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Theme Song Rhythm#2` to be overlayed with Vocals of the words of Theme song #2~

Hang down you head Democracy

Hand down your head and cry

In Grace Information Age of 'God Kingdom come' prosperity

~ you are bound to die.  

You need principalities, you are the essence of powers, You can't lift billions out of poverty to be 'serve all Kings and Lords' Like China Authority

pointing to 'God Kingdom 'Serve all Authority'  

To transform netsuckers to Living Souls  

So on and from earth and omnipresence,

you are bound to die. 


Think them stress we out

press we into 1st, 2nd and 3rd World poverty bed

  want see we fling

Global Brimstone of Brilliance, Holy Ghost fire to them head

Dont be no blood sucking walking dead

Trod Jah earth as Christ instead

Jah is God of the Living

Not no Blood sucking walking dead

in trespasses and sin of perpetuating principalities and powers That we wrestle against for Loossing completely on Earth and in Omnipresence 'God Kingdom come :-

we wrestle not against flesh and blood

but against principalities and powers even democracy for spiritual wickedness in High places ~Rulership of the dark age passing....

Hand down you h e a d ~

You are bound to die.  IN this Americas and Earth Spring to God Kngdom come we are looing on Earth and in Omnipresence

Let Majesty come to Jah earth Celestial cities from pure dirt

Anno Jah send any as antichrist pan Jah earth to fight to punder them brothers make them live like dirt  and be converted to also be

blood sucking thieves.


Think dem stress we out

Think dem press e head 

into 1st, 2nd and 3rd world poverty bed

we loose 'God Kingdom come instead'

where manifested is Jesus is King of all 7.3 billion + as net givers to infinity of values for less Serve all Creator Kings and resulting Celestial Cities property Developers Lords

  Let this play in the background as you are introduced to MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL 'Property Development & Maintenance Products' IN CHRIST:


Theme Song #1 Rhythm

Word Excerp:  

"Pure Gold goes to where serve all creation is being done 

Pure Gold ensure Serve all creation is done in all dominion

You are going through the fire Now Feed my sheep

By Holy Ghost fire let none pf dem be no blood sucking thieves."  Only the Just, IN CHRIST.  

MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL 'Property Development & Maintenance Products' IN CHRIST: Ministry Literary and Performing Arts works:-

~ Letting everything that has breath praise the Lord,

~ Letting all thing work together for Good;

~  And all contributing to the  BUILDING A MODERN Global and Omnipresence HARMONIOUS AND CREATIVE SOCIETY even in and by all in earth and of omnipresence That is the Kingdom of God come to Earth in the Kingdom of Heaven where the thief doth not steal so the moth doth not rot for none is a net suckers; all are Abraham seeds loosing like Samsung Electronics group or Bill Gates better as the greatest  'values for less' blessings to all the families of the Earth as unto the body of Christ remembered from the dismenberment of humanity into lucific divide into principalities and powers )conversion of manking from apple of God's eyes to sovereignites of harlots and the abomi-NATIONS anti to the Kingdom of GOD come ) by satanument for netsucking of thieving non-serve-all kings; ANTI Christ  as LOVERS OF PLEASURE MORE THAN LOVERS OF GOD







~ Breaking down iron curtain of Democracy of the WEST { a manifestation of Powers} and and of principalities possession of the WEST including the Americas and letting all see

God rewarding CHINA GREATER UNION THAT IS 4.22 TIMES THE OLD UNION OF old USA by the forefathers whose offshoots had become a bunch of fucking idiots not interested in extending the union to God Kingdom come but rather the scheming by immigration laws for plundering by legal fees and procedures and so sodomizing immigrants to defy "welcome strangers ... for in so doing you welcome angels unawares and achieve

greater obedience  to seek ye first  Kingdom of God come  with

Less principalitiesism in the earth and omnipresence and less reality of incidences of powers like the essence of democracy with the thief(ves) needing sovereignties border boundaries for 

a) boundary extortion and loot taxes above 10 % of their annual increase only  to so facilitates  'Serve all the full 7.3 billion+ of us as Body of Christ emerging 'serve all Global creator Kings and resulting Celestial property developers Lords enabling~ government on Christ's shoulders in us, more 'serve all' authority  

b) for principalities minions lost in little nothingness National pride that ever precede and perpetuate the fall    instead of 'Serve all Kings meek and lowly so increasing by exponentially increasing technologies unto omnipotence omniscience rest '


1 st   The rising China pointing to the greatest prosperity available when we loose on Earth the Borderless NEW EARTH As Kingdom of God come for all easily having the full scope Global market with no spasm of banditry BY SATANUMENT GOVERNMENTs {principalities needing to be the thief and defying manifestation of JESUS As KING of kings and LORD of lords }  called protectionism.  China loosing God new standard of lifting over 800 million out of poverty in last 40 years and on target loosing another 250 million by 2030 ~ out of poverty all to being emerging serve all creator kings and celestial cities property developers lord is to be beat for any measure of Great and all 7.3 billion being such is the easily achievable target for all things being added to us.  

2 nd   OUR CHALLENGE THAT WE ARE BECOMING CONSCIOUS OF AND LOOSING ON THE EARTH~  to be ~ The Rising of The WEST by 'The Americas and All Earth Spring Spring to God Kingdom come' that we are to seek first ~ for all things being added to us    through us as 'emerging serve all creator kings ever honing creation skills and loosing to all ever to greater glory values for less served to all and Celestial cities property developers Lords ' as children f the creater no more packs of net suckers needing free meals and pie in the skies for no such things exist all things are created by us to be served to all as ultimate in Goc image creators and resulting Celestial Cities properties developers Lords like and better than China is rising to prasies to God for the Obeying of God wish for the Unity the hold toin One China Policy to be expanded to One Earth Policy even from the WEST;  

Jesus is KING of Serve all Kings and Lord of Celestial Cities Glorified Church Lord. Where are these manifestation of Jesus Redeemed Only in China it seems we are emerging for it has the emediate market for our creation of 1387 billion and opening to ll earth.


Are the West just TO BE 'a bunch of perversed out retards lOST IN LUCIFIC DIVISION in exaltedness as spiritual WICKEDNESS IN HIGH PLACES IN BORDERS ISM.


This special and for this time expounding of Grace for exponentially increasing manifesting of the Riches of the Mercies of  This emerging Grace Glory and Honor and Majesty in all dominion by His authority the Kingdom of God come serve all Government  Information Age 


according to Jesus definition

The greatest among us, even all serving all and to infinity enabling serve all ~ manifesting all being Abrahams Seeds ~ source of blessing to all the families of the earth Like Bill Gates:- part of the high mark of our calling in Christ Jesus. That China is blazing The trail of leadership in such just for the One China policy maintained against no One America policy and failure to "seek ye first the Kingdom of God up to no But henceforth we choose to loose on earth and in omnipresence.

China understands this borderless Kingdom of God Come social order is necessary for the achieving of its continued record and being unleashed Capabilities of all people and we are beginning to understand this like no previous generation did before, now that we are scratching the surface of the INFORMATION AGE  

Bill Gates comes close to serving all with Microsoft, in laptops Desktops computers and Microsoft phones

So do millions and soon to be billions of Chinese who are pressing to be double and triple Bill Gates opening China to the world via the Silk Road and Routes Project already in progress and among dozens of other mega projects is 


a 130 million populated City - 6 times NEW YORK and larger population wise than all of Japan.


Contexting Slider of pertinent Videos for this Post;

Unto us al 7.3 billion+ of us on earth and in omnipresence 

Transitioning from any Culture of mortals Satanuments failing in per capita creation stagnation and experiencing Principalities’ism and powers shame   


Culture of IMMORTALs loosing on Earth and in omnipresence for all ~ The Riches of Gods Mercies in GRACE Glory and Grace Honor and Grace Majesty, in all Grace Dominions by Grace Serve all Authority the emerging ROCK Government on Christ Shoulders with success to infinity for constancy of Purpose in Letting Faith Patience have its perfect work God in us Holy in our handy works perfecting all things AS Kingdom Of God being loosed on earth ~ pointed to by the exponentially increasing successes of China opening

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Publications are available as

  1. a core Bundle of the 3 ebooks A Publication Presentation set of MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL 'Property Development & Maintenance Products' IN CHRIST Jesus.ORG that I consider to be "God making his ways and will and 'ordering of our steps globally' being made clear before our face via the clouds through our smart devices.
  2. "~ an Easy Digital Download Critical Discernment course for this emerging Grace Glory and Honor and Majesty in all dominion by His authority Kingdom of God come serve all Government  Information Age   The Downloads of the 3 ebooks are available on purchase  and the 
  3. expounding GRACE while bringing earth development Like 'China Rising and WESTERN Democracies Falling'into subjection of the Word of God from A Global Economics Perspective  That is serving to mobilize us and facilitate getting us into the Americas and Earth Spring to Kingdom of God come



this its 'website {at best price available right HERE [purchase_link id="6696" text="Purchase" style="button" color="blue"] }


compared to'at Amazon'


'at Smashwords and its distributors


  2.  over 130 Trailer Blogs are available like rivers of living waters to all in all places on earth and in omnipresence and via the cloud

in all the major languages of the Earth for the greatest prosperity and good health for all even Eternal Life IN CHRIST

"It is not my wish that any should perish but that all come to Life", Like China rising so too and more the borderless Americas, ONE with all the Borderless NEW EARTH God KIngdom come us overcoming the world's what we wrestle against Principalities powers Like ONe China Policy pointing to God KIngdom come to Earth as Borderless Earth cleansed of the thief come that we be characterised by killing destruction and at liberty with impunity stealing condemning defiling all to being of the thief. We are of Christ the I am come that all have life and have it more abundantly.





