Websites Are Dead

Websites Are Dead

Your website is dead. Done. Finished. Kaput. It's not converting anymore like it used to. And there's a very good reason for that. It has nothing to do with how it looks. I'm sure it looks just fine. But it's still dead. And here's why.

We live in this age where things are changing fast. With each passing year, time revs its mysterious engine faster. And the pace of change accelerates even more. Sure, websites used to be a thing.

They came into this world kicking and screaming out of the womb somewhere in the 90s. And then grew up and inflated like balloons, only later to be popped in the bursting of the Dot-Com Bubble.

Who Killed The Website?

But that's not why websites are dead. Even after the rise and fall of the late 2000s and early 2010s websites were still a thing. But then along came the iPhone and the App Store. And websites started to wrinkle and show their age.

But websites weren't quite dead. Not even at that point. However, somewhere along the way, websites were transformed into gleaming little money-making machines that we now call sales funnels.

Back then, they were just clusters of webpages all jammed together in a mishmash of code and confusing integrations that easily broke and were difficult to repair without an entire team of web developers.

And there was one man at the center of this all, leading the charge. A man who I unknowingly and unwittingly came across somewhere along the many forks of life that lead us forward.

The Website Killer: Who Is He?

Somewhere amidst the rolling farm-filled streets of Boise, Idaho, in an obscure room in a little office was a man at the center of all this. This soon-to-be website killer was stoic.

His boyish good lucks cast a stark contrast to his future-ability to level an entire industry overnight. Standing there, looking over his shoulder, Russell Brunson knew precisely what he had to do at that very moment...

But let's rewind the clock for a second...

Let's jump back to a moment in time that defined everything for Russell Brunson. It's 2011 and his life is about to change forever. Just moments before, he placed the phone on its hanger with a big thud.

Cradling his head in his hands, he didn't understand what had just happened. His entire world just came crashing down when his payment processor decided to freeze hundreds of thousands of dollars in his account.

That was money he needed to pay his employees. Money he couldn't spare to lose. Not at that time. Not right before the holidays hit. His employees needed that money to survive. He needed that money to survive.

Rising From The Ashes

I can only imagine what he went through that day. I can only imagine the hard conversations he had with his friends, family and loved ones. And I can only imagine the amount of sleep he lost those next weeks and months.

But I can also see a man with undeterred spirit like a Phoenix rising from the ashes. A man who walked through the valley of the shadow of death and made it through to the other side. Persevering through the harsh storm.

And armed with a newfound understanding for business, and a commitment to make it through one way or another, Brunson was on the warpath. His target? Websites.

Aiming his rifle, he shoots. Pop. Pop. Pop. Bang. The gun snaps and cracks, riddling millions upon millions of websites, like bullets from a Tommy-gun shooting up the side of a gangster's hideout.

Websites vs. Sales Funnels

Because of that singular moment in time, that cataclysmic failure, we have something magical. It's a software platform that has revolutionized the way we do business and make money online.

Some of you know about sales funnels. Some of you don't. But the man standing there with the smoking gun has singlehandedly killed your website and replaced it with a gleaming little machine called the sales funnel.

But what is a sales funnel and how does it work? A sales funnel, unlike your dead website, offers a single, solitary path forward. It removes all the choices and overwhelm of your now-dead-and-buried website.

And that's precisely why sales funnels are now the undisputed king of the internet and ClickFunnels has wiped out an entire ecosystem of websites that had far too many choices and far too much information to choose from.

???? While it might seem that websites are becoming less relevant, remember what Bill Gates said, "Content is king." A well-curated website can still be a powerful tool for sharing your vision and connecting with like-minded individuals. Speaking of connections, you might be interested in an exciting opportunity to make history with us through the Guinness World Record for Tree Planting! Check it out here: ????


Absolutely insightful perspective! ?? Remember, as Bill Gates famously said, "Content is king." Perhaps, the key lies in adapting how we use websites today, transforming them into dynamic, content-rich platforms. Let's innovate together! ????


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