Week 32: The Sales Voicemail Script Guide: 7 Templates That Convert!

Week 32: The Sales Voicemail Script Guide: 7 Templates That Convert!

Voicemail might not look like much, but it’s one of the direct complements you have to your sales campaigns.

While a lot of people may dismiss them as a mere follow up process, we have to remember that even the way they’re structured can play a pivotal role in getting your prospect to agree to another call with you or get you through the first time.

This why it’s critical that you get your voicemails right.

And, how do you do that?

In two steps:

  1. Plan out how you’re going to use voicemail - it could be follow ups or before the call itself
  2. Be intentional with your voicemails - don’t just call them to book a call, try to create a relationship, build trust and get them excited to talk to you.

It sounds like a lot of work right?

That’s because it is.

But, here’s the thing.

It’s no different to creating a sales call script.

We’ve created a voicemail template guide that you can read in its entirety on our blog but we’ve included an excerpt that you can check out here today.


Sample Sales Voicemail Scripts You Can Use

1. The Long Basic Script

Hi *prospect’s name*, this is *agent’s name* from *organization’s name*. I'm calling to speak to you about your *your service*
We *what the organizations does in general* by *list down three specific things you do*.
I’ll try reaching you again tomorrow.
Again this is *agent’s name*, you can reach me at *your number*. Thanks. Talk soon.


Hi Bob, this is John from XYZ Growth Agency. I'm calling to speak to you about your lead gen.
We help tech companies like yours increase leads by at least 45 percent by: connecting you with relevant prospects, generating passive leads, and using data to optimize lead capture.
I’ll try reaching you again tomorrow.
Again this is John, you can reach me at 111-1111. Thanks. Talk soon.

This is a simple voicemail message that clearly states who you are, why you're calling, when's the next time you'll call, and adds a CTA at the end.

It's a short sales voicemail script, but it can help you get through because of its simplicity.

A quick thing to note is that you really have to highlight "how" you do what you do, not "what" you do.

Nobody wants general promises, they want tangible results.

2. The Short Basic Script

Hi *prospect’s first name*, it’s *agent’s name* from *organization name*.?I’m calling to talk to you about our *a tantalizing offer*
I’ll call you back tomorrow and you can reach me at *your number*. Talk to you soon.

This is another basic script that you can use and it works well because it's short, sweet, and its success is based on how good your offer is.

You can also use this script as a follow-up voicemail if ever you find a prospect that's difficult to reach.

3. The Appointment Setter's Script

Hi *prospect name*, this is *agent’s name* from *organization name*
I'm calling because you signed up for more information about *your offer they signed up for*
I will follow up again tomorrow or you can give me a call back on *your number* to schedule your appointment.
Thanks and have a great day!

It helps to send a sales voicemail to a prospect who's either interested in an offer or who's requested more information on your landing pages.

Most prospects will be screening their calls so sending them a sales voicemail message prepping them for your next phone call will do a lot in allowing an appointment setting call to come through.

Plus, it also sets the tone for their relationship with your organization since this is technically the first human touchpoint that they have with you.

4. The Secret Ca...


>> Show Me The Rest of the Scripts! <<

Digital Marketing News Roundup

  • Twitter is now Elon's.
  • New ad placements on the Apple App Store.
  • Google Analytics UA360 will be around until 2024 giving users more time to transition.

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Jennifer Simpson

Health / Safety/ Fitness / Nutrition / Common Sense & Fun. Emphasis on fun today. And Gym. And maybe some more accounting.

2 å¹´

And plus some of us took out the creepy hang up phone call opinion. I am not the ass you were looking for that million times you called



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