ONE EARTH and omnipresence POLCY borderless Earth cleansed of what we wrestle against principalities ~The Kingdom of God come resisting Spectre of darkness Abomi-NATIONS of the Earth and powers even democratic for spiritual wickedness in high places the rulership of the dark age passing incapable of Groth and prosperity for it is not by night nor by powers but by my Spirit Grace being expounded ~ WORD OF GOD applied to infinity Ever a JEDi}  Thanks to China Unity pointing to KIngdom of God come as the infinite notching up of its actualized growth even by its establishing with initial US$1.2 trillion investment in 'Silk Road and Belt Inititive a great kick starter, extender, to be extended up SERVE ALL DISTRIBUTION NETWORK too for enabling all to be operating as only NEt Givers to infinity honing creation skills ever loosing on earth 'Ever to greater Glory' values for less SERVE-TO-ALL Kings and resulting Celestial cities property developer lords 

of whom 

Jesus in KING OF SUCK Kings 



our true predestination and the Highmark of our calling IN CHRIST denied us by kingdoms of man,~ That has Lucifer been using for millennium to block us from our true state of being.

Know   What we wrestle against to be true Serve all Sons of God serving all as unto Christ Jesus Body remembered from the dismemberment of principalities for the benefits of thieves non serve all serpents and vipers full of extortion {check the Jamaica duties on online purchase man using technoloty for evil being the thief drunk with the blood of supposed to be emerging serve all kings} and loot taxes above 10% tithes tax only on annual increase   to Serve all Government excess unearned and so abomi-NAION of desolation BORDERING EARTH Dominions with Non serve all symbolizing constitutions flags and anthems that are issues of death for perpetual retardation of man in the Lucific fall exalted above God so SAtam made by man operating by his antichrist, good and evil spirit of darkness captivity .  

The Americas and all Earth Spring to THE KINGDOM OF GOD COME and all his righteousness, His will and ways being the life we live is to end all travail on Earth and restore all things into the Kingdom of Heaven where the thief doth not steal and so the moth doth not rot for it is sowing to the flesh that reaps corruption

 We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers even democratic  that are for spiritual wickedness in high places  the rulership of the dark age now passing as we loose even what China points to in setting new standard by which any people can claim great  the lifting of over 800 million souls out of poverty to being emerging serve all Kings and resulting Celestial cities property developers Lords IN The demonstration of the Riches of the Mercies of Grace Glory and Honor and MAjesty in all Dominion by Christ authority efficience 'serve all Government on Christ's shoulders in us in whose arms the little of 10% tithes tax on annual increase {only tax} is much while allowing all to not be principalities mnions but the Kingdom of God come serve all Kings and Lords the greatest as Jesus describe being servants serving all hold them Bill Gates and the millions of Chinese declaring to be becoming double and triple Bill Gates Hold them Global Brands like Samsung ever honing creation skills and ever a Loosing values for less served to all and the billions of other such other Globals like MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL Property Development & Maintenance Products IN CHRIST emerging with The Rock the Glorified Church with its Serve all authority to all the NEW borderless Earth and Omnipresence';



[caption id="attachment_7959" align="alignleft" width="1920"] Americas products and suppliers like Lincoln Shareholders management and staff are to be served to all united borderless 1.376 billion to over 7.3 billion+ of us all on earth  and all the creators involved be Abraham seeds, too like the Chinese are more so,  a blessing to all the families of the earth  with these values for less being served to all.                                                               FOR AMERICA GREAT AGAIN AND ALL DOMINIONS OF EARTH~  WITH GLOBAL PER-CAPITA CREATION MOVED FROM CURRENT LOW FOR HIGH INCIDENCE OF 'NO TO 'SERVE ALL ABOMI National independence anti one China policy type practices and mindset so no One Americas policy or one Europe or Africa or One Erth so US$16,100(ppp)  up TO AND ABOVE US$75,000 TO 150,000(ppp), we are to over come the world principalities'ism and let it be that  These Americas products too are served to all and at Global economies of scale at the Kingdom of God come 'serve-all-Scale-lowest-prices  not just served to some in China and OLd USA and few in other places  but made more avaible without boundary extortion and loot taxes and to all at Global enabling scale prices, as products being serve to all by enabled NEt-giver to infinity of values for less creator Kings to "A serve-all-Mode enabled 7.3 billion+ borderless Market of whom Jesus is KING of Serve-All Abraham seeds blessing to all the families of the earth and LORD of Celestial Cities property developer Lords in a borderless Earth cleansed of the thief  in Abomi-NATIONS Satanuments  for boundary extortion and loot taxes ... (above 10% tithes on Percapita creation above US$75,000 to US$150,000 PPP of strenghtening USAs and all Earth dollar more than their condemnation over 35% lootings unto notingness scarcity fight for scarce benefits ) for cowism   NOT POSSIBLE IN A OLD EARTH OF DEMON POSSESSED BY OVER 231 UNITED NATION recognized and so attempted perpetuated PRINCIPALITIES (of strifing for vain glory and loot Nationals PRIDE GOONS) being transformed out of exostence vanquished from all dominion unto MAjesty by GRACE Glory & Honor under the Authority that is Government on Christ's shoulders even in us ever letting and vanquarding God Kingdom come and all his righteousness His will and ways being the life we live being our only loosings in all earth and omnipresence of prosperity and good health as our sould prosper in Kingdom of heaven where the thief doth not steal so the moth doth not rot non sowing to the flesh all as serve all KIngs serving all 7.3 billion+ with ever to greater glory values for less.[/caption]

 "It is not my wish that any should perish but that all come to Life"   ~ Prospering and being in good health as our souls prosper in salvation and the Joy of the Lord ~ Living Souls none walking dead perpetuating what we wrestle against~ principalities, powers, for earth condemning spiritual wickedness in high places - the rulership of the dark age passing by Grace information Age  by application to infinity of WORD OF GOD ~to all with breath and all things  IN CHRIST;   

China, the Americas too one with all the Borderless NEW EARTH 

cleansed of what we wrestle against principalities and powers for spiritual wickedness in high places the rulership of the dark age passing ~ WORD OF GOD} IN CHRIST remembered from the Lucific dismemberment into principalities for the benefits of netsucker non serve all thieves Vanquished by eating of the tree of good and evil to all in Christ as One Body of Net givers to infinity of Omnipotence and Omniscience in Omnipresence to infinity ONE Body REST. that is the NEw Sabbat in all our ways acknowledging Him so none judge us by holy days just in all our ways to infinity per day we are led by the spirit so Sons of God like Xi Jinping says ever foreseeing a Future imbued with peace and prosperity Christ reign of no end. Just Light of the world obliterating the rulership of the dark age gone



I seem to have to stay right now with crowdfunding by individual purchase and offering donations for ~ unto salvation into Life & life more abundantly by faith in Jesus ~ to individual readers finding these materials edifying and a light onto our path for self and loved ones and friends and all 7. billion+ on earth of MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL 'Property Development & Maintenance Products' IN CHRIST Publications - ' A 3 e-book Bundle' with these over 130 Trailer Posts quickening understanding of e-books content ie discernment in the Spirit lessons, vision for all 7.3 billion+ of us and new earth realities Glorified Church for which Jesus is coming that we are loosing on earth Downloaded from heaVEN LOOSED ON EARTH INto the Real KINGDOM OF HEAVEN Allilujah WHERE THE THIEF DOTH NOT STEAL AND THE MOT DOTH NOT ROTH; Nothing of the thief being loosed on earth anymore NOT EVEN FOR Satanument/GOVERNMENT REVENUE for God to be loosing in A MAN-HELL/heaven. get it.

