WEcosystem Coaching & Mentoring Leaders
Kiran Gulrajani
Founder CoEvolve Partners | Leadership Coach | Mentor to Coaches & CEOs | Artistry of Collaborating, Inspiring & Learning in Difficult Business Realities
I came upon a vital blindspot in Coaching, Learning and bringing deep shifts. In me, in humans.?This is also vital when Leaders are Mentoring their teams.
In one line it is this:? The excessive focus on the inner.?
The state-of-the-art of Coaching is about enabling the Individual to bring about inner transformation.?
And that’s valuable. And yet,?
I realised that if we look at the Individual as an WEcosystem, a profound leverage is available.?
When the plant is ailing, we look not just at the plant but the soil, the sunlight that it is getting, the gardener and a lot else.?
What is the distinction between Coaching Indivdiuals as we normally do and now, also looking at them as an WEcosystem. Before I share, let me share my story which led to this simple and high leverage insight.?
I had struggled with a low self-worth for decades despite exceptional accomplishments. Until Oct 2021. I still struggle with Adult Adhd. Which resulted in deep challenges in my intimate relationships, my financial stability, my health (emotional & physical), in doing simple tasks like keeping my clothes in place, tracking my appointments. And a lot else. And yet, it brought some “atypical advantages”.
Essentially there is a Learning difficulty. Which made me dive into the painful & joyful depths of learning.?
That led me many simple yet subtle insights.?
Some of them are:?
Have you noticed how, sometimes..?
And how,?
Even though sometimes it's right beneath your nose.?
Something in you knows it, something in you has known it.?
And yet, somehow,?
These subtle shifts are hidden in some of these Relationships that humans have :
The last thing we know is what to put first.
- Blaise Pascal
Clutter and scatter strangles us.
2. Relationship with our Body
Body is always here now, and the Mind takes us away causing suffering. Simply enjoying the 5 senses is a doorway to the Present. Our Physical Health.?
3. Relationship with the Precious People in our life?
Relationships are a mirror in which you discover yourself - J. Krishnamurti?
4. Relationship with Time
When we are filled full, we cannot be truly fulfilled. Busyness is a kind of Laziness?
5. Relationship with Conflict, Feelings, Suffering
Mostly we suppress, deny and avoid facing and feeling our feelings. And in Conflicts we accommodate, compromise or compete, rarely collaborate. And are in denial of our suffering. This is also related to Mind, Beliefs & Certainties.?
6. Relationship with Physical Space?
The physical space of home & work is a reflection of who we are. Is the space clean and have sense of beauty & order. Decluttered.?
7. Relationship with Freedom, Truth & the Unknown
The most subtle and the most difficult & yet simple discovery (when it happens) is a radical freedom. The unknown Truth. When we can relax our Certainties, and stay curious, we discover fresh territories of Reality and find deeper Clarities.
8. Relationship with Heartsong & Work, Lifework?
There is a song, many songs in each of our hearts. Are we singing them? Known variously as Genius, Ikigai, inner calling, Heartsong brings us alive - art, sport, some passion that flows naturally.?
9. Relationship with Home, Ease?
When we are simply honest, most humans don’t quite feel at home. Families struggle. The physical home, the emotional home- there is a sense of being lost. And often the denial of that.?
10. Relationship with Myself
Not spiritually. Just with the human that we are- often the greatest challenge is to accept myself, respect myself & forgive myself. A core wound of unworthiness, somehow.?
11. Relationship with Money, Financial freedom & Power?
Abundance of Money can create as much or more suffering to oneself and others than scarcity. The question of Financial Stability & freedom is profound. And somehow related to what is Real Power. Beyond Personal Power. All Together Power.?
Simply considering these various aspect and seeing their interconnectedness makes a difference. As a Coach, we may choose to focus on a few that are vital- and yet, keeping all of them in front of us and intuitively seeing the not-so-obvious connections helps.?
For example,?
And like I said, small nudges can create big leaps but those points of leverage are not obvious.?
The Work we did with GMR C-Suite began to leverage this insight and we will be bringing it alive in the Workshop on the Art of Mentoring I am conducting with Rhea D'Souza & Manisha Grover on 19-20th July at One Design Studio, Bandra, Mumbai. More details on The Art of Mentoring Workshop here.