1.?Modern JavaScript Explained For Dinosaurs
This is probably the best explanation I’ve ever seen about modern frontend development workflow, and if you are new to JavaScript or web development, you must read this article. You will learn so much about JavaScript by just reading this one article. If you have looked at JavaScript 10 years ago and want to get up-to-speed quickly, definitely read this article
And, if you want to learn more about JavaScript?The Complete JavaScript Course?by Jonas Schemdtmann on Udemy is the best course for web developers.
2.?The Web Developer RoadMap
This is not just an article of the sort but a?fantastic resource?on what it takes to become a Web developer. It lists all the technologies and tools a Web developer should be familiar with. I really liked those mind-maps which appear now in many other places on the web. It effectively complements?The Web Developer Bootcamp?course, which teaches you most of the technologies mentioned in this roadmap.
3. Web Architecture 101
The basic architecture concepts which I believe every web developer should learn and understand. If you have just started with web development, you may find it complicated, but it’s worth reading. I won’t say much, as the below diagram says it all. I always try to understand the flow before doing any change or while debugging issues. Once you know workflow like where is the input coming from, where is the logic and data, and how the response is returned makes a lot of difference in your day-to-day work.
And, If you’re looking for a complete course on web application and software architecture, I recommend checking out?Web Application and Software Architecture 101. This is a useful course for anyone looking to strengthen their overall knowledge of software architecture.
4. Modern CSS Explained For Dinosaur
This is another masterpiece from Peter Jang, author of the very first article in this list, but this time, he has covered CSS, another pillar of web development. To be honest, like JavaScript, CSS has also changed a lot, and if you haven’t used CSS for a long time, this article will bring you up to speed.
And, if you want to learn more, in a much-structured way, this?Advanced CSS and Sass: Flexbox, Grid, and more?by Jonas Schedtmann is another great resource to follow-up. The best thing is that both of these articles are free articles on Medium.
5.?Learn these JavaScript fundamentals and become a better developer
The power of JavaScript lies in its simplicity, and Knowing the JavaScript fundamentals makes us better at understanding and using the language. This article will teach you some JavaScript fundamentals which many web developers overlook.
If you want to learn more, you can also read the author’s?Discover Functional JavaScript?book, which was named one of the best new Functional Programming books by BookAuthority.
6.?What exactly is Node.js
Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment. Sounds great, but what does that mean? How does that work? All of these questions have been answered in this article. Since Node.js is a must for any serious web developer in today’s world,, particularly for full-stack developers, a good understanding of Node.js goes a long way.
This is the best article to learn and understand Node.js, but if you want to learn more,?The Complete Node.js Developer Course?by Andrew J. Mead on Udemy is another awesome resource.
7.?Top 10 JavaScript Frameworks to Learn in Depth
This is another fantastic article with a list of fantastic JavaScript frameworks for both frontend and backend development like?Angular,?Reactjs,?Nodejs, etc. It will teach you the key technologies and frameworks needed to become a modern front-end and back-end developer.
This article also contains resources like?The Complete Web Development Bootcamp?course by Angela Yu where you can learn those Javascript frameworks. I strongly recommend reading them, especially if you want to become a full-stack Web Developer.
8.?RESTful API Designing guidelines — The best practices
REST APIs have transformed how the web should function. It’s also paved a road for mobile devices showing content from the web. Facebook, Google, Github, Netflix, and few other tech giants have given a chance to the developers to consume their data through APIs and became a platform for them.
This article teaches you some hard-earned best practices for designing your own REST APIs. Though, if you are new to REST, I first suggest you go through?REST Fundamentals?By Howard Dierking on Pluralsight before attempting these best practices.