The week that was: 27 Sep - 03 Oct 2021
Frenziness on the campus for the Summer Internships reaches its peak. Few organisations recorded their upwardly numerous numbers for everybody's surprise and happiness. While this was good, we don't know whats in store for us.
Losing someone who you respect is a personal loss beyond expression. We lost Dr. Bala V Balachandran, Founder, Dean - Emiretus, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai on 28 Sept (27 Sept in US). This was a personal loss to me, as he was like a guiding principal in all my professional life. He taught me and many others the way to maintain human relations at all cost. The basic fact that I worked with Great Lakes, for less than a year, but we still meet at least once a year, including last year on 25 Jan at his campus to have a luncheon. He would talk at length about the progress of the education world in general, and what's happening with his Institution and more. He was also instrumental in giving a great reference for my new job with MICA. He was a thorough gentleman, soft-spoken, kind at heart, but a great business-man. I salute you Dr. Bala. Stay peaceful in your new abode.
Visiting a colleague's house was another important one this week, with so many restrictions and protocols in place, it was a much awaited relief. The house was perfectly great and had a gala time spent absolutely with high quality with the host family.
Warmth and fondness during this week has made me re-realise that what matters for humanity is kindness and love and everything else is simply in my words - English!
The world has celebrated birthdays of Indian leaders par excellence and both were such stalwarts in their lives. While one was instrumental in creating a movement unheard off, the other one was part of the Government in India and did all the best things possible in his short stint. It was also coincident that got connected to grandson of the leader in Government form these two.
Slowly, but steadily India is coming to normalcy while some parts of the world have the "Delta" variant and creating not so good situation out there. We have to wait and watch as to what's in store for all of us at large, globally!