Week 15 - July 15
Walt's Spin
"What's old is new." A statement uttered by countless generations before and leagues to come. For me, and I am sure many timeline-compatriots, today's world seems eerily reminiscent. Certainly not identical, and more than nostalgic. More like a Renaissance.
Managed Print Services is still alive and experiencing a bump. Partly due to some pent-up demand and a reduction of IT resources.
The demand is provisional. I still believe pivoting into IT services is possible, not strictly because of an existing print-centric relationship as much as the supporting infrastructure of MPS practices is a solid foundation for the transition.
Sales and marketing will shift demographics and talk tracks, but needs assessments and proposals are parallel paths. But again, the demand for IT services has a shelf life.
Consolidation runs rampant, and the larger, establishments remain overconfident in their temporary position.
Smaller, more agile companies bite at their ankles, stirring up turbulence and poised to disrupt the onetime disruptors.
On a more celestial stage, the Webb telescope released stunning photos of our both crowded and sparse galactic neighborhood. The pictures are sure to give a great perspective.
The DOTC Office Technology Partnership Ecosystem continues to grow as we welcome All Associates to the realm. These guys have been measuring office output usage and Running Up That Hill, since the 80s.
Have a great weekend!
The US Office Technology Industry is Ripe for More Turbulence
What do you get when you join a Dutch company with an organization from the Czech Republic? I have no idea, but we are all about to find out.
Everyoneprint is one of the Influencers in the DOTPE and YSoft has been on my radar for a while, albeit as a bit player.
Our research and conversations reveal a good fit - synergies between both organizations' strengths and opportunities. Look for a concerted effort to build out a dealer channel here in the States. There is a compelling, anti-establishment, entrepreneurial spirit that ALL start-ups possess, yet shed with success. It is the way of things.
For the status-quo, turbulence is ahead. Read, it here.
- The DOTC Partnership EcoSystem -
A flexible, frictionless, software platform for all managed services offerings. That's right, both IT and Output on ONE PLATFORM.
This week the Leading Influencer in the MPS Infrastructure Influence supported our recognition by presenting their unique value proposition during a 47-minute presentation.
I knew we made a great decision.
This company is filled with like-minded, positive, optimistic, and battle-hardened entrepreneurs. They are fighting the good fight - not afraid to call out their competition by name. I like that.
Anti-establishment, anti-status quo, adaptable, promoting frictionless relationships with market and industry partners.
If you're looking for a flexible chunk of software to help you run your business - something above QuickBooks but not as monolithic as ECi get with these guys or drop me a line and we'll chat.
More, here.
Manage Your Clients' IT and Office Assets Lifecycle
Easily track IT, Office, and assets of all types. Make year-end inventory a snap.
I've seen this all over the country in accounts of all sizes. Most track their office equipment?in a time-consuming and difficult-to-manage, spreadsheet process.?Add in equipment relocations that aren't updated and you've got a manual audit process nobody wants to partake in.
The answer is always an easy one as it typically includes a patchwork of applications and manual procedures.
I've found an answer, check it out, here.
The Real Numbers
People have been bantering about the "30% reduction" in print cost for over a decade.
But what are the real costs of documents, in the enterprise? Check out the findings of our newly reinvigorated data analysis team:
We studied the entire process involved in generating a document, supporting decades-long beliefs.
Announced, here.
Wall Street CEOs Who Want Workers Back in the Office Are Driven By Culture, Not Data
Corporate leaders at Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan are reluctant to accept that their employees don't need to be in the office five days a week.
The argument about working from anywhere has a direct impact on the office technology realm and to ignore this reality is foolish.
"...business leaders’ divergent views on remote work don’t reflect this reality. While some CEOs embraced a work-from-anywhere or hybrid work policy long ago, others remain gung-ho about getting employees back into the office. Their policies often aren’t tied to research or business performance, but rather leadership’s “interpreted culture of the organization,” says Bob Simpson, who advises clients on messaging and change management at Mercer, a consulting firm.
The old guard and status quo, who have financial skin in the commercial real estate game, are perplexed. They and their willing accomplices in the media(see article below) are spinning, slanting, and wrestling with a so far, failing narrative.
Give them time and watch out for 'back to office mandates' - not sure how in the heck that will be presented, but when it is, you heard of it here, first.
The article is here.
AXIOS Welcomes the Equilibrium Point in #WFH
Here is a quote from an article from Alex Fitzpatrick, at AXIOS,
"By the numbers: Just 7.1% of American workers teleworked because of the pandemic in June, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' latest report, down from 15.4% in January."
At first blush, it looks like only 7% of Americans work remotely - but that's not what the study states: "...because of the pandemic...".
Alex goes on to explain :
"Yes, but:?BLS tracks whether people are working from home specifically?because of the pandemic.
A decent read, here.
Elon pulls out, but she still may be pregnant. (I don't think he is Catholic)
Is anyone surprised? There is a $44B "paternity" penalty in the agreement, which some say Musk will need to kick down, but the Twits utilized fake users to elevate popularity, support a political narrative and inflate their financial value.
"The Twitter Board is committed to closing the transaction on the price and terms agreed upon with Mr. Musk,"
Read here.
‘Time machine:’ Inside the James Webb Space Telescope’s first five images
Here’s what the $10 billion telescope’s first images tell us about the universe.
Think you're a bigshot? These visions of the past will put you in your place.
The pictures deliver the deepest, sharpest, and most telling look yet into how galaxies merge, where stars are formed, the composition of space objects, and much more.
Check them out, here.