WEEK 17: Bedding, out.
Good morning #gardeners. Well.... still dry & chilly. Not a great combo for freshly planted #plants. Please continue to keep a firm eye on both watering & the weather, for frost protection. Unfortunately it is still not advisable to put tender #annuals or young #vegetable plants outside permanently.
On the nursery a large selection of #BeddingPlants are now out for sale. Our main #shrub pathway has been converted to a bedding emporium which is normal for this time of year. All of the varieties do not fit in the one area though, so some types can also be found on our front pathway next to the #perennials & #PatioPlant greenhouses.
Our delivery service is very busy. Priority for delivery goes to folks who visit & pick their own purchases. We are unable to accept telephone / email orders for delivery as we do not have enough time in the day to pick orders. Also, we are not 'saving' batches of #plants. We are operating on a 'first come, first served' basis. This way we hope to retain enough stock for everybody who needs it without 'favouring' any particular groups of customers.
Stock is moving fast & there may be some temporary gaps in availability moving forwards as we too are feeling the effects of low temperatures & zero rainfall. The next batches of bedding are not growing at the speed that they should. Please be patient with us, we are trying very hard to supply a regular stream of plants.
We are very happy to see such a diverse range of customers, old & new, young & not so young, coming through our doors. Proof to us that #gardening & #growing is inclusive & available to a very wide section of society. We hope that the experience of shopping at an established independent like #Clockhouse means that many of the estimated three million new gardeners that lockdown has created, will remain interested & continue their gardening journey for many years to come.
That is all for todays update apart from a reminder that the coming weekend is a bank holiday weekend. We are OPEN throughout, 9am-5pm, Saturday, Sunday & Bank Holiday Monday.
Happy #Gardening Everyone.
#clockhousenursery #enfield 26/04/21