Website Designs: A Smart or Dumb Choice for Your Business?

Website Designs: A Smart or Dumb Choice for Your Business?

Website is one of the media through which you connect with your audience or consumers. Within the modern business environment most consumers, before reviewing your business’s physical existence, refers to your website for gathering information. Thus, a good website is always good to go. Good website design contributes in attracting a large number of audience which results in increasing customer base. It may also help you promote positive brand identity within the consumers. However, choosing the right website design is not an easy job, color, layout, fonts, typography, good graphics are all part of good website design that need to be maintained keeping in mind the targeted audience for your brand. Thus, a good website designs can never be a dumb choice for your business.?

However, it is not always true that website design can’t be a dumb choice, of course it can be a dumb choice if the website design is bad. A bad website design can forever print a bad impression for your business over consumer’s mind and can promote negative brand identity.

Thus we should always be aware of some of the elements that are necessary for good website design.

Simplicity: Maintaining simplicity in the designing part of your website is the best way to avoid bad impressions. It is also advised to avoid unnecessary design elements, use maximum five colors in your design, use highly legible typefaces, keep in mind text color contrasts with background color, do not use unnecessary graphics elements and only use it if it have any function in enhancing user experience.

Format: A good website design always focuses on having a logical format that can enhance user experience. It should focus on arranging and organizing website element so that visitors are attracted towards the most important elements of the website? ?

Navigation: Planning out intuitive navigation is very important part of website design. It helps users to search for their destination without any hesitation on the website. Some points to consider such as keeping the navigation structure simple, including navigation in the footer, use of breadcrumbs on every page except of home page so users remembers navigation trail, including search bar near the top your site and try using basic wireframe map.

Fast response: A responsive designs means using a flexible website structure. On a highly responsive site the contents can be automatically resized and reshuffled to fit in any dimensions as per the wish of visitors. This can be done by using mobile-friendly HTML templates, or by creating a special mobile site. You should also test your website’s cross-cross browser compatibility.

Accessibility: Website should be accessible to all users and while designing the website the designers should keep this in mind that their website do not limit or affect the browsing experience of any users. A website should be perceivable, operable, understandable and robust.

Thus, if the above conditions are met successfully while designing the website then website design can never be a bad choice for your business. A good website design maintains several conventions such as placing the main navigation at the top, placing logo on top, making the logo clickable so it brings users back to the homepage, ensuring image sliders have buttons to rotate slides and many others. Along with this credibility should also be there, like scamming people or false advertisement should be strictly prohibited through websites because it can forever print a negative impression for your business.?



