Websites you won't believe that exist!

Websites you won't believe that exist!

There are a lot of useful websites with fantastic service on the Internet. I have selected some for you in this episode. You wish you knew these websites earlier.

Welcome to this newsletter episode. I will do my very best to send you useful and practical information that can help you in your entrepreneurial journey.

If you are a small business owner, entrepreneur, or a content creator, you will probably have less time to search for tools that could help your activities.

I try to do this job for you and find efficiency and creativity tools that you will love.

??Please support me by sharing this newsletter with your friends. You are also invited to join my Substack?and become my supporter??

Important Note: I am not affiliated with the tools that I mention in my newsletters unless I clearly disclose it to you.

This website will make you addicted. Be aware!

Have you ever wanted to search for a movie that have seen in the past? You just remember a phrase from that movie and have forgotten the name.

This website is doing a fantastic job for you. Just type the phrase and it will search for the movie for you and will play that part of the movie!

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Type any phrase and the website will search amongst millions of phrases from movies and will play the movie for you.

AlternativeTo is a free service that helps you find better alternatives to the products you love and hate.

It happens a lot that we think that the tools that we are using are not enough, are expensive, are buggy, or any other problems and we wish we could find a similar or alternative version.

This tool will definitely help you.

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The site is made by?Ola?and?Markus?in Sweden, with a lot of help from our friends and colleagues in Italy, Finland, USA, Colombia, Philippines, France and contributors from all over the world. That's right, all the lists of alternatives are crowd-sourced, and that's what makes the data powerful and relevant.

Follow them on?Facebook,?Twitter?or?Instagram?or chat with us on?Discord.


This website will not search the web for the answer to your query! It will understand your question and will do the math calculation to find the answer to your question. Then will fetch appropriate information about your question.

The introduction of Wolfram|Alpha defined a fundamentally new paradigm for getting knowledge and answers—not by searching the web, but by doing dynamic computations based on a vast collection of built-in data, algorithms and methods.Bringing broad, deep, expert-level knowledge to everyone... anytime, anywhere.

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