Webinar: Connect to Your Spiritual Guides, Teachers and Power Animals

Webinar: Connect to Your Spiritual Guides, Teachers and Power Animals

Would you like to connect with and gain the maximum benefits, encouragement and support from your Spiritual Guides, Teachers and Power Animals? Would you like to be able to call them in so you can gain their wisdom, help and support?

My name is Juliann Calvey, and I just met Michael Bradford barely a week ago. He is an amazing International Spiritual Teacher, Healer and Shaman, who will be joining with me to teach this Webinar on June 28th at 1:00 pm CST. 

The subject matter will be understanding and connecting with your Spiritual Guides and Teachers. This will include everything you ever wanted to know about Guides, Teachers and Power Animals. Power Animals can help you to attain specific skills and strengths. 

My life turned around the day I met Michael. Without giving him much information about myself, Michael used his intuition to energetically scan my energy field. 

Immediately he was able to pinpoint precisely what had been sabotaging me, my health and my business - and, even more important, he was able to guide me to clear these blockages in a matter of an hour. I was impressed!

Michael accesses energies that lie beyond third dimensional reality. At this level, all information and the concept of instantaneous healing are available.

After that experience with Michael, we have teamed-up to help as many people as possible. Both of us will be sharing our wisdom and experiences with you on this Webinar. Plus, we will both be taking live callers. So get your questions ready!

There are many other benefits to attending this Webinar. One of these is your chance to work with me and with Michael for only $19.97.

The other reason is the $100 value in Free Sign-Up Gifts we are giving you.


Michael and I will be giving away FREE gifts, including Michael's phenomenal healing guided meditation (MP3) entitled, "The Sacred Healing Room," which in itself is worth $20.

However we have even more gifts for you ... including some of Michael's Poetry and Articles he has written. 

The final bonus is a $50 Discount Certificate, which can be applied toward a private session with Michael. 

These bonuses total over $100 in Value ... and can be life changing! So please sign up as soon as possible. 

The Webinar will be recorded and all who sign up will receive a copy of the recording.

To join and gain the full benefit of this Webinar please click on this link:

Spirit Guides Webinar

Click HERE to see Michael's Credentials and Private Session Information. 


NLP Power Coach is owned and operated by Juliann Calvey, a triple-certified Life Coach who has Mastered NLP techniques which access the unconscious mind wherein what drives our lives and what is not our truth. This is how we how we can make real long-term transformation. 


Julie has recently teamed-up with Michael Bradford, a multi-dimensional being who reads energy patterns and is able to assist people in their healing and transformation process, usually within one session. He assists in clearing your energy, as well as giving you very accurate guidance regarding what you can do to assist yourself in moving forward.  

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