II. Select Neighbors: Sort the distances and select the k-nearest neighbors (e.g., the k most similar customers).
III. Make Prediction:
1. For each new customer:
a. Calculate the distance between the new customer and all existing customers based on their preferences.
- Use a distance metric like Euclidean distance.
b. Sort the distances to find the k-nearest neighbors.
- Select the top k closest customers.
c. For classification: Recommend the product most frequently bought by the k-nearest neighbors.
- Count the frequency of each product in the k-nearest neighbors.
- Return the product with the highest count.
d. For regression: Predict the average spending of the k-nearest neighbors.
- Sum the spending values of the k-nearest neighbors.
- Return the average value.
Other Common Algorithms:
Here's a brief introduction to other significant algorithms:
Advanced Topics
Overfitting and Underfitting
Model Selection and Hyperparameter Tuning
Ensemble Methods
Are you interested in a practical end-to-end example? Check out this notebook project that predicts median house values in California districts using various features. the project is created by Aurélien Géron the Author of the book "Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow" and the Former PM of YouTube video classification.
Supervised learning is a major branch of machine learning that involves training models on labeled datasets to predict outcomes for new, unseen data. We explored its key concepts, such as features, labels, and types like regression and classification. We also looked at real-world applications across various domains and then dove into the technical details by reviewing the top 5 essential algorithms, including linear regression, logistic regression, decision trees, SVM, and k-NN, and listed other common algorithms. By understanding these foundational elements, you can effectively recognize the proper use cases of supervised learning and gain a solid starting point for applying them in your projects.
In this Zero to Hero: Learn AI Newsletter, we will publish one article weekly (or biweekly for in-depth articles). Next week, we'll dive deeper into Unsupervised Machine Learning. Check out the plan of this series here:
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