Reverse Satan to even Lucifer IN CHRIST Christ Jesus reign your kingdom come and all your righteousness your will and ways being ours Oh God Allilujah. we get it ~ A Download from heaven and we loose it ~ Worship In Christ Served-to-all with no inequity. Thank you and Praise God.

There is Series #1. & Series # 3.1 too

Check it to see "IT is in the direction of our care.:" ~

Get available copies now:-

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Best Value for less Deal $10.00 for Bundle for max effectiveness from Easy Digital Downloads from Available right HERE [purchase_link id="6696" text="Purchase" style="button" color="blue"]

Do buy from This Website via menu a copy of the eBook bundle

~ A Publication Presentation set of MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL 'Property Development & Maintenance Products' IN CHRIST Jesus.ORG that I consider to be "God making his ways and will and 'ordering of our steps globally' being made clear before our face via the clouds through our smart devices."

~ an Easy Digital Download Critical Discernment course for This emerging Grace Glory and Honor and Majesty in all dominion by His authority Kingdom of God come serve all Government  Information Age  and expounding GRACE while bringing earth development

Like 'China Rising and WESTERN Democracies Falling'

into subjection of the Word of God That is serving to mobilize us and facilitate getting us into the Americas and Earth Spring to Kingdom of God come


If you are finding these post edifying and wish to sopport this movement

PayPal me a seed offering of $100.00 or

Paypal me $25.00 via or any amount you choose to give to put this effort to greater flight (and enabling same in all by various 'serve all to infinity Ever a JEdi emergence demonstration and perpetuation' like and better than Samsung Electric);  generating seed capital to this organization for further development and maintenance products development and serving ...

via to cover overheads and music producing cost and further advance this MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL IN CHRIST Ministry Publications expounding GRACE Riches of His Mercies in Grace Glory Honor Majesty in all Dominion by Christ serve all Authority that we Globally are transforming to, for all the knotching up possible potential of us all in Global prosperity (That China lead in seeking} but now we gt cretical understanding for the real GREAT Again all earth+ though according to Gods will that we prosper and be in Good health as our souls prosper advancing Jehovah Jireh Economics not (Scarcity economics of Man principalities'ism and powers'ism world ) for you all ~ all 7.3 billion+ of us in the press to the high mark of our calling IN CHRIST.


Share to all your Social media connections if in the direction of your care.

~ Feeding Jesus sheep- all 7.3 billion of us as remembered Body of the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus the full 7.3 billion+ available to all as net-givers to infinity Ever a JEdi Serve all creator Kings and resulting Celestial Cities property developers lords ~ Global available

without bandit'ism - for boundary extortions and loot taxes by satanument thieves "states" principalities separated and separating for millenniums from the NOW EMERGING ONE EARTH Glorified Church by thievings called protectionism from Lucific division of man for being cut off from God by divisiveness for strife and vainglory in not choosing the borderless earth As Kingdom of God come without like within China or lesser Old USA bureaucratic spasm for reliance on thievery rather

with increasingly easily available market for our increasing serve all creations like and more than in and from leading 'Serve all' China creations

but rather principalities independent nations even the about 231 division nations ~ principalities ~ BABYLON harlots and abomi-Nations of so called United NAtion of the OLd Earth for boundary extortion and loot taxes, spoils and strife and vainglory ~ in principalities’ism and powers even democratic for being thieves {avoided more by China in ONe China Policy for a population of 1.387 billion that is the equivalent of 1 1/2 the number of the principalities'ism demon possessions of the Americas China would have to be comprizing 1 1/2 the 55 principalities so 87 sovereignties of stanuments netsuckers to be as demon possessed unto low to no growth shame thieves spasm as in the Americas. So China find more of the JOy of the Lord that is real strength unto Higher Put To Flight Factor they are working with making China over 250,000 times stronger than divided Americas so we have to find Unified Americas of 2.5 billion One with borderless Emerging New EARTH to return the Creation Jehovah Jireh love to China it DESERVES for its coming growth Especially as it becomes borderless with India All Asia all Europe all Australia and All Africa. that adjacent 2/3 of Earth Lands and seas already pressing in being one and one with all Earth and omnipresence.

~Letting everything that has breath praise the Lord,

~ Letting all thing work together for Good;

~ Contributing to the  BUILDING A MODERN Global and Omnipresence HARMONIOUS AND CREATIVE SOCIETY even in and by all in earth and of omnipresence; 




NB     Special Notification from Author ~ Sheval Anthony Smith

{A.K.A DRALiHHawk}:-

This publication set has been produced chronologically from

~ Linkedin first Blog Post  back in 2014  The Keys and most critical components of Which have been summarized, compiled and structured in 'The Ebooks Bundle and followed by integral Trailer Posts bringing Earth recent current affairs into subjection of the WORD of God from the perspective of a Accountant Immigrant Christian under the leading of the Holy Spirit to primarily the simple and missed in oblivious revellings in Sovereignties ceilings policies of thieves with impunity of unaccountable and unexposed to Throne of Grace in All by the results of their shame The interpretation and effects of PRINCIPALITIES AND POWERS Even principalities'ism

~  to this Website Cover page for best reading and step by step understanding of explained terminologies.


Patronize Ebooks Bundle and read it through in conjunction with YOUR DEVELOPING KNOWLEDGE OF TRUTH PER LEADING OF HOLY GHOST INTO ALL TRUTH  VIA other source of being one with the WORD OF GOD

Support the production of MAJESTY SHOCK And Net givers to infinity enableing Serve all creator KIngs' and resulting Celestial cities property developers Lords' songs and for the Americas and Earth Spring to us seeking first for the first time in human history 'The Kingdom of God come and all his righteousness so all things be added to us through us as Abrahams seeds a blessing to all the Families of the earth like Bill GAtes, the original family founder sustainer of Samsung Electronics Group and other emerging Global brands including the millions and billions out of China by thoe of us who express intension to press to ward the highmark of our calling IN CHRIST Jesus as netgivers to infinity Ever a JEdi of values for less served to all as serve all creator Kings and resulting Celestial Cities property Developers Lords. 

Jesus is KING Of Such Kings 


d LORD of Such Lords

A reality lead and pointed to most by China

now being manifested as we make

His The righteousness of God in CHRIST Jesus


we wrestle against his footstool:

We wrestle not against Flesh and Blood but against principalities, against powers for spiritual wickedness netsucker'ism defying It is in giving that we are blessed NEt giving to Infinity Ever a JEdi in the long run by even the was abominations of desolation as thieves for being emerging delinquents and pleasuregoons exaltedness { slick by guile sucking for 'free meal and pie in the sky' ~ food, clothing, shelters, communication, transportation and 'serve all delivery systems} for its Cowism in high places by non serve all inefficient abomination satanuments unto reports of shame for dis -honor that are not of 'The serve-all Government on Christ shoulders in us.':- The Rock now emerging to displaces the Gentile Beasts systems of thieves for boundary extortion and loot protectionism taxes above 10% tithes unto antichrist cursedness in Separated from Church States that are principalities

of principalities'ism of Luciferian'ism.


Selected Soundtrack being sought for the permit to use as a guide of to the amended track for 'Demo Song, Production, and Broadcast presentation via YouTube and even to MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL Big Band 'Pure Gold' Music Presentation. 

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Segment 2. MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL ‘Property Development & Maintenance Products’ IN CHRIST Jesus.ORG Publicationsper this its Website and HUB 

{SHOP: PURCHASE EBOOKS BUNDLE NOW and receive your copy as An Easy digital Down Load to your smart Device for reading through and being involved in the Global discussions to Americas and All Earth Spring to the God Kingdom come and all His righteousness His Will and ways to infinity Ever a JEDi being the Lives we all 7.3 billion+ on Earth and in Omnipresence live, putting all to flight

with Highest Put To Flight {P.T.F.} Factor} no lucific division by principalities and powers even Democratic

to other social media,




sales outlets in cloud presence are

~ in obedience to Jesus request that we feed his sheep and loose on earth God kingdom come.

~ an effort to facilitate us all as net givers serve all creator kings and resulting Celestial Cities property developers Lords  reciprocating and complimenting of Chinas ongoing efforts and achievement as from the WEST and all the earth in accordance with 'the word of God' wish that we prosper and be in good health by manifest soul prosperity like overcome the world characterised by the things we wrestle against, not flesh and blood but against principalities {Kingdom of man the desperately wicked,}  against powers furthur but Non geographic Lucific divide of humnity ~ for spiritual wickedness in high places ~ the rulership of the dark age that has for melliniums been blocking us from all things being added to us through us serving all as creator kings and.and Celestial cities property developers Lord Our predestination and the High mark of our calling IN CHRIST; so that The rulership of the dark age that we are to ~by the renewing of our minds to MIND OF CHRIST ~ let be passing past out of our reality, for us all to loose on Earth the greatest prosperity and good health on the earth and in omnipresence.

