Week 29- Climate news in one minute!
Forest Fires in Canada. Source: BBC by Matt McGrath

Week 29- Climate news in one minute!

Week 29 - (Our) top 3 insights of this week

1.?????Hottest summer on record: Unprecedented hot weather witnessed in North Africa, Middle East, Asia, Europe and the North Americas, for over two weeks in a row. The big El Ni?o phenomenon is in its full might in the Pacific and it will likely make 2024 the world's hottest year. Scientists fear it will help push the world past a key 1.5C warming milestone.

2. ? ??Eating less meat 'like taking 8m cars off road: One of the findings of new research that scientists say, having big UK meat-eaters cut some of it out of their diet would be like taking 8 million cars off the road.

The research shows that a big meat-eater's diet produces an average of 10.24 kg of planet-warming greenhouse gasses each day. A low meat-eater produces almost half that at 5.37 kg per day. And for vegan diets - it's halved again to 2.47 kg a day.

3.?????Accelerating Inclusive Climate Action Remains Urgent: Achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement requires a collective, sustained long-term effort and more inclusive climate action. Effective participation of youth, women, Indigenous Peoples, and local communities in decision-making for climate action still needs to be strengthened and this will be a focus in COP 28.



