Farhan Khan
17 Years of International Market Experience in Digital Marketing Expert, Online Marketing & Management, Technical SEO, Search Engine Optimization , SMO, SEM, Social media Dubai, Kuwait, USA, Canada UK & Australia.
Regardless of size, all businesses require website maintenance to ensure their online success. However, most clients are confused and often ask what website maintenance really means for them? Website Maintenance is really a pro-active risk management which is kind a like buying insurance, but it’s way more! Insurance only mitigates risk in case of an accident, where website maintenance is critical for ongoing success and search engine ranking.
Why Website maintenance is crucial for small and medium enterprises?
Website Maintenance is really a pro-active risk management mitigating the risk of downtime. for clients it risk of going s regular website maintenance ensures all codes are running, Content Management System (CMS) is up to date, all security patches have been applied to secure sites against hack attacks, regular site back-ups have been taken, any malware and SQL injections are removed from the website, etc. etc.
What does website maintenance include?
Regular Website Backups to Minimize Downtown
It’s extremely important to take regular back-ups of your website as website backups ensure you are ready for the unexpected. It the event, your website is hacked, you or your technical team can get the website live again soon without compromising or recreating the content again from scratch. Regular website backups include backing up all codes including CMS, JavaScript, PHP Code, Plugins, other files, etc. as well as content such as all text, videos, images, audios to ensure website reinstatement is possible without recreation.
Regular Tasks – Keeping Current on the Technology
Your website should stay in sync with the technology and hence it’s critical to ensure your website not only stays current on the content management system, but all latest security patches have been applied to avoid any security vulnerability issues.
Performance Optimization
Performance management and keeping the website malware free is important. Also adding new content, banners as well enhancing user experience as business needs change allows with conversion optimization on the website.
Search Engine Optimization
Search Engines including Google and Bing rate websites high that are well maintained as their rating criteria include website speed, mobile friendliness, fresh content and error free websites. Most importantly search engines update their rating on your website every time you update your content. , so updating your website with content that is related to your business is a key to continue to drive your Search Engine Ranking.
Does Website Maintenance Cost vary by CMS?
Yes, website maintenance investment varies from client to client, and it’s not only based on the CMS used. In addition to the CMS, website size, need for changes such as type of change and how often are primarily the determining factors for the monthly website maintenance plans.
Website Maintenance Options:
There are multiple options available related to on-going website maintenance for small-medium enterprises:
Hiring a Freelancer
Freelancers may seem like a good option as this could be less costly; however, getting work done using a Freelancer often requires a lot of coordination on both sides. Typical Freelancers are not committed to your business goals and objective and hence they don’t provide the value that is necessary for your business to succeed online.
Do it in-house
Doing it in-house could be the best option; however, it’s the most expensive option as you need to hire a part-time or a full-time resource. This not only requires companies to invest in terms of hefty salary, but companies also need to pay for all the benefits as well as overhead cost associated with an employee.
Partnering with a like-minded company.
Based on survey, hiring a trusted advisor can be the best option providing you can find a reliable partner. One that not only works with you closely to deliver against your business goals but also continues to drive you towards making informed decision related to your online success. Furthermore, your partner should be robust enough to meet all your business needs in terms of branding, website designing, website maintenance, digital marketing and driving future strategies for your online success.
Your Website maintenance partner should be reliable and affordable for small – medium enterprises. In addition, your partner should be responsive and is flexible to provide a maintenance plan based on your own business needs as it’s hard to find a maintenance plan that fits all.
Value GlobeSign Provides for its clients
GlobeSign offers several monthly website maintenance plans that are not only affordable, but they are also customized based on our client’s specific business needs. Our clients save thousands of dollars per year as they do not need to hire a resource on a part time or on a full-time basis for supporting and sustaining their websites. Here are some benefits to engage GlobeSign:
- Custom Monthly Maintenance Plan not only provides a peace of mind, but it’s far cheaper than ad-hoc support work;
- A low monthly maintenance fee allows spreading the cost over a year;
- Ensure your websites stays current on technology as well as on content;
- Security patches are regularly applied and back up have been taken to avoid any downtime; and
- All errors are spotted before your customers spot them.
Almost every client signs up for a monthly maintenance plan after go-live. Not only clients are extremely pleased with their experience, but they are also able to see a faster return on their monthly maintenance plan investment. Talk to us, and we can suggest a custom website maintenance package that is based on your unique business needs.