Webinar, pipeline, paper & more
In this monthly newsletter, we are sharing high-level news from CarboHyde, the company that you follow. You can learn more about the news and our pipeline on our website while our solution website has a lot of information on our science and technology including educational materials.
We started sharing some data about our recently partnered new cyclodextrin asset, KS-01, which we develop against triple negative breast cancer and other types of cancers.
A new paper out!
Sugammadex (SGM) is the first cyclodextrin (CD)-based selective relaxant binding agent. We investigated its ability to capture natural aminosteroid phytotoxins, and assessed its potential as an antidote for intoxication.
SGM significantly increased cell survival and reduced Solasodine (the toxic alkaloid chosen as model compound)?toxicity in mHippoE-14 mouse hippocampal embryonic cells, supporting the hypothesis that SGM could act as an antidote to SS's toxic effects.
Webinar on small molecule DDS
We are delivering a webinar as the last event for the year in December 5.
Join us for an illuminating webinar that traces the evolution of cyclodextrin-based drug delivery systems—from current mainstream applications towards future trends.The webinar will be streamed live, yet if you cannot attend, we will provide the registrants a link where you can also view the lecture on demand for a short period.
mRNA conference at Szeged, Hungary
We met Nobel Laurates and established fruitful collaborations for our gene delivery platform at the mRNA conference in Szeged.
There are two upcoming events where we participate in the organization next year.
EuroCD 2025 – 8th European Cyclodextrin Conference
The 8th European Cyclodextrin Conference will be held on 9-12 September 2025 in Milan, Italy organized by the University of Milan (Politechnico di Milano) and the Italian Society of Cyclodextrin Chemistry and Technology.
Abstract submission is open till 1 April 2025 on the website: https://indico.chem.polimi.it/event/98/page/44-call-for-abstracts-topics
The 8th European Cyclodextrin Conference marks the first edition of the award. This award aims to recognize an emerging talent in cyclodextrin chemistry, with particular attention to the originality of research, interdisciplinary content, and potential societal impact. The award will be presented in person by Prof. Thorsteinn Loftsson during the conference’s closing ceremony. The winner will deliver a brief oral acknowledgment, highlighting the potential future developments of their research.
Our CEO, Tamas Sohajda sits in the scientific advisory board for the event.
Cyclodextrin Summer School 2025
The VI International Summer School on Cyclodextrins welcomes graduate students, Ph.D students, post-doc students and young researchers interested in all the aspects of cyclodextrin chemistry and applications.
The lectures will be held by outstanding teachers and will cover all the topics related to Cyclodextrins. All the lessons will be strongly oriented to teaching and transmission of know-how. Our CSO, Milo Malanga is - as usual - one of the prefessors here.
The participants are invited to submit contributions for flash oral presentations for the discussion of recent individual results. Poster should be also prepared. Presentation awards will be organized.
Learn more, submit your abstract and register: https://www.isscd2025.it/
Want to play with Sugammadex in AR?
We are happy to share this little beta version game that Balázs Attila Kondoros and Kristóf Felegyi put together during their Bicyclos HEurope secondment.
Special thanks for the support and guidance of Angel Pi?eiro and Rebeca Garcia-Fandino for their amazing work. Molvelle AR Software was developed within the framework of the European Bicyclos project (EC-funded Staff Exchange project n° 101130235) in collaboration with the University of Santiago de Compostela, MD.USE Innovative Solutions S.L., Carbohyde, and IES Rosalía de Castro, Santiago de Compostela.
De Remediis
It's a new peer-reviewed journal, initiated by University of Debrecen and led by dear colleagues ágnes Rusznyák and Dániel Nemes.
Tamas Sohajda also has the honor of serving on the advisory board, along with many leaders of the Hungarian Pharma community.
Every important information and the online submission site now is available and open at https://ojs.lib.unideb.hu/de-remediis. The submission deadline for the first issue is 20th of November.
Next steps of the Bicyclos HEurope project for CarboHyde include welcoming Fahad Khan Tareen from Università di Pavia Cristina Bonferoni‘s lab to work on some nasal formulations with us.
In the meantime, two members are visiting Irene Taurino, PhD in Leuven to work on cyclodextrin polymers to be used in medical devices.