Webinar invitation              
  'Acoustics - Visualizing the Invisible'?

Webinar invitation 'Acoustics - Visualizing the Invisible'

Webinar invitation

'Acoustics - Visualizing the Invisible'

Happening online: 8 SEPTEMBER 2022 | 15:00 - 16:00 (CET)

This is the fourth session in a four-part webinar series by Swegon Air Academy to help you understand how to 'visualize the invisible' by discussing the indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in general, and how acoustics forms a key part.

?Sign up for this webinar to learn:?

  • Why acoustics is a cornerstone within IEQ
  • How sound affects our health and well being as well as productivity
  • Acoustic demands of today and how to interpret them
  • Research and development looking forward

This webinar is free to attend online via Zoom and hosted by the Swegon Air Academy.

Register for this webinar about Acoustics

Swegon Air Academy Webinars

We share the knowledge through a series of webinars. You can watch the recordings of our webinars about the indoor climate.

Click here to check all Swegon Air Academy webinars

?Warm Regards,

From the Swegon Air Academy Team and Your Representative at AirTelligence. 480-419-9466 www.airtelligence.com

If you need help getting enrolled in this webinar please call the number above. We are happy to help.

Another excellent webinar. Be sure to sign up early. Acoustics is almost a black art so having it explained is great.