~ Loose on earth the making of Christ enemy his footstool; effectively all of us serving all too as 'Net givers to infinity serve all creator Kings giving ever to geater Glory values for less served to all and resulting emerging Celestial Cities property developer Lords for it being true Jesus is KING of 'serve-all Kings' and LORD of Celestial Cities in all dominions of Earth Lords , we all yank out of principalities’ism curse (Kingdom of man -The desperately wicked set of blood sucking thieves) embraced by the west for the benefits of thieves relying on USURY and boundary extortion and loot taxes above 10% tithes tax paid by all as deemed and so enabled Serve all kings and Lords 'to serve all Government not principalitiesism Satanuments for stagnation and fight for scarce benefits. 

~ And the return of Christ for his Glorified Church/NEW Earth


It should really be unbelievable that politicians preach a gospel other than the God Kingdom come, with the redemption plan of the father but to date, they all do perpetuate this for all of us as walking dead in principalities’ism where their liturgy spiritual blindness and non-serve-all abomination-ness is havened –

There has not been in last 240 years a One America Policy;

America is demon possessed by 55 principalities ~ count them in this link and our total population is only 2/3 of China’s populations Like we are each condemned from serving all by their principalities’ism leadership. 

 Not so by Xi Jinping He serves 1.387 billion directly and is way ahead to serving all via B.R.I.C.S and the most GodlyAchievements lifting in last 40 years 800 million out poverty to now being emerging ‘serve all KIngs’ and resulting emerging Celestial Cities property developers Kings of whom JESUS IS KING OF KINGS ANd Lord of resulting serve all property Developers Lord. And China is now easily lifting another 250 million out of poverty and the rest of the earth including all Africa and South America and Europe.  

Obama was lost in madness of being proud being able only to talk of thousands of new Jobs at no time He nor Trump can envision lifting 100 million out of poverty yet the past prosperity of America was too build by immigrants but they got stuck in the desperate wickedness of sodomizing, tormenting and plundering with legal fees immigrants with land space the same as China but with less than 1/4 of China’s population and the whole of the Americas has been laid to almost waste and God is not PLease.


Man shall not live by bread alone ~ Bread meaning food physical creations for our physical wellbeing:- clothing, shelter, communications, and transportation  but by ‘every word’ that proceedeth from the mouth of God.  and we are to first seek the kingdom of God and all his righteousness, His will and ways being the only will and ways that characterise our life  so all things be added to us ~ all 7.3 billion+ on earth and in omnipresence.

China ideologies One Party system,  One China Policy,  One Child Policy for forty years period ~ for its 20% of earth Population represents humanity best effort to make God well pleased explaining its ingenuity and increasing majesty from serve all leadership for the greatest prosperity and good health; and not another show of BABYLON Mother of harlots and the abominations of the Earth.

China United is 4.22 times Old UNITED STATEs 

or 487  Jamaica population wise (1,387 million/2.8 million population)

and without the net-sucker'ism reliance on  ~ by Government (that are satanuments by such reliance on such anxiety covetous thievery early suck by might and power Duties or custom charges collection systems) ~ boundary extortions Duties there is none between the 114 Jamaica that makes up old USA nor between the 487 Jamaica that makes up China) and loot taxes above the 10% tithes Tax on annual Increase by emerging serve all creator Kings and resulting Celestial Property Developers Lords to the Serve all Government on Christ's shoulders. The Kingdom of God come is all of the earth without boundary that is 5 China as one or 21 Old USA as one Earth Policy One Nation under God so no Principalities no many Sovereignty just a market of 7.3 billion + available to each of us in our enterprise putting all to flight.  This is the kingdom of God being established by the Gospel of God redeeming man from 'the divide man and so separate them from God' We are the Elohim a form of God Almighty as one with Global economies of scale in just about every industries allowing the enterprises  that provide the lowest prices and facilitate the enablement of all into creation by lowest cost and the most equitable distribution of all creation to all.  As Abraham seeds serving all the families of the earth and omnipresence. A planet of all as the greatest, all 7.3 billion+ all serving all, for all things being added to us.  To reach this we wrestle not against flesh and blood but

~ against principalities {countries of the divide under separate jurisdiction constitution so Jamaica becoming an independent nation was just another 'principalities a haven for boundary extortion thieves holding themselves out as best investment oppotunities and they are netsucking non serve all creator and not serve all kings so  created' reflecting the heart of man being desperately wicked none good},

~ against powers including political powers even those of democracy; China alone seems to avoid this and the kingdom of God is by the just serving all without guile. Powers are for 


~ spiritual wickedness in high places

~ All the rulership of the dark age now passing.

By the Riches of the Mercies of Grace glory, honor Majesty in all Dominion by the Serve all Authority the is the Government on Christ's shoulders in us all 7.3 billion+ on earth and in omnipresence remembered from the dismemberment of principalities'ism and powers'ism by this emerging 'Serve all' professing GRACE INFORMATION AGE.

not to principalities ism Satanuments - one with the thief needing to loot enterprises before determination of annual increase.

But t the Greatest prosperity and good health, all things being added to us through us whatever we loose on earth God loose in heaven, Christ enemies being made his footstool, for even Eternal life for all IN CHRIST The greatest among us Jesus says on earth in the Kingdom of God come and established in the kingdom of heaven is who "serve all"  One shall put 1000 to flight Two shall put 10,000. 

How much shall three put to flight

and how many put the whole planet 7.3 billion of us to flight As Living Souls not falling or stagnant angels like the old USA. and how many combinations of such number can exist as Global and omnipresent enterprises with eternal life honing creation skills loosing varieties of creation to all like and SamsungGroup serving all the families of the earth Enterprises of Father Abrahams seeds? Maybe 4 billions of such enterprises of serve all creator Kings

All the greatest according to Jesus definition

The greatest among us, even all serving all and to infinity enabling serve all ~ manifesting all being Abrahams Seeds ~ source of blessing to all the families of the earth Like Bill Gates:- part of the high mark of our calling in Christ Jesus. That China is blazing The trail of leadership in such just for the One China policy maintained against no One America policy and failure to "seek ye first the Kingdom of God up to no But henceforth we choose to loose on earth and in omnipresence.

China understands this borderless Kingdom of God Come social order is necessary for the achieving of its continued record and being unleashed Capabilities of all people and we are beginning to understand this like no previous generation did before, now that we are scratching the surface of the INFORMATION AGE  

Bill Gates comes close to serving all with Microsoft, in laptops Desktops computers and Microsoft phones

So do millions and soon to be billions of Chinese who are pressing to be double and triple Bill Gates opening China to the world via the Silk Road and Routes Project already in progress and among dozens of other mega projects is 


a 130 million populated City - 6 times NEW YORK and larger population wise than all of Japan.


Contexting Slider of pertinent Videos for this Post;

Unto us al 7.3 billion+ of us on earth and in omnipresence 

Transitioning from any Culture of mortals Satanuments failing in per capita creation stagnation and experiencing Principalities’ism and powers shame   


Culture of IMMORTALs loosing on Earth and in omnipresence for all ~ The Riches of Gods Mercies in GRACE Glory and Grace Honor and Grace Majesty, in all Grace Dominions by Grace Serve all Authority the emerging ROCK Government on Christ Shoulders with success to infinity for constancy of Purpose in Letting Faith Patience have its perfect work God in us Holy in our handy works perfecting all things AS Kingdom Of God being loosed on earth ~ pointed to by the exponentially increasing successes of China opening


[huge_it_videogallery id="2"] 




These MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL 'Property Development & Maintenance Products' IN CHRIST Jesus.ORG Publications are

~ in obedience to Jesus request that we feed his sheep and loose on earth God kingdom come.

~ an effort to reciprocate Chinas effort from the WEST and all the earth for us all to loose on Earth the greatest prosperity and good health,

~ Loose of earth the making of Christ enemy his footstool effectively serving all too, yank out of principalities'ism

~ And the return of Christ for his Glorified Church/NEW Earth


It should really be unbelievable that politicians preach a gospel other than the God Kingdom come, with the redemption plan of the father but to date, they all do perpetuate this for all of us as walking dead in principalities'ism where their liturgy spiritual blindness and non-serve-all abomi-NATION-ness is havened -

There has not been in last 240 years a One America Policy;

America is demon possessed by 55 principalities ~ count them in this link and our total population is only 2/3 of China's populations Like we are each condemned from serving all by their principalities'ism leadership. 

