As we've reached the one-month milestone in this 2-credit class—a class as crucial to your education as your degree itself—I'd like to take a moment to reflect on our journey together. The progress we've made, and the insights we've shared, have only been possible because of your enthusiastic participation, for which I am deeply grateful.
Recalling the pre-reading materials assigned as per last week, which were intended to keep your schedule full and, hopefully, enjoyable, it's evident that our collective effort has been significant.
Pre-Reading Materials as per 16 March 2024
Then, the additional Reading from Last Week through Week 6:
A. On Storytelling Part 2:
Tambun, T. (2024). Storytelling Mix in the Making. LinkedIn Article. Available at
(2024). An Illustration for Time, Efforts, and Resources: Reminiscence of My Regiment's Singing Lessons. LinkedIn Article. Available at
(2024). Mastering Communication Skills: Moving Beyond Authenticity and Genuineness. LinkedIn Article. Available at
B. Introvert At Play Part 2:
Tambun, T. (2024). B. To Speak or Not To Speak? LinkedIn Article. Available at
(2024). Tools for Introverts in Education: A Paradigm Shift. The Jakarta Post. Available at, retrieved 16 March 2024
Given those, it seems only right that we take the time to reflect on our shared learning experiences. I am eager to learn from you, and so, today, we are organizing focused discussions in breakout groups. This structure is designed to enable a comprehensive evaluation of participants' communication skills, offer a chance for everyone to catch up, and provide time for reflection.
Over the next 100 minutes or so, our agenda will be as follows
A. Timeline with Extended Presentations
Introduction (Minute 0 - 10)
Minute 0 - 5: Briefly introduce the session's objectives, explain the breakout group activity, and outline the evaluation criteria.
Minute 5 - 10: Assign students to their breakout groups and explain how to access their specific cluster of questions.
Breakout Group Discussions (Minute 10 - 25)
Minute 10 - 25: Students engage in discussions within their assigned breakout rooms.
Preparing Summaries in Breakout Rooms (Minute 25 - 30)
Minute 25 - 30: Groups draft a concise summary of their discussion to be shared in the main session via Zoom chat.
Reconvening and Submitting Summaries (Minute 30 - 35)
Minute 30 - 35: Groups return to the main session and submit their written summaries in the Zoom chat.
Group Presentations (Minute 35 - 90)
Minute 35 - 90: Allocate up to 2.75 minutes for each group's presentation, allowing a bit more depth in sharing their insights, followed by a 30-second transition/Q&A period between presentations. This setup provides ample time for a more thorough exploration of each group's discussion outcomes.
Wrap-up and Reflection (Minute 90 - 100)
Minute 90 - 95: Open the floor for any final questions or comments. Quickly share observations and highlight key takeaways from both the presentations and chat summaries.
Minute 95 - 100: Conclude the session by summarizing the session's key insights, emphasizing the importance of cultural understanding and communication skills. Briefly mention any follow-up resources or assignments related to the session's themes.
B. Participants will be divided into 20 breakout rooms, with each group being assigned a specific cluster. The cluster number will correspond to their breakout room number.
How do universalism and particularism manifest in different cultures?
Compare and contrast achievement and ascription in cultural contexts.
Discuss collectivism vs. individualism in the case of Japan and Indonesia.
How does affectivity vs. affective neutrality influence communication in different cultures?
Explain specificity vs. diffuseness and its impact on business and personal relationships.
Cluster 6: Time Orientation and Communication Context
How do Japan and Indonesia differ in their time orientation?
Discuss the implications of monochronic vs. polychronic cultures on business practices.
Explain the concept of high-context and low-context communication styles.
How can understanding a culture's communication context improve cross-cultural interactions?
Provide examples of how time orientation and communication context affect interpersonal relations.
Cluster 7: Practical Application of Travel Insights
How can travel experiences be used to enhance global awareness in education?
Discuss ways technology can overcome limitations of physical travel for cultural learning.
How might virtual reality contribute to immersive cultural experiences?
What strategies can ensure travel experiences lead to genuine cultural engagement?
How can cultural humility be cultivated among global citizens?
Cluster 8: Personal Growth Through Cultural Exposure
Reflect on a personal experience where exposure to a new culture changed your perspective.
How can travel serve as an educational tool beyond traditional settings?
Discuss the importance of maintaining a balance between adopting foreign cultural elements and appreciating one's culture.
How can personal growth be measured in terms of cultural understanding and openness?
What are the benefits of being open to challenging one's own beliefs and attitudes through travel?
Cluster 9: Overcoming Prejudices with Mindful Travel
What are practical ways to cultivate a traveler's mindset without leaving your community?
How can engaging with diverse media contribute to combating prejudice?
Why is critical thinking important when exploring different cultures, whether traveling or online?
Discuss the role of cultural exchange in fostering understanding and appreciation.
How can individuals navigate the challenges of digital media to gain authentic cultural insights?
Cluster 10: Cultural Immersion and Adaptation
How does prolonged exposure to a culture lead to appreciation despite initial resistance?
Discuss the role of cognitive dissonance in cultural adaptation and appreciation.
