Whether you like it or not - and I do - you'll always be faced with your own ignorance or lack of #expertise on a certain subject. Here I am with Miami personality Beto Perez, a dancer turned fitness mogul, aka the creator of Zumba, and I #challenge you to keep up with his can-can, salsa, merengue, cha cha, lambada, twerking, etc.
Although it's #backtoschool in a real sense for youth, teachers and the eternal scholars of life, any project/endeavor never ceases to remind me how much we have to learn, and yet, we can't do/be everything. The worldwide fitness phenomenon known as #Zumba wouldn't exist without the business brain behind it, Alberto Perlman, but we can't all be #CEO/ #MBA's, dammit. The hawkers need something to hawk. Never underestimate the #creative force behind a work, the power of #personalbranding, or being the purveyor of something everyone wants: fitness and primarily, #fun.
Speaking of branding, last week, for the 1st time ever, I got proper #headshots from proper photographer Eric Campbell, assisted by my #movie baby, Junet Morales. It's a wonderful reminder of what a glorious pain-in-the-ass it is to be on camera, getting hair and make-up done, leering, grinning, preening, posing and twisting so that your very much 3D body and face look fetching in 2D. (Insert retching noise.) As one not skilled in selecting self-portraits-because aren't we all harder on ourselves?-I left it up to the bread and circus. You decide.
In other movie news, the #pitchdeck is looking more sleek and lovely every day, thanks you Maria Altamirano 's valuable feedback, the Regal Cinema chain (like most theaters) is taking a dive and The Economist just pointed out how much more money "magic" viral reels make than movies these days. Changing models but also, a theme emerges, beyond my own lack of skill with decks or twerking: our ignorance about where things are going and then the question, how to adapt?
No one will want to see movies at the theater? Well, my offspring spent a #TopGunMaverick birthday #party at the movie theater on Sunday. Will people still want to see movies when the #funding for #SuccessentuLife finally comes in? I would love the movie #premiere to be an actual party with a #screening in it. I mean, people want to be entertained, right? People want to be rewarded for the hassle of getting out of your pajamas and into the car and to the destination. The value of the birthday party was that it was a full theater *with a bunch of friends* for a birthday *party*... Is someone paying attention?
Let's make watching movies A PARTY #IRL!
If not, then, by all means, let's just stay home.
Also, shout out to #CubanSandwich Day that just happened. I know you're hungry too.