 Not so by Xi Jinping He serves 1.387 billion directly and is way ahead to serving all via B.R.I.C.S and the most GodlyAchievements lifting in last 40 years 800 million out poverty to now being emerging 'serve all KIngs' and resulting emerging Celestial Cities property developers Kings of whom JESUS IS KING OF KINGS ANd Lord of resulting serve all property Developers Lord. And China is now easily lifting another 250 million out of poverty and the rest of the earth including all Africa and South America and Europe.  

Obama was lost in madness of being proud being able only to talk of thousands of new Jobs at no time He nor Trump can envision lifting 100 million out of poverty yet the

past prosperity of America was too build by immigrants but they got stuck in the desperate wickedness of sodomizing, tormenting and plundering with legal fees immigrants with land space the same as China but with less than 1/4 of China's population and the whole of the Americas has been laid to almost waste and God is not PLease.

The OLd USA is lost in preventing us all ascending to being Living Souls ~ Angel not fallen for as even George Bush said in welcoming strangers immigrants that we welcome angels unaware.  The New Earth of the greatest prosperity and good health all 7.3 billion+ of us having even Eternal Life- as Living Souls, Angels -of cultures of immortals IN CHRiST 


Where are our 20 to 50 Ghost Cities? Why be the thief in high places, Satanuments needing boundaries for boundary extortions and loot s=taxes above 10% to serve all Government. and now America is not Global. we are not Going in that direction that is to hell.  Seek first the kingdom of God come Borderless earth and omnipresence of Serve all Kings and resulting Celestial Cities property developers Lords the manifestation of Jesus as KING of Kings and Lord of Lords that is all 73 billion+ of us. 

Read through these publications and respond to the call to action of signing the petition and support this Americas and Earth Spring to the God Kingdom come we be loosing on earth It is what we loose on earth That God loose in Heaven. God Give us dominion on Earth, not the devil we ascribe it to by being pleasure and might and power goons minions to his principalitiesism divide and conquer of man from being one with God, and this dominion has been restored to us IN CHRIST and extended to being 'authority in heaven and on Earth and under the Earth all now IN CHRIST.  Are we all IN CHRIST able to discern to be able to work in the Spirit. 


These MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL 'Property Development & Maintenance Products' IN CHRIST Jesus.ORG Publications make God ways clear before our face on our smart devices  - The Ebook Bundles and the over 130 Trailer Blog post bringing current world events and economic development into subjection of the word of God for us allowing our steps being ordered by God for the greatest prosperity and good health for all.

Let us overcome the world an what we wrestle against for the God Kingdom come, for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers that are for spiritual wickedness in High places the rulership of the dark age passing.

Theme song soundtrack prospect.  

Let this first sound play as you read; it's an appropriate

contexting track

for the Theme song


who will labor for the REST even technology of power tool and other enabling communication and industrialization serve all technologies and serve all transport systems

as China lead in doing now on the earth and we are a Union of all 7.3 billion


          this one   




a pity not with active 'serve all' honing of creation skills and creations, being loosed to all 7.3 billions of us on the Earth and in Omnipresence  as "serve all kings" Like emerging mightily in China in over 1 billion souls~  Yet Yes, both are of the makings of '

Jesus as KING of 'serve all Kings' and resulting

LORD of Celestial Cities property Developments 'served all' Lords'. And musically both are great for MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL 'Property Development & Maintenance Products' IN CHRIST Jesus.ORG theme Song. 

See 'Words song' on LinkedIn Slideshare

 per past Posts.

God making His way clear before our Face via the cloud through our smart devices~ His wish that we prosper and be in good health as our souls prosper as Living Souls IN CHRIST. for us to follow and loose the God Kingdom come; canceling principalities ~ to ONE 'serve all' ever constant in achieving Ever to greater GLORY focused in Honor and Majesty, an efficient and effective authority like and better than emerging in China ~in all dominions on Earth and omnipresence all in the Kingdom of heaven. not the satanuments of the WEST.


Hello, all on Earth and in Omnipresence,

Thanks for the connection and opportunity to have this website shared to all your social media connection if in the direction of your care.


Now let us change the world~ if the Publications I share is in the direction of your care, for you to share. Discussion Starter. I am saying much here communicating a vision that is always our, now to be lived unto the greatest prosperity and good health in the Americas and in all the Earth and Omnipresence. It is the Holy Ghost who will give you the ease at relating to living more abundantly to these publications. See increasing Global creation per person moving from current Global per capita GDP of US$16,000 2017 to even above US$75,000 &150,000(PPP) of strengthening US$ on account of 'serve all of real Ever to greater glory Values for less creations served to all 73 billion+ of us on earth like China is doing' and avoidance of money that are not 'a measure of values' created and served to all so their Fiat. China prints money for say exceedingly more ever HOLY GHOST CITIES and infrastructures as The Value secured as measures behind it, so not Fiat.

Was the OLD USA New Debt under Obama ~ US$10 Trillion by ~ QE Debt~ a measure of their negative value a rather LOSS BY GREEDING non-serve all EXECs. Aren’t those money Blood straws of the thief entering up our backdoors. with More imports to, than exports from the Old USA as Balance of Trade situation over period what will it be in 10 years to 2025.At least Per our projections let us make it be. ' Labor for the Rest in assimilating these words, Spirits, issues of life, The Christ, living through us if we believe in him. with my best regards, I say: Share this and in this.

To stop my missing readers from being oblivious to content til I get Divi team to solve this website problem ~ to being a stellarly made and presented Website with my little funding from my first daughter and Andrew and Aun nelly and God all glory and thanks to God and for what is to coming I must can put these here

And this ~The full Series:  


Being going through the fire

Now Feed my sheep:

Pure gold go to where serve all creation is being done,

Pure gold ensure serve all creation is done in all dominion



And these HOLY GHOST CITIES: Holy Ghost for they are the result of financial practices that maintain the value of the 'workers currency' even if the Christ Authority print money. The definition of money from God is upheld- A measure of value. China doesn't even need to back its currency by Gold. The money is a measure of these creation Gold was not created in these approaching Celestial Cities property development by just Lord.  The workers' money the yuan, whatever the currency value volatility is protected from adverse foreign exchange exposure for China serve all and maintain a ration of foreign import to net inflows of foreign exchange. Jamaica Government for the last 55 years since independence holds themselves out as most capable to offer International finance best rate USURY. But that practice bleeds funding from emerging serve-all creation activities to stillborn by lifting up principalities sovereignty over the Global Kingdom of God come sovereignty. Produce what we ear and eat what we grow expressions that are issues of death they as falling angels are loosing to hold up national pride. China doesn't do that shit in respect of the 487 Jamaica in China nor is it interested in not being Global which is obeying Christ 'serve all'

and be 1.387 billion of serve-all emerging kings and celestial cities developer Lord. Tremendous resources come in from the greater Union alone with no foreign exchange exposure.  and they know in obeying Christ walking in the spirit being sons of God they are lifting the earth out of its travail more than the USA say under Obama who submit in captivity to the abomination practices of the Federal Reserve Bank not federal -born out of Rothschilding ism give me control over a country currently and I can good and evil the place for they have not put the Old USA Americans on or in the tree of Life, the vine with the word of God abiding increasingly to glory honor mega increasing majesty only possible in Americas and Earth Spring to God Kingdom come with borderless earth cleansed of the thief panting for and net sucking for BOUNDARY Extortion like Trump reflecting the craving of the majority elected him for boundary extortion from Mexico first and every one else in the great tribulation that can be averted. You have to be in Satanism satanuments Government captivities of citizens minions to not avert Tribulation. Welcome Information Age buy Majesty shock Trail Publication more than generously supplied to all just need resource to fling brimstone of brilliance to them head through the ears to live by faith as the just so we can loose the greatest prosperity an good health for all even Eternal life for all IN CHRIST Jesus who has to sit at the fathers right hand until God makes his enemies His footstool. But God only does that through who he has given through Jesus authority in Heaven on earth and under the earth the demonic falling angel realm from which we must save all immigrant sodomizing Old USA Americas who Trump trials in human sacrifice and savagery in not welcoming strangers for in so doing he welcome angels unaware. Trump has been a fucker decomposing on the inside for sowing to the flesh reaping corruption leading the fallen lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God the creators who the Chinese are being enabled by as they are led into all truth. 'In the last days, man will be lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God'  So like it was, in the beginning, we blow the breath of life in them so they become living Souls. How. Read these publication written while they read shock in ease of understanding wow factor and breathe unto believing in Jesus transformation'ing understanding to life more abundantly is breath of life. Be ye transformed by the renewal of your mind Let the min of Christ be the mind that is in you that transform from heart desperately wicked to heart of the righteousness of Go in Christ Jesus are all breath of life eternal if by Christ 

