Webinar: Dr. Mark L. Brusseau to Address PFAS Transport in Vadose Zone and MAR Implications
Ground Water Protection Council
The Ground Water Protection Council promotes protection and conservation of groundwater resources for all uses.
The GWPC ASR-MAR Work Group's next quarterly webinar will feature Dr. Mark L. Brusseau from the University of Arizona and will take place on April 2, 2024, from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM Central Time.
This free webinar series highlights key ASR-MAR issues in the United States.
Dr. Brusseau will discuss PFAS Transport in the Vadose Zone - Implications for Managed Aquifer Recharge.
PFAS have been determined to be present in soils at numerous sites, originating from a variety of source inputs. One critical concern for sites with PFAS-impacted soils is potential leaching through the vadose zone and subsequent impacts to groundwater.This webinar will discuss the physical-chemical properties and mass-partitioning processes that influence the retention and leaching of PFAS in the vadose zone. Results from bench-scale experiments, mathematical-modeling studies, and field investigations will be used to illustrate the unique transport properties of PFAS. A recent case study that investigated the presence of PFAS in a managed aquifer recharge (MAR) site will be presented. Implications of the unique transport and fate properties of PFAS for MAR applications will be discussed.
About Dr. Brusseau
Mark Brusseau is a Professor of Hydrology and Environmental Chemistry at the University of Arizona. He is a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union, the Geological Society of America, and the Soil Science Society of America. His research is focused on developing a fundamental understanding of the factors and processes influencing the transport and fate of contaminants in the subsurface. He is also interested in the development and evaluation of innovative subsurface characterization and remediation technologies, and the evaluation of risks posed to human health by contamination. Recent research efforts have focused on the transport and fate behavior of PFAS in subsurface environments. This includes experiment-based investigations of PFAS retention and transport processes, the development of mathematical models and screening tools, and field-based studies of PFAS leaching and mass discharge.
How to Register
This is a free event; however, pre-registration is required. Register Here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8955917370890635360?source=Linked+In
#managedaquiferrecharge #MAR #PFAS #groundwaterprotection #groundwater
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