Webinar “Environmental citizen sensing: social participation, arts and technology”

Webinar “Environmental citizen sensing: social participation, arts and technology”

Web2Learn organises a webinar on “Environmental citizen sensing: social participation, arts and technology” on December 6th, at 11 CET.

The webinar will present #environmental #citizen #sensing actions and their contribution in enhancing citizen engagement, social participation and deliberation. The event will also turn the attention to the role of #art and #technology in bringing together and engaging diverse publics in social and environmental actions.


  • Anna Berti Suman, Marie Sk?odowska-Curie fellow at the European Commission Joint Research Centre. Anna will share insights from the 'Sensing for Justice'? project (SensJus).?
  • Sofia Greaves, post-doc researcher at the Postgrowth Innovation Lab, University of Vigo. Sofia will talk about how art can help mediate among different publics.?
  • Stefania Oikonomou, Research collaborator at Web2Learn; Stefania will discuss citizen deliberation in practice in the education sector,? with emphasis in professional training.

Moderator: Katerina Zourou, Head of Web2Learn, Researcher on technology enhanced learning.

The webinar builds on the open access Guide “Citizen engagement and deliberative democracy for climate action in VET”, available here.

Please register here: https://tinyurl.com/greenveters

The webinar is part of the EU-funded GreenVETers project.

#CitizenScience #CitizenSensing #Art #Environment #Technology #SocialJustice #CitizenDeliberation? Anna Berti Suman Stefania Oikonomou Sofia Rafaella Greaves