Grace we submit increasingly in all our ways we acknowledge him an o was he direct our path like 'seek ye first the kingdom of God not principality exalted above borderless earth like God bless America first no all serve all as unto the body of Christ remembered from luciferianism divide them into being principalities ealting themselves as such above Kings of kingdom of serve all global and omnipresent King om of God to to conquer man from being one with God take away the authority god gave them on earth sucking them away from worshipping God to ealting lucifer so becoming Satan, yea so Choose Christ body remembered be global and so enable all to be 'serve-all King of whom Jesus is KING of kings in the Kingdoms of man become kingdom of God global and omnipresent realm in Kingdom of heaven where the thief doth not steal so the mot {The tree of the knowledge of good and evil for we eat not of it } doth not rot,


for we eat just of the bread of life The Tree of Life.



so enable all to also be serve all Celestial Cities developer Lord so manifested is Jesus is LORD of Lords and High Priest of priests word of God applied to infinity unto life more abundantly that we are One nation of a royal priesthood and Kings for being serve-all creators all 7.3 billion+ of us meek and lowly so we will find the omnipotence,and omniscience REST predestine by God for our Souls all his righteousness His will and ways being ours only so all things will be added unto us  ~ The greatest prosperity and good health for all . billion of us on earth an in omnipresence even eternal life for all IN CHRIST. The kingdom of God is not according to 'the measure of man' but 'of angels' ~ living souls ~ as many as are led by the Spirit of God, so sons of God ~ the Elohim yah.



AND SO LET THE FATHER REQUEST THAT JESUS SIT AT HIS RIGHT HAND UNTIL THEN now, what we loose on earth, God loose in heaven




See what we have to do.  The gospel is being preached to all the earth all of us in serve all mode enabling serve all to infinity ever a JEdi. Ever to greater Glory Greater Honor, Greater Majesty Grace empowered for treasures doing be ye perfect as the Father in heaven is perfect if he did not enable it He would not say so.  the life we live strong tower full of Grace and truth keeping us from falling presenting us before almighty God without fault. In Jesus name I am doing it we are doing it



China pursued Honor the avoiding of sexual by high families value, avoiding impurities a sin against own flesh.  How many wife Xi Jinping has had OK. Hom many children has he had more in line with say Methuselah who had his first kid at 187 and two more 300 years later and he lived for 959 years. Whose mouth is stinker Donald or Xi for sowing to the flesh not believing AN MORE SERVE ALL leading IN CHRIST? Donald has had three immigrants wifes He fill his crave and taste for those who by going to the uttermost part of the earth approach ascension that is sweet to the defiling falling angels like him.   A serve all person selected for president of earth and omnipresence more like Bill Gater would be of a better making than the likes of Trump not in Christ. Be in Christ and follow Go ordering of our steps Seek ye first the Global and omnipresent Kingdom of God borderless...

I must have some of that I heard a American woman while I labored in their restua=rant n Atlanta, told her husband of me, in my hearing as they torment me illegal to work and support your family pressuring my wife to be generous with this perceived sweetness It is just the Spirit of God who makes himself available to those submit to God ordering of our steps. The dead in trespasses and sin want to defile that Grab them by the P down into the captivity of lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. My wife was controlled into remarrying by having a US citizen by being of BABYLON mother of harlots and the abominations of the earth, not angel unaware.

Hold them Methuselah. INTO CHRIST by the Spirit of having fellowship with that kind of born again by citizenship of what the meek and lowly kingdom of

God in the Kingdom of Heaven~ a lie of Lucifer.


China is built by immigrants 1.387 billion population 4.22 times the Old USA. All the workers who are raising China from 'the broken back giant of the planet' and are traveling now by bullet train.

And a bigger Giant is the Body of Christ remembered from principalitiesism and powers and you know from what ~ on the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil.

I see bullet train from China Europe through Alaska through Canada, Old USA to the southern tip of South America even over to Africa and Austraila   Who God let name these animals and whatever they were named is their name. in all the earth and omnipresence. Who is the Living Souls Adams? We all are too and by Jesus confession, it is finish all come to life. so this is an easy work. Jesus through us labor for the rest we all are working out our salvation life to infinity for everything that has breath and making all things work together for good like Samyazy gave us the plow long time ago but we have gone further an will loose infinity of such from the essence of all in creation according to the treasures of heaven that God gives us who press fo be serve-all kings loving all with breath and that is to work together for good 

As the wax melt against the sun so let the wicked perish but let the righteous rejoice this and like go to the uttermost part of the earth in having no fellowship with unfruitful works f darkness are mighty weapons from God in solving so-called civilization problems to Cultures f immortals, to the greatest prosperity and good health on Earth America great one with the world for greatest all 73 billion+ is a function of the enablement of serving all in infinity of ways exponentially a JEDi.

Sign    This Petition in the menu above I see only 4 signatures since April 2014.  on October 31, 2017. 

I don't think we are two continent and a planet of uttermost harlots and Abomi-NATIONS Of Babylon forever caught up in Satan the captivity for his despising of the Apple of Gods' eyes all 7.3 billion+ of us on earth and in omnipresence with any or too many in corruption and death delusion at this outset of the Information Age. Jesus strategy ~ the keys to the kingdom of heaven he gives us works.


Despite Now, I see my wife's hair root like all grey. ... Should have lived by the Kingdom of God in her but the stressed her into guile of telling me she not even looked on two kids she took out of her as featus as they what was the human sacrifice required for citizenship. and we are supposed to be like across the great rift between Light and Darkness, the Ying and the Yang. Isiah 45 say God made them both; form light and create darkness and work on both sides for good. Actually, Jesus actually goes through the pain and never leave you nor forsake you. The Lord God the terrible though he is, and never will and will restore all the years that the cankerworms and palmers worms and locus wielded by the dead in trespasses and sin of principalities'ism, and powers even Democratic, for spiritual wickedness in high places needing to the spoils goes the victor of who is upheld by only might and power. "It is not by might nor by power but by my Spirit says the Lord, is Christ my testimony living through me in these publications issues of life, rivers of living waters, and A demonstration in Serve all for the loosing of JEHOVAH JIREH too in the NEW United States of America NORTH,

[caption id="attachment_7356" align="aligncenter" width="640"] China with a population of 1.387 billion, being 4.22 times the size of Old USA 0.321 billion, geographically inhabits the same size earth space as Old USA. and is population-wise 1 and 1/2 the size of the whole Americas; yet where as China is united strongest on Earth pointing to Global Kingdom of God come ~ 'an Earth of serve all' facilitated by a borderless Earth God Kingdom come Global the Americas was demon possessed by 55 principalities by anthems flags and constitutions of laws of wicked falling man esperately wicked,   lead by socalled leader of the free world calling itself the United States of America, but a lie, for Americas, was not united but possessed by 55 principalities and we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities .....   [/caption]

mek ya one with di i to infinity} AND SOUTH ~ ONE WITH THE NEW Earth what is our primary focus Seek ye first the Kingdom of God. The blood straws of the undead National anthems and Flags like in my translate button above and Principalities Constitution the laws ~ highest of falling manAngels not living Souls more like China for more principalities'ism pride and strife unto needing to be for spoils. A future imbued with peace and prosperity I too see.  I hear in a Video, Chinese saying to American tourists panting for Asian genital and for pleasure to get the fuck out of China. Be fruitful an multiply Adam fruitfulness was planting a planet of lifeforms set into motion of ever to greater glory before he multiplies. Unfruitful work of darkness is.

As for them Chinese brothers ~ That is being a vanguard for HONOR. 


TiTLE:  For we not no bloodsucking walking dead with 55 Principalities possessed Americas as blood-sucking walking dead;  no we not no blood sucking walking dead in trespasses and sin of perpetuating principalities, and powers( even Democratic) for spiritual wickedness in high places; the rulership of the dark age passing to God Kingdom come One Party system of Government on Christ shoulders in Us all 7. billion+;, AND when we have been Here in heavenly places with

Christ Jesus 10,000 years ~ bright shining as the sun, we are no less days to sing God praise than when we first began

SOUNDTRACK. in The Romantic City of China -Dalian


Being going through the fire

Now Feed my sheep:

Have no fellowship with unfruitful work of darkness

in thief.



Pure gold goe to where ‘serve-all’ creation is being done,

Pure gold ensure ‘serve all creation is done’ in all dominions


Establishing the truth of Honor.

