The WebP Conspiracy
Lothar Bongartz - Marketing Focused Website Building with Artificial Webdesigner Intelligence
More than six years ago a revolutionary new picture format was born – WebP.
WebP can compress like JPG, can be transparent like PNG and can animate like GIF.
WebP is the picture equivalent to the popular WebM video format.
WebP is open source supported by Google.
Google Chrome was amongst the first programs working with WebP files. Windows, Flash, Opera and most graphics software followed.
The Web is in the name; it is the perfect format for an environment, where size matters.
Unfortunately, Chrome and Opera are the only supporting web browsers so far. FireFox, IE, and Safari can’t handle it. There has to be a conspiracy, or they have already given up challenging Google’s browser technology the same way they have given up with search engines.
The advantages of WebP are too good to ignore. Picture dimensions and quality being comparable, I measured massive size optimisations with WebP:
JPG pictures will typically shrink 20% to 30%, PNGs 80%. I have even seen shrinking of SVG images.
When you use pictures for your 1der1 page, you can just drag files from your local drive into your page. 1der1 will then check if it’s worth to create a WebP version of the image as well.
Both pictures are then automatically stored as https pictures on the Amazon cloud.
If the browser can handle WebP, it will get the smaller WebP, otherwise the bigger standard file.
The whole process is transparent. Like your 1der1 page visitors, you as the designer never have to deal with it.
You are invited to check it out. Just register and get your free page building tool at
Lothar Bongartz
Founder 1der1