Websites work for Interims 24 Hrs a Day
We are now almost at 1,300 Subscribers so welcome one and all. Please remember to select your Win Work Strategy and update your Job Titles to a succinct description of what work you wish to Win. Because you cannot be found otherwise apart from by chance.
I recommend that all Interims have a Web presence as it is working for you 24 hours a day. It can be as straightforward as a Landing Page, almost like an online Business Card. This is Michael, this what he does, this what he has achieved and this is how to Contact him. At its most basic level that will be an investment of about £400.
If you wish to go higher and create a Brand, a Logo and Content to prove your experience you can check out my example here: Finance Transformation Consulting
I am as I said an Interim but an Interim can and should have a Website as about 30% of my approaches are driven organically. I find it worth the investment. I offer Consulting, Training and Thought Leadership across 3 Websites. You can view the others here:
My previous Tip to create your own Newsletter still stands and include your CV in it. Now look at how I enhanced the CV since the previous Article and you can do the same. Be inventive in how you put across your details or any Thought Leadership Content.
I get asked to do Podcasts regularly and I do appear in some but in my opinion all that is important is the Image and the Topic Title. I host Podcasts so that I control what that is.
I also make Videos and find them very impactful and they can be included, as you can see in the Websites.
Any questions let me know and I may host a Webinar to land the most important points.
I have added this opportunity since I published this article:
New Roles - my Newsletter Interim Times has now surpassed 1,300 Subscribers in 5 Days. In order to help those within who require a job if anyone wishes to send me 3 Roles in the Finance Transformation space that are Live today, lets say in the £500 to £800 per day range, I will include them in the weekend Edition.
I went through the 1,300 Subscribers and about 20% are Recruiters in addition to Interims actively looking or passively looking, so I wouldn't have thought 3 Roles in that Bracket is a big ask.
DM me the details and feel free to Share the Newsletter and lets get Britain back to work.