Websites are dying (Part 1 of 3)

Websites are dying (Part 1 of 3)

Websites are dying (Part 1 of 3)

by Eric Vardon 

Websites are a series of static pages. Something that you have built. You paid a designer to create or collect beautiful images. You spent hours debating the relative merits of fonts with the website designer or agency that did the construction. In the past, all of this work culminated in a beautiful “perfect” page or series of pages. Then you set it and forgot about it. It existed. It was professional and beautiful and something that was given a check box on your list of things to do in your rise to world domination.

However, websites in this sense are dying.

A little history. In 2011, a full five years ago Google ran 7,000 A/B tests on its search algorithm. What the heck is an A/B test you ask? It is a simple way to test changes to a webpage against the current design and determine which ones produce positive results. It’s popular because testing takes the guesswork out of how to optimize websites. It changes business conversations from “we think” to “we know.”, Netflix, and eBay are A/B addicts, constantly testing potential site changes on live and unsuspecting users. Today, A/B is ubiquitous although this way of building and iterating might not be on your radar.

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