Website Traffic– Why You Don't Want It to Be Like a Bad Date
Pia Larson
CEO of Fingerprint Marketing, a premier digital marketing agency that helps Small Businesses Grow Online through Custom Websites and Done-For-You Digital Marketing. SPEAKER & Podcast Host of Make Your Marketing Podcast
We need to talk about conversion. You never want your website to be like a bad date that goes nowhere. Or worse, a great date but you lose the person’s number on your way home in a tragic smartphone accident.
Getting people to your website (like a first date), is only the first part of the equation. How do you stay connected once they find you?
Are you making it easy for your potential clients and customers to take an action (give you their number and plan a second date)?
Let’s talk conversion.
I’m talking about someone finding your blog post, your website, your potential solution, and then taking an ACTION to stay connected.
They can sign up for your opt-in, follow you on social media, schedule an appointment, or buy your product.
You basically convert website traffic to something that helps your business.
And this is what I want for you. Many potential customers that are a good fit for your niche finding you and taking an action to stay connected to you and potentially buy from you.
“Traffic, it will only get you so far, then it’s up to you to do the rest!”
I want to share with you some tried and true ways to increase your conversion that I hope you implement ASAP. It’ll keep you from having visitors coming to your website who move along too quickly when they're actually your ideal customer!
Make Your Call to Action Easy to Spot.
If people are seeking answers late at night and they find your website as the potential solution but don’t understand what it is you do or how you can help them….well, they’re going to leave.
AND no one wants that!
Make sure they can easily find your call to action – your money maker. You want it on every page of your website.
You can make it a different color than your other calls to action and be consistent, i.e. put it in the same spot (like the footer).
Offer a way to connect at that moment.
If they need an answer now and you have the solution, you want them to get to your website where they feel “That’s the person I want to do business with!” You are gaining attention and stopping them in their tracks.
Unfortunately, people are impatient, they want answers now. They want ways to connect outside of regular business hours. Think about ways you can offer that connection any time of day.
It’s so important to make sure they can contact you. Don’t bury your contact information under another page (I see that so often!). At the very least make it easy for your potential clients to take action and email you right then and there when they're inspired.
Increase conversion by increasing your connection.
Video is a great way to connect with your potential customers. It can be live or prerecorded and it doesn’t have to be a big production. Use your smartphone and good lighting (or a selfie ring light) and you’re good to go.
You can do it exactly how you want to do it.
Not comfortable being on video? Use screen tabs where you’re not even on there. Graphics and quotes work too – there’s just no limit to it!
Just make sure you think about what your customer wants to know and what would help them to hear from you. Being creative with the format you use to deliver your information helps you stand out and create that connection. A connection is what leads them to take that action.
Find your voice, the voice of your solo business, or company.
What is the general feel? Why are you doing this? What is your “why”? Make sure it's clear and consistent. You won't want to have one blog post on why you should do something and then another blog post that sounds different or contradictory.
What is the style of your copy? Let it support your business rather than confuse your website visitors.
Have an eye on the competition.
Your competitors are not staying the same so you want to keep an eye on them. I don’t mean make yourself crazy keeping up with the Kardashian’s, but if there’s a trend in your industry that you like and it seems like it’s working, decide if it’s worth implementing that strategy or not.
It can help you stay ahead of the game and stay cutting edge.
Get an outsider’s point of view.
To take you back to my bad date analogy, have you ever had that friend who struggles with dating? They tell you what they said or did and you think "Oh no! You didn't say that did you?" Suddenly they're confused as to why they didn't get a second date but you think you know why.
Well, thankfully you don’t have to hurt your friend’s feelings and can hope they find their lobster, but with your business, that means lost sales (Yep. I’m referencing an old Friend’s episode on how lobsters mate for life).
You want your website traffic to be your lobster.
Making sure you have someone outside of your business that can give you honest feedback, this is really helpful!
You need someone to tell you the truth – but make sure you get advice from people who have either created that same success, like in a mastermind, or have some knowledge of your industry.
It’s hard to take advice on how to be an entrepreneur from someone who has never done it, for example.
But checking your website for clarity and consistent messaging – that’s an easier thing for someone to help with.
Google yourself.
How do you show up when you google yourself? Is it consistent? Are your messages similar or is it time to update some old blog posts that have outdated media images or strange backgrounds.
Googling yourself as if you’re someone who has never heard of you, is an insightful exercise to do at least quarterly.
It will also show you if your pages have picked up odd website addresses you weren’t aware of or have broken links.
Make sure you have that you have a secure https on your website.
If you are selling a product, having an https URL gives consumers the confidence to purchase from you. Getting an error that says “this website is not secure” is not good.
Having that https in your URL builds trust from your potential customers and makes them feel more secure if they are buying your online products or services.
With so much online fraud, phishing, and identity theft prevalent in our online spaces, it helps consumers feel confident when they find you.
If you make that connection with a client or customer who likes what you are saying, finding those ways to stay connected at any hour and feel secure about your website, can help them to take an action.
You don't want to lose a perfectly good customer simply because they couldn't find your contact information, see an opt-in, or find a way to stay connected.
I hope this helps you think about what your late-night website visitors might see when they come across you.
If you want to make sure your website is strong in how it connects to your website traffic, we’re happy to help you.