WebXR technologies
What is WebXR?
What XR is a awesome technology to use Extended Reality Immersive experiences in our web browsers, is a group of standards?which are used together to support rendering 3D scenes to hardware designed for presenting virtual worlds virtual reality, or for adding graphical imagery to the real world in augmented reality, this is awesome because users have no to install applications in their devices, only need a web browser in their devices.
A-Frame Framework?
Mozilla VR team created A-Frame to kickstart the WebVR ecosystem, giving web developers the power to build 3D and VR worlds. A-Frame handles the 3D and WebVR is very simple. Since A-Frame can be used from HTML lead to the frame is accessible to everyone. It has cross-platform and superior performance.
A-Frame is open source and is available for all that want to taste with this awesome immersive framework to make experiences.
Here the link if you want experiment all A-Frame features https://aframe.io/
AR.js Framework
AR.js is a JavaScript library that allows developers to introduce AR features and functionality to any website using a few lines of HTML.
The AR.js framework includes cross-browser compatibility and supports both WebGL and WebRTC, meaning it’s functional across Android and iPhone devices above iOS 11.
Wrapping a number of different AR frameworks including three.js, a-frame and ARToolKit, AR.js makes it incredibly simple and easy to bring AR to web apps.
Here the github project to taste this awesome Augmented Reality Framework https://github.com/jeromeetienne/AR.js
There are a lot of XR/AR/VR Frameworks to make easiest our web browser immersive experiences developed by very big companies and for community too, it would be good check your objectives and which one is better for your needs.