In the weeds
Fiona (Fi) Gillan
Career & Personal Development Coach | Supporting individuals looking for direction | Books open from March onwards ?
I recently created a poll to ask you, what you found most appealing about Career Coaching, and the results are in, so here's an article I wrote for you on finding direction and clarity.
One of the most common reasons clients approach me about Career Coaching is to gain clarity and direction in order to find a way forward. Many of us are/ have experienced this feeling at some point in our lives, and my belief is that the reason for this is largely based on our current Culture and Society. In Today's world we're constantly being bombarded with information, advice, comparison and our brains quite quickly feel overwhelmed, accumulating in this feeling of not knowing what to do next, where to start, or what we even want.
I titled this article 'in the weeds' because for me this a phrase I used to use a lot, and is exactly what springs to mind when I think about the above. So what does it mean to be 'in the weeds'?
With so many problems or so much work that you are finding it difficult to deal with something
Concerned with small details, often when this prevents you from understanding what is important
Feeling stuck, and unable to move forward, or come up with resolution
When we find ourselves feeling overwhelmed, we can have a tendency to get lost in the detail, and not feel able to move forward in a constructive and productive way. This is something I absolutely can relate to, and at points in my career have really struggled with. I think its helpful to explain this through Karl Rohnkes concept, Rohnkes was a famous outdoor instructor who coined these zones the CSP model; Comfort, Stretch and Panic. Let me break these down a bit more for you, our Comfort zone (and probably the most commonly referenced zone) is our safety blanket, its often referred to with language such as routine, contentment, easy, safety, these are all feelings which encourage us to stay within it. The problem with the comfort zone, is that if we are never encouraged to step outside of it, we have limited opportunity for growth and development, whether that be professional, or personal. This takes me onto the stretch zone, my favourite zone of them all! Think about a time when you were challenged in the right way, the task/ project/ goal wasn't easy, you might even at times have felt unsure on whether you could do it, but in the end you found your way forward. Through this process you likely had to research, learn new skills and knowledge, utilise strengths that don't come naturally to you, and perhaps collaborate with others, and when you finally found your conclusion, it felt fulfilling and rewarding. Has something sprung to mind? I want you to write down that example in as much detail as possible, noting any feelings and skills associated with it, we'll come back to it later. Finally, we have the Panic zone, this is the zone we move into once we surpass stretch and we enter into overwhelm. This is your 'in the weeds' zone, you might find yourself feeling anxious, overwhelmed, with difficulty focussing, often resulting in that sensation of lack of direction and clarity. The good news is, we can move between these zones, and just because we've entered into Panic Zone, doesn't mean we cant move back into Stretch, where we'll likely find resolution. Sometimes what we need is some support and guidance to raise our awareness, and bring us back to that healthy balance.
The reason I break it down in this way, is because we all fall into one of these categories at any given time. Each zone is totally subjective, and will mean completely different things to each individual i.e. if you are brilliant with numbers, being asked to create a budget might feel easy, but if you struggle with numbers, this might feel overwhelming and cause panic. I want you to remember, that there is no use comparing yourself to other people and their experiences. This can be both helpful as a manager, when considering our teams might be struggling and 'in panic zone' when working on things we deem 'easy', and also when we're setting ourselves our own targets, and goals. Please don't fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others and thinking, 'well they find it easy, this must mean i'm useless', or worse stupid. We all have our own toolbox of skills and talents, Career Coaching is about identifying these, talking about our experiences to acknowledge our strengths, raise awareness of patterns in behaviour, seeking out what things bring us joy, and fulfilment, and as a result gaining clarity and understanding about ourselves to find direction.
Before I finish up this article I want us to revisit your stretch zone, and that example I asked you to make a note of earlier. What have you learnt from reliving this experience? Who were you surrounded by? What skills did you utilise? What language did you use? How did it make you feel? What is different now, vs then? How could you use this real life example to bring clarity to your current situation? These are all questions I encourage you to ask yourself. When we start to consider experiences where we've been successful in the past, and have found fulfilment, we can start to unlock and break down the perceived barriers in our way, bringing with it clarity and direction.
If anything I've said in this article relates, or you'd like to explore Coaching further, then feel free to reach out to me on; [email protected]
I love Coaching, connecting with people, and more recently have really enjoyed sharing my own experiences, and relating them back to how Coaching can support you on your own journey.
Have a wonderful day, and I hope to speak to you personally soon!