The Web of Trust
Everyday all of us type a web address into a browser or click on a link provided by a search engine and interact with the web sites that are presented.
Whilst we should always be vigilant, on many occasions we will simply trust that the site we are interacting with is genuine and the data flowing between us and it is secure.
Our browsers do a good job of making sure our surfing is safe, but how exactly is that being achieved. How do we create trust between a website and its users?
Netscape first attempted to solve this trust problem by introducing the Socket Secure Layer (SSL) protocol in the early 90s. Initial versions of the protocol still had many flaws but by the release of SSLv3.0 in 1996 it had matured into a technology that was able to provide a mechanism for trust on the web.
As SSL became a foundational part of the web, and because security related protocols always have to be under constant evolution to maintain safety, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) developed Transport Layer Security (TLS) in 1999 as an enhancement to SSLv3.0.
TLS has continued to be developed with TLSv1.3 being released in 2018.
Its primary purpose is to ensure data being exchanged by a server and a client is secured, but also to establish a level of trust such that the two parties can be sure who they are exchanging the data with.
Creating this functionality relies on a few different elements.
Public Key Encryption
Public key encryption is a form of asymmetric encryption that uses a pair of related keys deemed public and private.
The mathematics behind this relationship between the keys is too complex to go into in this post, but the functionality it provides is based on the fact that the public key can be used to encrypt data that only the private key can decrypt.
This means the public key can be freely distributed and used to encrypt data that only the holder of the private key can decrypt.
The keys can also be used to produce and verify digital signatures. This involves the holder of some data using a mathematical process to "sign" this data using their private key.
The receiver of the data can use the public key to verify the signature and therefore prove that the data came from someone who has the corresponding private key.
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) builds on top of the functionality provided by public key encryption to provide a system for establishing trust between client and server.
This is achieved via the issuance of digital certificates from a Certificate Authority (CA).
The CA is at the heart of the trust relationship of the web. When two parties, the client and server, are trying to form a trust relationship they must delegate to a 3rd party that they both already trust, this is the CA.
The CA establishes the identity of the organisation the client will interact with via off line means and issues a digital certificate. This certificate establishes the identity of the organisation, its public key and is signed by the CA to prove it was the one that issued the certificate.
A client when it receives the certificate from the server can use the CA's public key to verify the signature and therefore trust the data in the certificate.
It's possible to have various levels of CA's that may delegate trust to other CA's, deemed intermediary CA's. But all certificates should ultimately be able to be traced back to a so called Root CA that all parties on the web have agreed to trust and whose public keys are available to all participants.
Certificates and Handshakes
All of the systems previously described are combined whenever we visit a web site to establish trust and security.
There are certain pieces of functionality that are fundamental to allowing the web to operate in the way it does.
Without the functionality provided by SSL/TLS it wouldn't be possible to use the web as freely as we do whilst also trusting that we can do so in a safe and secure manner.