What are the main cultural differences observed between Japan and Indonesia in the case study?
How did the individual's perception of Indonesian culture change over time?
What lesson can be learned from the 35-year journey regarding cultural immersion?
Cluster 11: Evaluating Communication Skills through Cultural Discussions
How can discussions on cultural theories enhance communication skills?
What role do empathy and open-mindedness play in effective cross-cultural communication?
How can one articulate the complexities of cognitive dissonance theory in simple terms?
Discuss the importance of presenting and defending viewpoints in a multicultural discussion.
How can reflective discussions on personal travel experiences improve verbal communication skills?
Cluster 12: Impact of Travel on Career and Personal Development
How can travel influence one's career path or field of study?
Discuss how studying abroad can impact a student's worldview and career opportunities.
Reflect on how personal and professional growth can be achieved through cultural experiences.
How can experiences from travel be applied in professional settings to enhance creativity and innovation?
Discuss the significance of cultural understanding in global business and teamwork.
Cluster 13: Cross-Cultural Experiences and Global Challenges
How do cultural theories play a role in understanding global challenges?
Discuss how cross-cultural experiences can contribute to innovation and creativity in various fields.
How can empathy in navigating cultural differences lead to better global cooperation?
What are the implications of global mobility for cultural understanding and integration?
How can individuals prepare for cultural immersion to maximize learning and positive impact?
Cluster 14: Navigating Digital Media for Cultural Learning
Discuss the challenges of cultivating open-mindedness in the era of digital media.
How can one engage critically with online content to explore other cultures deeply?
What strategies can be used to ensure digital explorations of culture lead to genuine understanding?
How can digital platforms be used responsibly to promote cultural awareness and appreciation?
Reflect on the role of digital literacy in discerning authentic cultural representations online.
Cluster 15: Cultivating Cultural Awareness without Travel
What are the benefits and limitations of virtual cultural exchanges compared to physical travel?
Discuss ways to engage with local multicultural communities to broaden cultural understanding.
How can cultural documentaries and literature substitute or complement actual travel experiences?
What role can language learning play in deepening cultural understanding without physical travel?
How can one foster a sense of global citizenship through local actions and learning?
Cluster 16: Reflections on Personal and Societal Prejudices
Reflect on how personal biases can be challenged and transformed through travel.
Discuss the societal impact of widespread travel and cultural exchange on reducing prejudices.
How can individuals contribute to a culture of inclusivity and openness in their communities?
What are the challenges of addressing deeply ingrained societal prejudices through education and travel?
How can travel experiences be shared within communities to foster a broader understanding and empathy?
Cluster 17: The Role of Education in Cultural Understanding
How can educators incorporate travel experiences into curricula to enhance global awareness?
Discuss the impact of international student exchange programs on cultural understanding among youth.
What role does interdisciplinary learning play in cultivating a comprehensive view of global cultures?
How can critical thinking and reflection be encouraged in students exploring new cultures?
Reflect on the importance of cultural sensitivity training in educational settings.
Cluster 18: The Future of Travel and Cultural Engagement
Discuss future trends in travel that might influence how individuals engage with and learn from different cultures.
How might advancements in technology further bridge the gap between different cultures?
Reflect on the potential ethical considerations of virtual reality travel experiences.
What are the implications of increased global mobility on cultural preservation and appreciation?
How can sustainable travel practices contribute to deeper cultural understanding and respect?
Cluster 19: Cultural Artifacts vs. Deep Cultural Engagement
Discuss the tendency to focus on cultural artifacts rather than deep, value-based engagement.
How does misunderstanding one's own culture lead to superficial engagement with other cultures?
What strategies can travelers employ to move beyond surface-level cultural interactions?
Reflect on the importance of seeking out authentic cultural experiences while traveling.
How can individuals discern between cultural appreciation and cultural appropriation?
Cluster 20: Building Cross-Cultural Relationships
Discuss how travel and cultural exposure can lead to lasting cross-cultural relationships.
How do shared experiences in diverse cultural settings impact interpersonal connections?
What challenges might arise in forming cross-cultural friendships, and how can they be overcome?
Reflect on the role of mutual respect and understanding in cross-cultural communication.
How can cross-cultural relationships contribute to personal and community growth?
C. Depending on the dynamics of each group, we will offer a variety of activity options
Presentation: Each group presents a summary of their discussion to the entire class, focusing on key insights and conclusions. Assess their ability to communicate clearly, structure their presentation logically, and engage the audience.
Q&A Sessions: After each presentation, allow time for questions from both the instructor and other students. Evaluate the group's ability to respond thoughtfully, demonstrate depth of understanding, and engage in meaningful dialogue.
Peer Review: This is another form of Q&A, to encourage students to provide constructive feedback on other groups' presentations. This not only fosters a collaborative learning environment but also helps develop critical listening and feedback skills.
Reflective Essays: Ask each student to write a short reflective essay on what they learned from their cluster discussion and how it applies to their personal experiences or future learning. I will assess their ability to introspect, synthesize information, and communicate their reflections effectively: this is where the mind-map takes into play.