For we not lo lovers of pleasure

more than lovers of Jah ~ We are Serve all creators ever trampling pleasure

to loose Honor Treasure

   The highest per capita creation in ... REST

loosed on earth and in omnipresence

established in Heaven ~

where the thief doth not steal,

so the moth doth rot….


~~~ Don’t be no blood sucking walking dead

Trod Jah earth as of Christ instead

For Jah of ingenuity unto all thing bright and beauty ~ celestial Cities and other serve-all creation facilities

and infrastructure, for ever to Greater Glory; 

The God Kingdom come,

and us all his righteousness,

His will and his ways to infinity being ours ~ the life we live,

Christ Jesus living through us

By His

~ the only MIND in us


We not no blood sucking walking dead

for we trod Jah earth as Christ instead

Jah is God of the living, not no walking dead

in trespassed and sin of perpetuating principalities and powers for spiritual wickedness in high places

the rulership of the dark age passing being blotted out of human reality

by the Riches of The Mercies of Grace INFORMATION AGE of Glory

and Honor

and Majesty in all dominion

By His ‘Serve all Authority Government on Christ's shoulders in us

reigning in Heaven and on Earth and under the earth ~ raising the dead healing the sick casting out demons by HOLY GHOST to Christ in all his dominion


and all come net givers to life


as the Father will

none perish.but Christ Lifing everlasting life through all walking in the Spirit


Let everything that has breath

praise God

Let all things work together for Good to infinity

Ever a JEDi. All His enemy made his footstool, serving all, as Christ leading through us all to infinity Ever a JEdi.





A must for us all like and beyond Methuselah in length of day for new cells from eating, are improvements on the Old.

Obama was an affront to God with liberty in Gay and Lesbianism 

Lovers of pleasure Unfruitful work of darkness if involve spilling of seeds even at some Bob Marley concerts in condoms and Order of distinction for for Trailor Load of Gal, more than lovers of God - Only CHRIST can be not falling and be without blemish unto wielding cankerworms and palmer worms and locus to be seducing demon spirit defiling whole communities Jamaica then to the world.

Honor is the source of treasure Celestial to infinity and life eternal  I know no man falling angels can achieve that.

The kingdom of God is not according to the measure of man

but of Angels Living Souls being led by the Spirit of God. obey seek ye first the kingdom of God ... For in Christ patience we can better labor for the rest and pather infinity in eternity all born from being fruitful like Adam did and better IN CHRIST and multiply a stronger than China One-Child Policy in three scores and ten of being lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God - being the undead not living souls Per these publications unto the greatest prosperity and good health even eternal life for all IN CHRIST Jesus~Jah triple sons us. 

That why the Bible says as it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end, God made man an like us reading these posts God breathe into him the breath of life understandings and He becomes Living souls IN CHRIST having life and life more abundantly~ unto high per capita creation letting everything that has breath praise the Lord and all things work together for good power tools and industrialization to infinity Ever a JEDi. 

Everyone born on earth like Trump and Obama The hearts of man is Desperately wicked there is none Good Jesus says. He made us so He knows. That is a function of Choice. and to be like God is to let our steps be ordered by God Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all his righteousness his will and ways be our wills and ways 100, 1,000, 10,000 100,000, 1,000,000 Ever a JEdi to infinity per day each for all exponentially more by Put to flight Factor applied to infinity on NEw Earth and in Omnipresence us to infinity being planted in the heavens see support to Elon Musk effort to have serve all trillionaire by Christ Jesus Grace even Put to flight of infinity infinited christ Jesus living through us tourists vacationing on Mars cold or on Venus or Mercury who I was mindful of when I call and now think of their names, of my two firstborn Venessa and Meghan. Apply the laws of Jah God almighty Love to infinity to infinity for them a seeds bearing plant and plant bearing seed and a these you should have for your meat by the Grace ability to do so secured by Jesus

I think Jesus says I wish you be either perfectly hot of perfectly cold each and all Americas and all NEW Earth and omnipresence in the Kingdom of HEaven IN CHRIST. Where he leads I will follow. I will go with him all the ways. Nice.  


Unto him who is able to keep us from falling and present us faultless before almighty God be Glory and Honor and Majesty in all dominions even the green parsley inhabited Amazon Jungle, by serve all and serve all enabling Authority of Government on Christ Jesus shoulders in us established in righteousness as the kingdom of heaven where the thief does not steal not the moth rot. for all in Christ Jesus is him Vanguard of equity honor serve all enabling Mode to infinity ever a JEdi Christ Jesus the anointed one and his anointing. These bits of knowledge of truth enabling us unto doing good and professing only 'serve all' 

issues of life ever to greater Glory Brimstone of Brilliance Rock of ages shed for us as liquid brimstone living waters like us angels pouring out our vial into the rising tide of Global and omnipresence ... Grace Information Age. Yet to God be the Glory when we loose the overcoming and making the Kingdom of God ~ in Kingdom of Heaven of the world system of unrighteousness maintained by blood straws stinking making national anthems and Flaggism and sovereignties that are not the serve all sovereignty of The Authority Jesus gives us,

what we wrestle against~ Against principalities (Google it), powers even Democracy, for spiritual wickedness in high places passing by the onslaught Mercies of Grace Glory and Honor and Majesty you know, you know, for the HOLY Ghost even by {HOLY GHOST CITIES} is already leading you into all truth. Whatever we loose on earth God loose in Heaven like in the beginning even these words Publication represents the issues of life God causing rivers of living waters to rain God pouring his Spirit on all Flesh and Young man will have vision that is the Jesus type son of man born again and old man unreconstituted souls which you are not if you believe on Jesus which is becoming impossible. what you think.  Jesus already said It is finished All is reconciled unto God Lucifer is transforming even as Donald Trump or Obama by the renewal of our minds to MIN OF CHRIST FROM ANTI CHRIST desperately exalted wickedness.

Letting the mind that was and is in Christ Jesus be the mind in us.  

Now there will be no wall.

or all things will work together for Good. America the lie was built by immigrants Angels unaware Christ Jesus living through All things was made by him and without him, T D JAKES, Joseph Prince, Creflo Dolar on YouTube says nothing was made. all glory to God  Adam planted the Garden as not man lovers of pleasure more than lovers of god but as one with Christ GRACE so the Bible says God planted the Garden. We as living Souls by being in Christ Jesus for believing on and in him and letting the life we live be we drink of his cup not the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil so put of our bellies flow rivers of living waters Like the Chinese refer to ride the tide of prosperity  The information Age as Riches of The Mercies of GRACE Information Age are loosing on earth Christ enemy  being made his food stool which being made to work for good serving The BODY OF CHRIST NONE PERISH it is actually meem and lowly humility unto theirs and all of us souls finding Omnipotence Omniscience and Omnipresence Rest

for rightly as Xi Jinping stand against the net-sucker'ism by saying 'there is no free meal' or 'pie in the sky' he is one with the scripture; unlike the Cow'ism practicing net suckers of the stagnant west of the harlots riding on the beast drunken with their blood satan living through not Jeusu full of grace and truth.  If a man doesn't work he should not eat!  

eat what  



Serve all 'Celestial Cities and infrastructures for creation distribution to all and habitation shelters, communication transportation~ the staff of life; 

And man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God applied to infinity Ever a JEdi like here.

Like 'Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all his righteousness, His Will and ways being only our will and ways,  so 'all things' be added unto us. 

IF we follow Trump and his demagoguery enablers the exploiting of the falling in darkness of man for power in principalities'ism and other Obimi NATIONS of the earth,  we seek first principality ~America first, or Jamaica first, or China first,

which is anti- to Christ's seek yea first the Global and the omnipresent Kingdom of God with one serve all government on Christ's shoulders in us serving all in the earth and omnipresence. Transform by the renewal of our mind to letting the mind of Christ be the mind in us see Discernment course in these Publications set expounding Grace for setting the captives free from BABYLON mothers of harlots and the abomi-NATIONS or rather Abomi~NATION exalted and sought first for strife pride and extortion bleeding minions and unknowing visitors being pounced upon instead of being welcome unto the angels they are unaware while they lift their NATIONS ~ PRINCIPALITIES with national anthems and constitutions above 'serve all' enabling the Kingdom of God come ~ Global and Borderless new Earth,

They by their desperately wicked and antichrist minds and hearts of man ~ fallen angels~ unaware over of the earth - for being lover of pleasures more than lovers of God living through (the ever in REST ~ honing of creation skills and being the serve all exporting Creators of new and increasing ever to greater glory 'values for less' even NEW creations including borderless Earth to infinity

~ serving all, through us All His righteousness IN CHRIST Jesus;

