Week 48: Truto's Weekly Changelog

Week 48: Truto's Weekly Changelog

Don't break your head over integrations

Integrations are a solved problem with Truto. Why have your best engineers work on integrations instead of critical features, security, architecture, and infrastructure updates for your product?

Speak with us to learn more about how we are helping companies like Sprinto delegate their integrations to Truto.


New integrations

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central — supports the Unified Accounting API.

New Features

  • Before/After Steps for Unified Models: You can now create before or after steps for a Unified Model directly through the UI. These steps allow you to perform additional API calls or gather necessary data before or after the Unified API request, giving you greater flexibility and control over your integration workflows.

Truto's before/after steps feature release
Truto's before/after steps feature release

Truto's before/after steps feature release

  • Confirmation Modal: Added a confirmation modal to the Installed Integrations and Installed Unified APIs save process. This ensures changes are intentional and helps prevent accidental updates.

Confirmation modal to prevent accidental updates
Confirmation modal to prevent accidental updates


  • Fixed an edge case where the client secret was being set to undefined when updating an installed integration.
  • Improved the UI of Installed Integrations and Unified Models.

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