Role-Playing: (only if time permits) Incorporate role-playing exercises where students must argue from the perspective of a culture or viewpoint different from their own. This tests student's ability to understand and communicate complex ideas empathetically and respectfully.
Preparation: Ensure students have access to their questions before the session to maximize productivity during discussions.
Efficient Transitions: Clearly communicate the transition times to keep the session on track. Consider using Zoom's broadcast message feature to notify groups when it's time to wrap up discussions or prepare for presentations.
Presentation Order: To streamline the process, predetermine the order of presentations based on group numbers or another logical sequence. Inform groups of their presentation order during the introduction.
Active Participation: Encourage all group members to participate in the presentation, whether by taking turns speaking or being ready to answer questions during the Q&A.
Wrap-Up Efficiency: To ensure a succinct wrap-up, prepare a closing statement that highlights the session's objectives and key learnings. Encourage students to continue reflecting on the session's themes in their own time or in future assignments.
This timeline prioritizes depth of discussion and presentation quality within the constraints of a 100-minute session, aiming to foster a rich learning experience focused on cultural understanding and communication skills.
CLUSTER 15 Cultivating Curtural Awareness without Travel
Leader Group: Dwika Aryaguna
Member: -Alifta Putri Fauziya
-Delta Laura Harianja
-Naili Afika
1. The benefits of virtual 'travel' is virtual travel cheaper cause we don't have to go abroad to new places to get to know them, we just can scroll through social media such as Instagram and tiktok to travel to these new places, but that kind of travel does not give us all the knowledge and cultures cause there are experiences we cannot if we don't try to go there.
2. do not be shy to ask, to communicate with, and to be open with new cultures, trying to asking and not arguing if we do not suit with the new cultures.
3. documentaries and literature can replace or even replace the experience of traveling because through writing we can feel what the author feel and see when they wentn to new places, so we can be imagining what kind of place are the authors go to? Is there something special about these places? Are these places have their own stories?
CLUSTER 17 : The Role of Education in Cultural UnderstandingLeader : Binar Grahitha (514878)Member : Fathima Az-Zahra (517198) ?Ariel Raka (520803) Aida Fitriani (517465). ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?1. A. LITERATURE and language arts. learn diverse cultures and landscapesB. History and social studies, use travel experiences and social phenomenaC. Critical thinking. Critical narrative, perspective, and motivationD. Experiential learning, Field trip and engagement with another cultureE. Virtual Travel, Virtual reality to global student's perspective2. Students can learn the culture of each other's destination countries, they can compare the cultures of the two and sometimes can apply each other in their home countries. Students can get to know each other and expand relationships. Knowing each other's culture can help reduce negative prejudices that probably arise.
Cluster 16: reflection on personal and societal prejudices
1. Rr athalia putri prasapna
2. Nur fatihah rahma Maruni
3. Karina alya zhafira
1. Through travel one will be exposed to diverse cultures, beliefs and lifestyles. When people interacting with another people from different backgrounds, it will helps to break down stereotypes and prejudices by providing challenging first-hand experiences. In addition, immersing oneself in a new culture allows for a deeper understanding of its complexities, norms, and values
2. the societal impact of widespread travel and cultural exchange on reducing prejudices is culture shock which can cause adaptation difficulties
3. we can contribute to inclusivity and openness by learning and sharing our knowledge to other people, seeing that all people are equal, getting along with everyone without seeing someone's the race and birth place, and communicating without patronizing
1. Alfina Tuzaka Rahmaningtyas_522713
Alfina Tuzaka Rahmaningtyas
2. Muhammad Adzka Putra Kiswanto_520345
Muhammad Adzka Putra Kiswanto
3. Dyah Suci Romadhoni_517981
Cluster 9: Overcoming Prejudices with Mindful Travel
1. Practical ways to cultivate a travelers mindset are the traveler must be able to adaptive and communicative.
2. The act of traveling can be doing with media such as scroll through an Instagram feed and TikTok or joining affordable cost of travel and accommodations. Therefore, We can be using the media for combats prejudice, it could cause open minding and engaging mentally and emotionally for the new world like an Aristotle said "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it".
3. Critical thinking is important when exploring different cultures, whether through travel or online, for several reasons. Critical thinking allows us to analyze and evaluate the information we encounter, helping us to understand the perspectives and beliefs of people from different cultures.
Cluster 7
Travel experience to exchange global awarenes
Group Leader: Angelina Vega Hutabarat
1. Amalisa Putri Defita
2. Fachrian Taufiqurrahman
3. Intan Safitri
1. Travel experiences can be leveraged in education to expose students to different cultures, customs, and worldviews firsthand. Incorporating cross-cultural trips, exchanges, or immersive learning programs can foster greater global awareness, empathy, and appreciation for diversity. Tailored curricula involving pre-trip research, language learning, and post-trip reflections can maximize the educational value.
2. Technology offers avenues to overcome physical limitations of travel. Virtual reality can simulate immersive cultural experiences through 360° videos, interactive environments, and gamified learning modules about different countries/cultures. Online cultural exchange programs can facilitate real-time interactions with peers from other societies. Curated digital libraries with multimedia resources can provide extensive exposure to the arts, histories and perspectives across cultures.
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