They BABYLON nationalist (that is not for the ONE NATION of 'Serve-All' Priests and Kings and Lords in earth and in omnipresence Under God of whom JESUS IS KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORD AND HIGH PRIEST OF US ALL FROM EVERLASTING TO EVERLASTING but the UNITED NATION Flagging of Jah people into principalities'ism rulership of the dark age of millenniums now passing) insisting on the body of Christ all 7.3 billion+ of us being dismembered by what we wrestle against ~Principalities, principalities'ism,and within them even by Powers, even Democratic, for spiritual wickedness in high places ~ the rulership of the dark age, passing

by this Grace Glory ... Information Age; yea being vanquished by the onslaughting 'Riches of the mercies of The Graces' Glory, and Honor, an Majesty in all Dominions by the 'serve all Authority on Christ shoulders in us Information Age.all good thing come from him and being loosed through us to him who alone can keep us from falling and present us blameless before Almighty God

I write you As the Throne of Grace meek and lowly, laboring for and gaining increasingly omniscience omnipotence and omnipresence Rest


walking in the spirit and not fulfilling the lust of the flesh like 'spiling seeds" and reaping corruption. which the one-child policy has been a good little step towards us being all HIS Righteousness. unlike Order of Distinction for 'trailer load of Gal' unto BABYLON harlots and the abominations of the earth in Luciferian captivity captivities lovers of pleasure more than Lovers of God All His Righteousness IN CHRIST Jesus  Why not Trailor load of hype Bike  Haw many gals did God take out of Adam's rib.  For great work in the kingdom let them be a husband of one wife Paul sent to the Gentile wrote. Who is anti the spirit who inspired Paul? China one-child policy per every 150 years is inline (Methuselah having the first child at 167 and two 300 years later) with who God or Satan.


Sign    This Petition    in the menu above

Sheval Anthony Smith

{S}Shepheer {H}Hawk of the Trinity{E} triple i~ {Val }to infinity in Anthony Light of the world

Magnifying the LORD with Each JEdi by any and us all infiniting infinity.

Holy Ghost Fire of Rama-wording understanding to all IN CHRIST with

J Jah

E triple I

D double de i 

Christ Jesus Baptism with holy ghost and Fire to infinity.

Letting God through us make his ways clear before our face via the cloud up through our smart devices. magnifying loosings in and from to all 'He who drink of this cup, out of his belly will flow rivers of living waters'  issues of life ~ living waters through our mouths and even fingers now typing for via cloud communicating and deeds unto doing good and preaching the Gospel GRACE EXPONUDED in This Riches of His mercies God's GRACE Glory Honor MAjesty in all Dominion by His Authority INFORMATION AGE ~ Salvation including the Greatest prosperity and good health even Eternal Life for all in cultures of the immortal in Christ to who he gives everlasting Life. for God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life  the all things being added to us as we press through Americas and Earth Spring to Kingdom of GOD come and all his righteousness his will and ways being the life we live ending the travail of all creation in the earth on return of the sons of God. As many as are led by the Spirit of God like Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all his righteousness His will being done in all our ways, infinity per day to infinity ever a JEdi.

Know ye not that the words you speak are Spirit Jesus says  the words of God is god Spirit Walk in his Spirit seek ye first not principalities'ism but his kingdom come where all serve all like and better than Bill Gates for we loose New Earth Borderless Like and more than China best example on the earth has there are 487 Jamaica in China ~ an easily reached common market enabling easy achieving of resources from approaching 'served to all' creations rising easily in the REST to all the Earth and in omnipresence. Sign the Petition an let us let all the 1/3 of earth population in the Americas 25 billion up from current 0.982 billion, not even1. billion Drop all Lucific border'ism dung. There are 4.22 Old United States in China population-wise. and the difference is not an additive function of China strength.

It is an exponential multiplicative function expressed in the word of God that is The Put To Flight Factor explained in Ebook Bundle. 

One shall put               1,000 to flight

Per capita creation factor  1000

Two shall put               10,000 to flight

Per capita creation factor of 5,000

 that is all the bible mentions. Now apply to infinity though

Three shall put to flight       100,000 to flight 

per capita creation of 33,333.33

Four shall put               1,000,000. to flight

per capita put to flight factor of 250,000

So China UNITY compared to the OLD USA being 4.22 is at least 4.22 times So PUT TO FLIGHt FACtoR of over 250,000 time Old USA per capital creation capability,  more potent than the old USA.  Apply the same principle to the Kingdom of God come compared to topped out China in principalities'ism.  Actually, China is opening to lead in God kingdom come loosing on the earth with highest capital enablement of serve-all and also with the lowest price allowing more equitable distribution of creation. Where is the old USA? with non-serve Ford Ford super Duties of high prices for no economies of scale and Federal Reserve Life printing and issue money back by no value but even failures from unearned bonuses seem in a couple of years  Greed for serve all Kingship but too exalted to be serve all and blocking the immigrant more enabled to do it by walking in the Spirit of God greatest command, for they exalt principalitiesism over the Kingdom of God come more than China who is on the projection of being Global and omnipresence Opening to global investing Trillion in it  The new Americas of about 2.5 billion will make the silk road global to infinity into omnipresence one with NEW Earth in ways ever a JEDi to infinity. JEDI JEI JEDi

That is the Kingdom of God in the KIngdom of heaven where the thief doth not steal and the moth doth not rot..  lost in shame fall for it is not by might nor by power but by my spirit says the lord. This has a more let the wicked perish vicious judgment in righteousness and it may be a little-deported angel like me who exercise this judgment in righteousness. Letting as the wax melt before the sun so let the wicked perish but let the righteous rejoice. So we all should sign the Petition in our billions, 7.3 billion+ for the greatest market for our creation, the predestined more meaningful life as serve all creator creating in the rest that will exponentially be easier as all good things comes from God~ increasing trillions of technologies per year enabling us as The ever One Boy of Christ especially with his return that we are to loose on Earth in our press to the Highmark of our calling IN CHRIST by going in this direction the Americas and All Earth Spring to the God Kingdom come. God making his ways clear before our face even here in the cloud by our smart devices.


Fortunately, i heard the Jamaica Prime Minister want {hopefully without guile} to dismantle the Jamaica principality as per OLD Britain parliamentary system and independence and be a state of the Americas. near of the Borderless earth cleansed of being the thief{ves,} relying on and so jacking up prices by 'NON serve all creator kings practices' but regardless of increase after necessary capitalization and for exaltedness of drunken with the blood retired net-sucker USURY and boundary extortions and principalities'ism antichrist shit of death in

[caption id="attachment_53" align="alignleft" width="509"] Cowism true of all the Demon principalities possessed and perpetuating by non-serve exalted one net suckers for millenniums[/caption]

Cow'ism is Bull's Eye. 


Every one in every continent every family of the earth should sing one of Majesty Shock Trail Music song   

Jah mek ya one with the I to infinity


Yah whey all of the heaven and the earth to infinity



Third soundtrack:--  Lion of Judah making us free from captivities of Principalities Human resource wasted in zero sum gain Banditry. Boundary extortion an loot taxes for the promise of attractive non-creation investment opportunity- Satanument USURY finance by Banditry might and power plunder. None a Serve all creator King ever honing value for less Global scaled net givers to infinity to all humanity of whom Jesus is Kings but Bloodsucking thief. You see Tree of Good an evil abomination of desolation you see.


The old USA was built by immigrants but they failed for 240 years to extend the UNION to Americas for truth the UNITED STATES Of America. In the captivity of revelling in National pride and all pride goes before a fall they have long topped out the blessing allowed to a UNION an they further attempted to bastardize the Americas by choosing their type of presidents  a unrepentant self-righteous vanguard in antichrist minded darkness vanguard of Gays and lesbianism Barack Obama who though rose by social media presided over the doubling of the nation debt of OLD USA from 10 trillion to 20 trillion USA plundering the planet China especially by Petrodollar a issues in counter Feith manner by government dollar that by the by the abominable spectre that is the Federal Reserve be sucking into exposure so low to 0 rate USURY. for they know their shame. that cant work But comes Donald Trump with the unstable unrighteousness that colored him with Tree immigrants wife' and topped out by being a savage to those who obey Jesus most Royal commands


~ Go to the uttermost parts of the earth

~ AND FOR THOSE WE COME TO `: Accept strangers for in doing so we accept Angel Unaware. not devils   Donald trump good and evil treatment of 14 million immigrants saying all manner of evil is antichrist for demonizing sodomizing from being Angels in unaware to being sodomized and demonize man.

I testify that I overcome the world and abide in Christ the vine and letting his words abide in me even still going about doing good and preaching the gospel the power of God unto salvation especially as being demonstrated from my economics and finance and christ background served to all as Jesus instruct us all to feed his sheeps. 



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