WEEK 32: A hint of 2021.
Good morning folks. Nice #garden weather is forecast for the next week, so plenty of opportunity to retreat back into your own little havens of horticultural heaven. Please remember to stay on top of the watering. Recent additions to borders are not able to fend for themselves immediately. Plus... plants in pots dry out quickly, both from the sun & warm breezes. Our nursery is filled with #plants in pots & our irrigation is operational EVERY day, so this means that you should consider watering your pots every day too.
We can bring you a hint of 2021 already.... yes, the spring flowering #bulbs have begun to arrive. We were busy this weekend pricing & displaying the first delivery, so there is 'a' selection available right NOW. We do not expect a full selection until the middle of the month as deliveries trickle in over the coming weeks.
On the theme of things arriving early... we have just started selling Clockhouse Nursery grown mini #cyclamen. A favourite for autumn planting, they can also be used in more shaded areas for the rest of the summer. Just keep them 'dead headed' & they will continue to produce new #flowers. This year they are £1.30 each in full size 9cm pots. We have not got hundreds ready, so not enough for you 'mass planters' yet, but more are budding up every day.
On the rest of the nursery we continue to try to provide a good selection of herbaceous #perennials with top up orders arriving from UK growers wherever possible despite the industry suffering shortages. #Shrubs are looking good still too with selections from weird & exotic back down to garden staples.
Our "Garden Jobs This Month" page will be updated later today with a few items of inspiration to keep you busy around your plot. https://www.clockhousenursery.co.uk/garden-jobs-this-month
A quick thank you to you all for your compliance regarding face coverings. On the whole, the majority of you have been marvelous & acted responsibly. We appreciate this greatly.
That is all for this weeks (on time) update ;-).
Happy #Gardening Everyone.
#Clockhousenursery #Enfield 03/08/20