Webinar: The benefits of a wear detection system in high precision combustion engine friction testing
Dear colleagues,
combustion engines still motor the major share of mobility and it was never more important to bring them to highest levels of effiency than today. Current engine generations are, however, on such highly optimised levels of effiency that high precision energy friction tests are required. However, that's old news and test-rigs like our Friction dynamometer FRIDA serve these needs.
What's new then?
We developed a new wear debris detection system! Great thing about it is we can now monitor the entire engine wear (no RNT) in real time, minimise the risc of failure when testing prototype parts, monitor engine running-in and compare how different optimisations affect global engine wear. That's a new and extremely powerful tool and we would like to share some first results with you in the upcoming free webinar.
If you're interested, please join us - only a free registration is required!
I do the same webinar on two dates so this hopefully gives everyone who is interested the possibility to join!
Looking forward to meet you online!
PS: if you have any trouble to register, join or you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or give me an old fashioned phone call at 0043 316 873 4006.
Please register for free at:
Duration of presentation: about 25min, afterwards time for discussion and questions
Dates (same webinar):
Monday 14.2.2022 16-17:00 CET (UTC+1)
Thursday 17.2.2022 9-10:00 CET (UTC+1)